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Context of allowing drinking camels urine

Wa `alaykum As-Salamu wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh


In the Name of Allah, the All-Merciful, the Mercy-Giving


All praise is due to Allah. Peace and blessings be upon His Messenger Muhammad.

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The ḥadῑth was narrated by Anas ibn Mālik (may Allāh be pleased with him). He described how a group of people from the tribe of ῾Ukl or ῾Uraynah arrived in Madῑnah. In the commentary of the ḥadῑth, Shaykh al-Islām Ibn Ḥajar al-῾Asqalāni, in his monumental Fatḥ al-Bāri, states that they embraced Islām, but fell very ill due to the climate, food and flu of Madῑnah. Ibn Ḥajar mentions that there is indication that when they arrived in Madῑnah, they were already ill. Their illness was extreme malnutrition and weakness. Their color had turned pale. They came to the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ and complained about their critical condition. He told them to go to a herd of milk camels that were kept in the plains outside Madῑnah and drink their urine and milk. In his commentary on Ṣaḥῑḥ Muslim, ῾Allāmah Mufti Muḥammad Taqi ῾Uthmāni mentions various narrations that state that the camels belonged to the Messenger of Allāh (peace be upon him), or that amongst the camels were some that belonged to the Messenger of Allāh (peace be upon him). Some narrations of the ḥadῑth state that the camels were of ṣadaqah. When these individuals went, and drank the urine and milk of the camels, they regained good health. They then killed the shepherd of the Messenger of Allāh and stole the camels. According to some narrations, they put on weight and regained strength.

Abu Ḥanῑfah, al-Shāfi῾i, Abu Yūsuf, Abu Thawr and many others argue that the Messenger of Allāh (peace be upon him) permitted them to drink the urine of camels due to necessity (at the time, and for those particular individuals). Therefore, this incident cannot be taken as evidence where such a necessity does not exist. There are many other instances in the Sharῑ῾ah when, due to necessity, an impermissible thing is allowed. For example, the wearing of silk is unlawful for men. It is permitted in the battlefield, due to certain skin conditions and extreme cold, when an alternative cannot be found.


The most satisfactory explanation for the incident of the people of ῾Uraynah is that the Messenger of Allāh (peace be upon him) knew through revelation that their cure lay in the drinking of camel urine. Using ḥarām substance as medical remedy is permissible when there is certainty of cure, in the absence of a ḥalāl alternative. For example, eating of a carcass when one fears death due to extreme hunger; drinking of wine due to extreme thirst or in order to clear food that is stuck in the throat, in the absence of anything else. Allāh Most High says,

Why should you not eat of (meats) on which Allah’s name has been pronounced, when He has explained to you in detail what is forbidden to you – except under compulsion of extreme necessity? (Al-An῾ām 6:119)

῾Allāmah Mufti Muḥammad Taqi ῾Uthmāni argues that the ḥadῑth of the people of ῾Uraynah was abrogated by later ḥadῑths, which established the filthiness of urine.

A third explanation for the ḥadῑth under discussion is that the command was to drink camel milk and snuff camel urine, while urine has been put in conjunction with milk by way of inclusion in expression [only]. […] This has been elaborated by Ibn Hishām in Mughni ‘l-Labῑb (2:193, 2:169, 1:32) in the beginning of the fifth chapter of the second volume.

However, scientific research proved the effectiveness of camel milk and urine in treatment of some diseases. You can download and read some of those researches at the following links:


Almighty Allah knows best.


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