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Got Fatwa Questions? Ask Our Scholar (Live Fatwa Session)

Dear Brothers/Sisters,

Thank you very much for joining us in this Fatwa session. We would also like to thank our guest, Sheikh Ahmad Kutty, for answering the questions directed to him. You will find the answers to your questions below. 

Question 1:

I have been in a relationship with a Christian girl with whom i have a strong connection for about 7 years. And i now come to realization that why this kind of relationship is Haraam in islam as it brought me to a painful ending. I know am trying to move on with the breakup and i need help ?

Answer 1:

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I commend you for feeling remorse over your illicit relationship with the girl. Now that you regret it, you must cut it cold turkey and seek repentance. Repentance, however, is not limited to feeling sorry for it; on the contrary, it requires that you refrain from such activities immediately, resolve never to repeat the same, and make amends by following it up with good deeds.

You can seek the help of Allah by turning to Him for help. Here are some tips you can follow to succeed in your efforts to wean off sins:

Sins are addictive, for it is in the very nature of the carnal soul to seek pleasure in sins. As Busiri has rightly said, “Carnal soul is a like a baby; if you neglect him, he will grow up clinging on to the breast-milk forever, but if you wean him off, he will be weaned off.”

I suggest a few tips which you can use to empower yourself:

1) Visualize and meditate on the ugliness of this heinous sin and conjure up images of hell fire as painted in the Qur’an and the Sunnah as many times as possible until such time that whenever you are tempted to visit such sites or view such scenes will be constantly playing in the screen of your mind; thus even as you have associated this addiction with pleasure you will come to associate it with pure pain and suffering.

2) Convince yourself—by taking all measures such as listing all the negative things about such habits, and listing the verses and traditions about the gravity of sins—of the urgency of removing this malignant cancer from your life; remember it is far more serious than cancer attacking your body since your soul survives you even after your physical body has disintegrated in the earth.

3) Imagine how terrible a loss you will be facing were you to die while being addicted to this most heinous sin?

4) Seek strength from Allah by crying to Him for succour; but you can never seek the help of Allah unless you seek to establish connection with Him through regular Prayers; so never be slack in Your Prayers.

5) Schedule your time in such a way that you are never left with any time to think of such matters; Imam Shafi said: “If you don’t occupy your mind with good works, your carnal soul will make you busy in bad deeds!”

6) Surround yourself with spiritual and Islamic influences and virtually immerse yourself in them.

7) Always hang around with good Muslims who are busy doing good works; join a halaqah where spiritual training is imparted together with study of Islam

8) Make your mind and tongue busy with dhikr Allah; say the following words and others frequently:

Subhaana Allaah; al-hamdu li Allah; laa ilaaha illa Allaah, Allaahu akbar;
wa laa hawla walaa quwwata illaa bi Allaah; astaghfir Allaaha al-azeem min kulli dhanbin wa atoobu ilaahi
(Glory be to Allah; praise be to Allah; there is no god but Allah, Allah is Great; there is no power or strength except by the will of Allah; I ask forgiveness of Allah from all my sins and repent to Him.)

9) Once you have been weaned of these pernicious habits, you should seriously consider marriage; marriage is the protection against temptations.

I pray that the Beneficent Lord of Mercy save us all from the evil inclinations of our souls and make us hate disbelief, transgressions and sins; and may He endear to our hearts faith and good works-aameen.

Question 2:

I was born with beautiful and full eyebrows alhamdulilah. But a few years ago, people started complimenting my parents on them, and since then I’ve been losing my eyebrows. I think it might be because they have been “eyeing” me so much. I have tried different medicines and oils, but nothing has worked. Now I don’t know what to do and wonder how to proceed. I am considering a hair transplant in the future, but am not sure if it is the right way to go. What do you recommend?

Answer 2:

Your suspicion that you are losing your eyebrows because of evil eyes is unwarranted. You should dismiss such thoughts and seek professional help. They can suggest scientific ways of curing the problem. Since eyebrows are essential, if the professionals think the only recourse for you is a hair transplant, you may go for it for help. However, simply seeking it for cosmetic purposes is not permissible in Islam.

Question 3:

Is it allowed to celebrate the Gregorian new year and wish happy new year?

Answer 3:

There is no harm in expressing joy and thanking Allah during such occasions as long as we shun specific rituals or practices that are objectionable in the sight of Allah. Islam is a life-affirming faith; it does not restrict people from celebrating events or occasions in life that are meaningful for them.

One of the golden rules of Islamic jurisprudence is that everything is permitted unless explicitly forbidden. Since no text prohibits such celebrations, it is deemed permissible.

Having said this, I must rush to point out that while getting together on such occasions, we must shun wasteful habits and guard against forbidden or undesirable practices in Islam.

I pray Allah blesses us with discernment in all our affairs.

Question 4:

Is it most that u must bath ritual bath after watching porn and masturbated?

Answer 4:

You ought to perform a ritual bath in case of seminal ejaculation. However, I am surprised at your failure to recognize the gravity of the sin you are committing. Such addictions are indeed extremely pernicious; persistence in such sins could result in the death of your soul, and thus you could end up risking your salvation.

So, I urge you to quit such habits and seek repentance. As for some tips to help you overcome this habit, please refer to the answer above to a similar question.

Question 5:

We registered with Wishmall where we recharge a certain amount of money (which is refunded ). This recharge makes you a member to do an On-site Promotion for the company. Daily commissions varies according to your level of recharge. You are given a daily tasks according to your level and you get your commission daily. You can withdraw it as you like.

But Wishmall is also using a Pyramid Scheme networking like inviting others to join. They will automatically get their commissions daily and you too will get bonuses from their daily tasks automatically into your work account.
I know Pyramid Scheme of networking is haram but we don’t buy anything but we carry out our daily tasks to earn some commissions instantly to our accounts.
Is this halal altogether or should we give our extra bonuses as charity?

Answer 5:

I am sorry I don’t answer questions on financial matters. You may contact Dr. Monzer Kahf, an Islamic finance expert. You may get in touch with him here:

Question 6:

I have been very very ill with chronic depression recently, I have been out of work for almost 6 months bedridden, sometimes unable to move, and I had to see the local crisis team. I have exhausted all available channels to support myself. An idea was floated around that I should get a dog to support me, something to be there unconditionally and force me to get up and about. I did do research on whether keeping a dog for that reason was halal and I found a mixture of opinions but I soon felt it necessary and got a dog. Today I was stopped and asked about the dog and now I am unsure. Was it OK to get a dog in this circumstance?

Answer 6:

I pray to Allah to help you overcome your challenges by granting you a speedy recovery.

Now coming to your question, a dog in itself cannot be considered wholly unclean, although its saliva has been considered as such by most scholars. However, the Qur’an clearly states that we can train the dogs to catch games, which are lawful for Muslims to consume.

Allah says:

“They ask you what is permitted for them. Say, ‘Permitted for you are all good things, including what trained dogs and falcons catch for you.’ You train them according to what God has taught you. So, eat from what they catch for you, and pronounce God’s name over it. And fear God. God is Swift in reckoning.” (Al-Ma’idah 5: 4)

Based on this and other evidence in the sources, scholars have concluded that there is no objection to keeping dogs for rendering beneficial services, including hunting, shepherding cattle, guarding, policing, etc. 

Using dogs for therapeutic purposes is proven helpful. We learn that dogs have been used for both “physical and emotional, of people in hospitals, seniors’ residences, nursing homes, daycare centers, special needs schools, psychiatric hospitals, and many other places where people may be restricted from having pets. The medical profession has widely acknowledged that stroking and petting animals can have a calming effect, lower blood pressure, and relieve tension.”

The verse cited earlier mentions the training of dogs for human benefit; there is no need to limit it to catching games; scholars have listed several other uses of dogs. Keeping a dog for treating depression and other conditions is a genuine use.

Therefore, if the medical professional determines that getting a dog to treat your depression will be beneficial, then there is no objection if you get a dog.

However, a question arises regarding the issues of purity and impurity. You may resolve this issue if you avoid contacting the dog’s saliva directly.

If it is hard to do so, you may be excused as the rigor of the laws will be relaxed in her case because of her exceptional circumstances. That is the fatwa Imam Ibn Taymiyyah gave to the shepherds and others who use dogs for essential services and, therefore, cannot avoid coming in direct contact with dogs and their saliva.

The principle of jurisprudence, ‘where there is a real hardship, the rigor of the laws is relaxed’, therefore, must be applied here. Allah says, “Allah wills that you shall have ease, and does not will you to suffer hardship.” (Al-Baqarah 2:185)

Question 7:

i asked one of my friends for some change in which I said “Wallahi I will pay you back” but he then after said it’s okay you don’t have to I’ll give you it anyways. If I do not give the money do I have to fast

Answer 7:

You do no need to expiate for this as the person has forgiven you the debt you owe him. So, you did not deliberately breach your oath. However, you should ask forgiveness of Allah.

Question 8:

life is unbearable and i am suffering from mental illnesses, daily nightmares and life hardships and im done with living, i dont think about suicide but i want Allah to erase me from existence as if i was never born, i wake up in the last third of the night to make this duaa for Allah to undo my birth and undo my creation but the only relevant response i had was a lucid dream of a man that said “listener, live quietly” , can this be interpreted as a sign from Allah that this Duaa is haram or is it permissible to keep asking it ? jazakom allah khair

Answer 8:

We are not allowed to pray against ourselves. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “Do not pray against yourselves or your children or your possessions.”

I empathize with your challenges and pray to Allah to grant you relief and strength to face the challenges.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “All the tests and pains that a believer faces in their life become sources or means of purification for them so that they are enabled to meet Allah with a clean slate.”  (Al-Bukhari)

Allah describes the true believers:

“We will certainly test you with a touch of fear and famine and loss of property, life, and crops. Give good news to those who patiently endure—who, when faced with a disaster, say, “Surely to Allah, we belong and to Him, we will ˹all˺ return.”  They are the ones who will receive Allah’s blessings and mercy. And it is they who are ˹rightly˺ guided.” (Al-Baqarah 2: 155-157)

You may do well to remember the many tests that the Prophet (peace be upon him) faced in his life; Allah took his father before he was born and his mother at the age of six, and his sons one after the other because they passed their toddlerhood, and took his wife and his uncle when they were the only pillars of support for them. Yet, he accepted the will of Allah without complaining.

Therefore, I urge you to repent and seek the forgiveness of Allah and resolve in your mind not to repeat such mistakes.

The dream you have experienced can be considered a sign from Allah reminding you to be patient and never lose faith in Allah. I pray to Allah to ease your pain and suffering and make them a means of purification for you.

Question 9:

I wanted to ask if I can clean my eyebrows without shaping them. I know that shaping them in Islam is extremely prohibited but my brows can get very bushy and messy and it makes me uncomfortable. I just want to remove the extra hair surrounding it. Is it permissible?
Jazakum Allah khair

Answer 9:

There is a difference of opinion among scholars regarding whether one is permitted in Islam to shape or trim one’s eyebrows.

According to a group of scholars, shaping one’s eye-brows is considered as forbidden, and they cite the following statement of the Prophet (peace be upon him): “Allah has cursed women who tattoo their bodies, wear false hair, those who pluck their eye-brows, and those who artificially widen gaps between their teeth.” They say: shaping eyebrows or trimming them falls under the same rule.

As opposed to the above, other scholars consider shaping eyebrows or trimming them to be permissible. They say: the prohibition in the above hadith is specifically refers to plucking eye-brows, and it is prohibited because it is akin to mutilation, and also it is more likely to result in defaming one’s face. As opposed to this, shaping eyebrows– if they are excessively lengthy or thinning them if they are excessively thick– is enhancing Allah’s creation, rather than mutilating it. Its analogy, therefore, is to trimming of moustache or cutting of hair, etc., which are not only permissible but may also be recommended.

In light of the above, according to these scholars, it is considered permissible to shape or trim one’s eye brows if they are excessively lengthy or thick for the purpose of appearing neat and tidy.

Question 10:

I’ve been married for 3 years, I recently left Islam, said statements of kufr, stopped praying, left my wife and then immediately committed zina. Now I feel that hidayah has come to me and I feel terrible, I committed the zina while my wife was still in her iddah and now I want to take Shahada again and continue our marriage. My question is were we still technically married when I committed zina or were we divorced due to my kufr… I’m hurting so much from this, I never wanted to hurt my wife, I don’t know what happened.

She doesn’t know, but I do and it’s killing me now. I would feel better if we were divorced at the time of the zina but I need to know if our marriage contract was still valid even though I was kafir. Thank you and I’m sorry 🙁

Answer 10:

If you renounce Islam, then your marriage is automatically dissolved. Therefore, you cannot get back with her unless you repent, return to Islam by declaring the shahadah or testimony of faith, and renewing your marriage contract through a nikah.

As for the details on repentance, you may refer to the answer linked below:

Committed Many Sins: Can I Hope For Repentance?

Question 11:

Is going to the pool haram

I don’t think it is

Answer 11:

It all depends on what kind of pool you are referring to. If it is a pool serving both men and women, then you should stay away from it; if, however, it has set aside different timings for men and women, then if you are a man, you can go there when only men go there; if you are a woman, you may go when only women go there.

Furthermore, we are to avoid gatherings where men and women appear wearing immodest attire. Modesty is an essential Islamic virtue in Islam. And the Prophet said, “Modesty is a branch of faith.”

Question 12:

I am a Muslim this is only a question I’m really curious abt

why is the Quran just randomly accusing Christians worshipping Jesus, and not giving the reason?

Answer 12:

The Quran is criticizing the Christians for holding extreme views about Jesus; by doing so they were being unfaithful to the authentic teachings of the Prophet Jesus, peace be upon him, who was a Jew and affirmed the perennial teachings of all previous prophets as clearly stated in the first commandment, reiterated throughout in both Old and New Testament:

Allah says in the Qur’an:

“O People of the Book! Do not go to extremes regarding your faith; say nothing about Allah except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, was no more than a messenger of Allah and the fulfilment of His Word through Mary and a spirit ˹created by a command˺ from Him. So believe in Allah and His messengers and do not say, “Trinity.” Stop!—for your own good. Allah is only One God. Glory be to Him! He is far above having a son! To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. And Allah is sufficient as a Trustee of Affairs.” (An-Nisaa’4: 171)


“Say, “O People of the Book! Do not go to extremes in your faith beyond the truth, nor follow the vain desires of those who went astray before ˹you˺. They misled many and strayed from the Right Way.” (Al-Ma’idah 5: 77)

“Those who say, “Allah is the Messiah, son of Mary,” have certainly fallen into disbelief. The Messiah ˹himself˺ said, “O Children of Israel! Worship Allah—my Lord and your Lord.” Whoever associates others with Allah ˹in worship˺ will surely be forbidden Paradise by Allah. Their home will be the Fire. And the wrongdoers will have no helpers.” (Al-Ma’idah 5: 72)

We find this clearly affirmed in the Bible:

Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God and serve him only.’” Luke 4:8

“The most important one,” answered Jesus, “is this: ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one…”

“Well said, teacher,” the man replied. “You are right in saying that God is one and there is no other but him…”

When Jesus saw that he had answered wisely, he said to him, “You are not far from the kingdom of God…” [Mark 12:28-34]

If as the Christians allege Allah wanted humanity to believe in trinity, then why isn’t it clearly and explicitly defined anywhere in Scripture?

There is no statement to be found anywhere in the Bible where God is described as being three co-equal persons, Father Son and Holy Ghost. This is in spite of the fact that there were numerous opportunities that were presented to Jesus where he could have spelled this out in detail:

“One of the teachers of the law came and heard them debating. Noticing that Jesus had given them a good answer, he asked him, “Of all the commandments, which is the most important?”

“The most important one,” answered Jesus, “is this: ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.”

“Well said, teacher,” the man replied. “You are right in saying that God is one and there is no other but him. To love him with all your heart, with all your understanding and with all your strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself is more important than all burnt offerings and sacrifices.” [Mark 12:29-33]

In conclusion, the Quran is calling the Christians back to the pristine teachings of Jesu and all previous prophets.

Allah orders the Prophet Muhammad saying:

“Say, ˹O Prophet, ˺ “O People of the Book! Let us come to common terms: that we will worship none but Allah, associate none with Him, nor take one another as lords instead of Allah.” But if they turn away, then say, “Bear witness that we have submitted ˹to Allah alone˺.” (An-Nisaa’ 3: 64)

Question 13:

Can you please explain whether it’s halal or haram to use images of women when selling products or services designed for women?

I’m a graphic and web designer for female businesses/entrepreneurs and I want to know if I can use a company’s images of women to make them their new branding or website? E.g if a halal jewellery brand needs a new website and their advertisement photos are of women’s hands or women’s faces wearing the jewellery (decent photos, nothing sexualised), can I use the photos?

And if I myself need to find stock images of women for the brand (again, decent photos and nothing sexualised) is that fine?

I know that using indecent images of women just for the sake of it is haram, but is it permissible to use decent photos of women and/or body parts to show a product in action or to sell a service just to women?

Thank you very much

Answer 13:

It all depends on the nature of the image and the purpose you are using it. If the image represents a Muslim woman’s pure, modest, and chaste nature and therefore has no sexual overtones or subliminal messages denigrating womanhood and the purpose is also clearly ethical and lawful, you may use it.

Otherwise, you will not be different from those who use women’s bodies to sell products, which is wholly repugnant in Islam. So, I urge you to stay clear of all such practices and motives.

I pray to Allah to inspire us to love faith, virtuous deeds, hate disbelief, obscenities, and transgressions.

Question 14:

Does a wife have the right to have a pregnancy?

Is it permissible for your husband to prevent you from becoming pregnant?

Answer 14:

Marriage in Islam entails mutual obligations, duties, and responsibilities. So, even as your husband has a right to have children, you also have the right to aspire to have children. So, he has no right to deny you your due. By doing so, he is failing in his obligations towards you.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “Your Lord has rights over you; your body has rights over you, and your spouse has rights over you; so give each one their due.” (Al- Bukhari)

 The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “Of all the contracts we enter into, there is nothing more important than the terms of our marriage contracts.” (Al-Bukhari)

 In other words, by marrying you, he has agreed to respect your wish to have children, just as you have also agreed to respect his wish to have children.”

Furthermore, procreation is one of the stated objectives of marriage. Allah says,

“O humanity! Be mindful of your Lord, Who created you from a single soul; from it, He created its mate, and through both, He spread countless men and women. And be mindful of Allah—in Whose Name you appeal to one another—and ˹honour˺ family ties. Surely Allah is ever Watchful over you.” (AN-Nisaa’ 4: 1)

It is clear from the above and other verses in the Quran that procreation is one of the critical purposes of marriage in Islam; so, your husband needs to cooperate with you in fulfilling this divine order and thus help you realize your wish to have children.

You may do well to study the following book and apply its lessons to establish a blissful marriage: Blissful Marriage: A Practical Islamic Guide by Ekram Beshir and Mohamed Rida Beshir.

Question 15:

Marriage annulled as husband renounced Islam. Now accepted Islam again. Do I need to re do my nikka?

I am unsure as to whether this procedure follows the same route as marrying the same Muslim again whereby I would have to marry someone else in order to marry my ex partner again. Or whether the annulment means I can marry him again as he has now accepted Islam again. We separated as he was having doubts about Islam and formally denounced himself however after separation he has found Islam again (surrounding influences caused him to make this decision) I was aware of cultural Islam and have also began practicing. We both want to reconcile and make this marriage Islamic and make it work. Please can you assist with the position that we are both in and if we are able to have a nikka?

Answer  15:

Please refer to the answer given earlier to a similar question.

Question 16:

My question is, I lied to my best friend and when she found out we both stopped talking to each other, she blocked me from social media and from her phone too.
It’s been over a year and I feel very guilty and I want to apologise from the bottom of my heart.

So Today I called her number from a different phone (as she blocked my number)
When she answered the call I said Aslam-o-alaikum, she recognised my voice and she put the phone down.

I want to ask, as I tried from my heart to apologise to her, she didn’t want to hear me as as put the phone down, will it count as I’ve tried? Will I get forgiven? Please advice me as I am living in so much guilt.

But I cannot do anything but to call her and she won’t talk to me or give me a chance to apologize.

Please can you advise


Answer 16:

If you commit an offense and you regret it and want to make amends and try your best to do so, then you need not feel guilty. However, you should take another step to discharge your obligation to come clean: Send a letter asking for forgiveness for your offense. Once you have done so, rest the issue and ask the forgiveness of Allah and resolve in your mind never to commit a similar sin.

Question 17:

 Not going to lie,it is hard to keep your faith strong in this generation. Recently,I do not know whats gotten into me.but iam sure, my Iman is going up and down and I think it is because due to sinning.I always feel anxious but alot time later ,knowing iam going downwards in my life for sinning.But then I do repent and things get normal between me and Allah almighty.But iam currently suffering from doubts,as I said I did alot of sin these days unintentionally , probably because of shaitan’s waswasa(Astagfirullah).The doubts are bit too is like,”does Allah really exists?”,”is Muhammad (saw) really existed or he wrote the Quran”(ASTAGFIRULLAH)idk what to do,my hands are getting numb and iam feeling really anxious.I can’t keep dealing with these thoughts again.The worst part is I can’t even do Salah bcuz iam currently in my time of the month.How do I deal with these thoughts or how to strengthen my faith and forget about those?

Answer 17:

It is your duty to turn to Allah and seek repentance by seeking refuge in Allah.

For details on this, let me cite one of my earlier answers:

“You don’t need to worry about such doubts as long as you do not dwell on them, and you have repelled them.

Imam Muslim reports on the authority of Abu Hurayrah that the Companions of the Prophet (peace be upon him) once complained to him: “Often such thoughts occur in our minds of which we do not even dare to speak about?’. The Prophet said, “that is pure faith!” Explaining this hadith, Imam Nawawi says, “We are not accountable for the flashes of thoughts or self talks that assail our minds as long as we do not dwell on them. This is the consensus of scholars; and that is what is intended by the above hadith. Such thoughts may even include sins such as ghibah (thinking or speaking evil of others) and words of infidelity”.  The fact that one does not allow himself to pursue such thoughts and feels bad about them and find it sinful even to divulge them is an indication of true faith. In other words, no human being can be free of such doubts and whisperings from Satan, but no sooner such thoughts occur to a believer, he must repel them and seek refuge in Allah.

Allah says, “If any suggestion from Satan assails you, then seek God’s protection, for He hears and knows (all things). Those who bring (God) to mind when an evil thought from Satan assails them are reminded (of their allegiance to God), and suddenly they can see clearly again! However, their (evil) ‘brothers’ will always seek to plunge them into error, and they never let up.” (Qur’an: 7: 200-202). Therefore, I urge you to seek refuge in Allah from the whisperings of Satan. And make sure to arm yourself always with dhikr and du’a. For there is no better weapon to defeat Satan than dhikr and du’a: It is reported that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “Satan runs through the blood veins of the children of Adam; however, when they remember Allah, he retreats immediately.”   

Question 18:

This question is about marriage. I introduced the boy to my family and both parents had agreed upon getting us married but they wanted to wait for 3 years so that we can focus on our education and career. However, i wanted to make the relationship halal as I was being pressured from the boy to do adultery. So, I convinced him and we both got married in secrecy as I didn’t want to let go of the boy after having convinced the families nor did I want to commit a sin. So we got married in secrecy to be halal for each other. But recently I came across the haidith from the Prophet (S.A.W) about marriage being invalid without consent of the walih. Can you please tell me what situation I am in now and what should I do? Both parents still don’t know about this and are planning to wed us next year now.

Answer 18:

What do you mean by a secret marriage?

Marriage, in order to be valid, must fulfill certain conditions. For details, please refer to the answer linked below:

Is Marriage in Secret Permissible in Islam? Therefore, I would urge you to look at your situation and seek repentance and then take the steps to make your marriage valid. If the parents are not cooperating, then you may get the marriage solemnized through an imam and solemnizing it according to the laws of the country.

Question 19:

My aunt invited me to her SECULAR wedding in an Italian city hall with her lover for over 30 years, as they are both kufr and celebration is secular, should I partecipate or not?

Answer 19:

You are allowed to attend the wedding celebration; after all, they are getting married, although they are doing so according to their beliefs and customs. So, there is nothing objectionable to attending the celebration. However, you should not participate in any specific rituals associated with their religion.

Question 20:

I have a problem regarding wudu and prayer. Every time want to pray and make wudu and pray i get this feeling that i pass wind. And i know the hadith regarding doubting abt passing wind. But there is always a sound. I honestly do not know what to do. I have intestinal problems but i do not know the cause and In Shaa Allah i will go to a specialist to see what i have. My mom has ibs ( shes a kufr so i cant ask for advice), so i probably have the same thing. My flatunce is not continious, but i always have this when i pray or am making wudu even if i wait till i dont feel bloated or release all the gas before wudu. This is with every prayer and i rly do not know what to do i tried to hold it for the whole prayer and wudu but i always forget to hold and then i get the feeling or the flatunce again. You might say it is maybe bcs of my diet but i even have it when i almost eat nothing i mean it gets worser ig when i eat bad but the problem is there no matter what i eat. I’v had this problem for a long time now and still have this problem.
Sometimes i have the same flatunce outside of prayer but i have it always during prayer.
Am i excused? I tried to just ignore it but then i get guilty but idk what im supossed to do. I saw a video of people who are excused and it said if it is 24/7 then you just do wudu at the beginning of the prayer time and pray even if you let out gas or its like 15 minutes and then it stops and in that time you can make wudu in pray but i am neither of those i always have it when i pray it just starts again when i want to do wudu and pray, i dont read the Quran ( in book form) bcs of this and stuff.
( pls im rly desperate and i just want to know the ruling so that i can implement it in my life and then i would know that i am doing the right thing and dont feel guilty abt it)( sry if it isnt explained very well but i hope you understand my situation)

Answer 20:

If you are experiencing these doubts regularly, then you need not worry about them. In other words, you simply don’t pay any attention to them; rather you seek refuge in Allah and ignore such a doubt and your wudu is perfectly valid. It is Satan casting such thoughts in your mind in order to distract you away from your salah. The best way to fight Satan is to seek refuge in Allah and disregard his whisperings. When you consistently do so, he will keep away from you. If, however, you feel such doubts on rare occasions, you need to act on the principle of following that which is certain and build on it. In other words, suppose you doubt whether you did wudu twice or thrice, then you should assume that you did it only twice; therefore, you ought to do once more, and let the matter rest there.

Question 21:

I am a revert. I did gymnastics in my teen years before Islam. I took my shahada a few years ago and now as an adult I want to go to Adult Gymastic classes as a form of exercise. I’ve noticed online many Muslim women are going to the regular gyms to lift weight, taking up boxing, fencing, swimming, running, cycling and so much more while fully covered. I was wondering if it is permissible for me to also do things like back flips and tumbling, that you find in gymnastics, while also being fully covered.

I just rarley see any Muslim women doing tumbling activities

Answer 21:

Assuming you are a female, there is nothing objectionable if you go to a woman-only gym. If it is a mixed gym, you should avoid it if they appear in appropriate attire. A better option is to get some simple equipment at home. There are also clean and lawful ways of keeping yourself fit: doing yoga or other exercises at home should be better than going to a gym where men and women appear dressed inappropriately.

I pray to Allah to inspire us to love faith and virtuous deeds and detest and abhor disbelief and all forms of indecency and lewdness.

Friday, Jul. 21, 2023 | 20:00 - 22:00 GMT

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