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Bereavement in Ramadan

As-Salamu ‘Alaykum sister,

I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your beloved husband. Surely, this is a very difficult time for you and the children, and as it’s only been a few months, you are still grieving because it is a relatively new loss. It is difficult enough to deal with our own grief and sadness, but you are also dealing with your children’s as well.

I suggest dear sister that you find a therapist in your area to help you with the grief process as well as accessing your depression. I am not sure how old the children are, but family therapy may be helpful as well. In sha’ Allah, dear sister, I also encourage you to contact the imam of your mosque for support. In sha’ Allah, he may have some useful words for you or can direct you to a sisters’ group for comfort for the loss of your husband and for support during Ramadan.

Sisters who are aware of your situation should make extra efforts to reach out to you and your children during Ramadan. If there are no support groups at the Masjid, please do look on the internet for support groups for Muslim women who have lost their husbands.

Additionally sister, approach Ramadan with your heart set on fulfilling how your husband would have wanted you to spend Ramadan. Find a quiet place to sit, pray, and ask Allah (SWT) to grant ease and guide you through this most sad of times. Think about your husband, sister. Ask yourself, what he would want me to do this Ramadan. What would his advice be?

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Often times, when we lose our spouse, our best friend, our life partner, the grief consumes us to the point wherein we cannot remember how our spouse would have wanted us to carry on. Try to create a Ramadan for yourself and your children that would have made your husband smile. As Ramadan is a time of mercy, forgiveness, and seeking refuge from hellfire, it is also a time for drawing closer to Allah (SWT). Try to use this most blessed month for getting closer to Allah (SWT) despite your grief; there will be many blessings in that, in sha’ Allah.

You may find that during Ramadan your grief may decrease as your worship increases. Increase the time spent with family, sisters, social activities surrounding Ramadan and going to the mosque as much as you can to pray and partake in iftars and suhoor. This, in sha’ Allah, may help with your feelings of loss. Being alone all the time, isolated is not recommended. You need your sisters at this time, the ummah, and the strength that comes from being around those who love Allah and love you and your children for the sake of Allah.

Allah is most merciful, sister, please do remember that, and as you know, this life is a test. I know these words cannot take away any pain. Only Allah (SWT) can do that as well as time. However, the suggestions made can ease your grief and depression. You and your children are in our prayers sister.

We wish you a blessed and rewarding Ramadan.

Thursday, Jan. 01, 1970 | 00:00 - 00:00 GMT

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