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The Concept of Free Will

The purpose was set clearly in many verses of the Qur’an. Life is a test and our task as believers is to be filling into our own common sense purpose in life to serve the One Allah the Almighty whom we owe Him everything and that term is called worship.


To know that Allah is testing us purposely, look around you. Everything around you have a purpose to serve from wind to wood from rivers to bacteria and interestingly it all rotate around serving us humans!


So the question is: what is my purpose? Allah told you that the most honorable thing for you is to live a purpose not to things that were made to serve you like wealth, fame, power etc but rather to the One you owe him your existence.

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As far as to decisions, of course He the Almighty controls all matters of life including our decisions. But pay attention, that does not mean He the Almighty forces you on it but rather make it happen for you. You need God’s power and permission to do anything in life even moving your eyebrows.


So in short, think of you having a major store you built with shelves you made and merchandise you set. Then imagine you gave me 1000 dollars to shop. Now, anything I shop will be part of what you set in that store. I cannot shop something that you did not control and set. Now to Allah belongs the greatest example. He created this world and put good and evil in it and gave us our minds to choose. Whatever we choose is something already out there set by God, but we make the choices…

Thursday, Jan. 01, 1970 | 00:00 - 00:00 GMT

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