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Should I remove my hijab if my parents ask me to?

In the Name of Allah, the All-Merciful, the Mercy-Giving

All praise is due to Allah. Peace and blessings be upon his Messenger.

Hijab is a religious obligation established by the Qur’an, Prophetic statements and traditions, and consensus of Muslim scholars.


In principle, a Muslim has to observe his religious obligations unless he/she finds himself/herself in a case of necessity, in which case prohibited things becomes temporarily permissible.

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One of the main goals of the current Islamophobia is to force Muslims to be ashamed and fearful of their identity and Islamic practices. Media often magnify the attacks that Muslims face with the intention of instilling fear into their hearts to achieve this purpose.


Therefore, a true Muslim may not compromise his religious obligations and practices unless in a real case of necessity.


Of course, the situation differ from one country to another and from one case to another.


With regard to hijab, we need to highlight the following points:


1- It is not permissible for a Muslim to live in a country where he/she cannot practice his/her religious obligations and rituals. So, if a Muslim woman lives in such a condition where she cannot wear hijab, she needs to migrate to another place where she can wear it freely, if she can do so.


2- If she cannot migrate, she has to stay at home to avoid any kind of harassment or physical assault and only goes out when necessary as long as she has a family or someone who looks after her affairs. Usually such attacks and violence remain for a short time and then disappears.


3- If she has to go out to take care of her own affairs or her family’s affairs, then the danger she faces needs to be assessed:


1- If she faces bearable abuse (verbal abuses, for example), she may not take off her hijab; but she has to remain steadfast and be patient for the sake of Allah and regard this a test for her faith. Allah SWT says, “Do people think that they will be left [simply] to say: We believe! and they will not be put to the test? Yet, very truly, We have tested [all] those [who came] before them. Thus God shall, most surely, distinguish those who speak the truth [about their belief]. And He shall, most surely, distinguish the liars.” (Al-`Ankabut 29:2-3)A Muslim woman will get multiplied reward for such patience, which also gives support to other Muslim women and shows how Muslims are committed to their religious obligations.


2- If she faces unbearable danger, such as the danger of being beaten or even killed, then she may abandon the distinguishable Islamic headscarf and replace it with a hat or the like head coverings that are commonly worn by other non-Muslim women in her community. If there is no such head coverings at all (which is unusual case), then she may, under such a dire necessity, go with her head uncovered. But even in such cases of necessity, she must be always looking for the suitable time to wear her full hijab.


May Allah protect all Muslim women and grant them help and support.


Almighty Allah knows best.

Thursday, Jan. 01, 1970 | 00:00 - 00:00 GMT

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