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Husband committing Zina repeatedly

No woman can ignore her husband’s acts of Haram. But the issue here is, how to handle it.

In many cases, men or women go through phases in their life of weakness in their faith, vulnerability against Haram and they fall into such acts.


These people including your husband should be helped to quit first. You did mention that when you confronted him he felt remorse and guilty and that is something we can build on.


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He might need counselling, spiritual support and strong social presence by family.


Now all this is based on him admitting to wrong doing, asking for a new chance and willing to change.


If you feel that he has no interest in quitting and insisting of relations in Haram, it will be your call to think about other options even if it has to lead to separation.


Almighty Allah knows best.

Thursday, Jan. 01, 1970 | 00:00 - 00:00 GMT

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