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Fiqh-Related Issues (Fatwa Session)

Thank you very much for joining us in this Fatwa session. We would also like to thank our guest, Sheikh Ahmad Kutty, for answering the questions directed to him. You will find the answers to your questions below. The remaining answers will be posted later.

Question 1:

As we’ve heard that games that have shirk elements are haram, that means games in of themselves are not
so where is the line here?

1. what types of games are halal? 2d? 3d? games that have characters with facial features? cause we know we can’t draw them. so why are they halal or haram? what about women’s clothing? what if a female character is wearing a normal suit or t shirt? where is the line here?
2. what do we mean games with shirk elements are haram? does that mean any game that have magic as a gameplay mechanic is haram? what if there is a game that has nothing to do with shirk but has a magic system for combat? well, we have to see what game developers mean by magic. they mean the harry potter style magic. this type of magic does not really have anything shirk related. This is basically totally different from magic that we call magic in islam. so are all of these games haram? even if they resemble basically nothing to the real black magic?
3. we have to see a lot of game devs are not muslim. They make games just because they are fun. to them, greek mythology is kind of fun as there is an entire family with immense family drama. but they are also Gods to some people. So a lot of tv shows and games were inspired from that. They didn’t really have the worshipping part. but they took inspiration and made characters in their game that resemble those false gods. for example a game called hades. you play as the son of the “god” of the underworld. You don’t get along with your father and you want to escape hell (hell as in their version of hell that can be escaped). But then it becomes a story of a broken family and how they all figure it out. along the way you get powerups from different false “gods” and it makes the game quite fun. so is all of this haram? even though the game does not tell me to worship them? it does not even cross my mind that these characters are real and can be worshipped. They are just inspired from mythologies
4. a lot of games, specially in the metroidvania genre have save points. you explore a map and you get a bunch of places that you can go to save your progress. but these games were derived from a game series called castlevania. on those games, you fight dracula who has defied God and you fight to kill him at all costs because of the evil he brings in the world. is that haram? and about the save states, castlevania games’s save states have various designs. but one of them got popular. shrines. You go to a statue (a lot of the times) and just click save. this sometimes shows the player character bowing down for a brief moment to save or to upgrade. even though i know this is false and i am doing it just to save my game or to upgrade some gears, does this make the entire game haram?
5. and in general, is violence haram? a lot of studies were done and if i’m not wrong it does not correlate that much that we can say video games makes you violent. for me it is like saying working out makes you want to kill everyone in the streets. where is the line here?
6. i’ve heard games that have dice are haram. does this apply to video games as well? because in games, you can just set a variable’s value to random and say it has a range between 1 to 6. there are a lot of randomness in videogames. for example, you have to randomly scatter grass throughout the field. this and having a virtual dice a lot of ways calculate randomness in the same way. so does dice being haram also come into videogames?
7. now i want to talk about a game specifically. Hollow knight. In that game, there is bug world. in that world there was moth “god” and then there came a worm “god” but they both basically destroyed each other. so the player character, to cut it short, helps the bug world to become normal again. but the thing is, the player character is the son of the worm “god”. this game have religious themes. but does not in any way imply that you worship them. it implies that the residents of that world worshipped those false “gods”. so does that make this game haram?

I have a lot of questions, and unfortunately, I couldn’t find a better platform to share my concerns. But I believe, as the game industry gets bigger and bigger, It is inevitably drawing in Muslim youth. And it’s essential for us to truly understand what kind of games we’re allowed to engage. And I can’t deny that, learning about the wisdom behind the prohibitions will definitely help us be steadfast and resist the temptation, because some of these games are very intriguing indeed. It’d be greatly beneficial to me, and all of my Muslim brothers and sisters who want to be pleasing to Allah even while seeking entertainment.

Answer 1:

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When it comes to games, we need to keep in mind the following rules.

  1. Any work we do, including outlets such as sports and games, should not distract us from our real purpose and goal in life, which is to worship Allah. Allah says, “I have created (the species of) Jinn and mankind solely to worship Me.”
  2. It should not be at the expense of our duties in life: Duties to Allah and responsibilities to our family, including working to earn a lawful source of livelihood.
  3. It should be wholly free of all sources of corruption, vices, and evil, and should not result in spreading them in society.
  4. It should not be addictive.
  5. The content and method should be free of corruption, evil messages, themes, and influences.

Finally, one should remember the words, a person dies in the way he lives and will be resurrected in the way he dies.” So, you may ask yourself, will you be happy to be resurrected engaging in the game you are playing? Furthermore, remember the words of the Prophet, “On the day of resurrection, everyone will regret any session or work free of the remembrance of Allah!

So, don’t waste your precious life on frivolous thoughts, words, or actions. May Allah honor us all to die in a state of remembrance, and may He honor us to be gathered in the company of the Prophets, the saints, martyrs, and the righteous.”

Question 2:

My husband runs a business in a foreign country. My son and I are residing in our native country. For the past four years my husband has not been sending sufficient money for our daily needs despite the fact that he is fully capable of doing so. He gives the lame excuse that his own monetary requirements are greater than spending on us. And because I come from a wealthy family, he assumes my parents can take care of my daily essential expenses. What is the ruling in Islam regarding this matter?

My husband had always provided for me and children for almost 15 years. It is only for the past four years he has not been sending enough money. For the last eight years there has also been worsening marital discord regarding family issues to the point that my husband and I are not in good speaking terms with each other for almost two years now. Please guide me.

Answer 2:

Before answering your question, I advise you to seek marital counseling. You must address the issues causing the split between you and your husband. You should get a respectable imam or wise person in the community to convince your husband to do so.

As for your question about the duty of a husband towards his family, the clear mandate of Islam is that a husband should provide for his family, which includes living expenses, clothes, medicine, and other essential expenses according to the family’s and society’s standards. 

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “There is no sin for a man more heinous than neglecting his own family.” So, by failing to provide for his family, he is committing a grave sin; he will be accountable before Allah.

Allah orders men to live with their wives on the most gracious terms; if they cannot, they are called to part ways honorably.

And Allah also warns them not to hold wives as prisoners, neither treating them kindly nor releasing them from the marital bond honorably.

In conclusion, first, try to get help to encourage your husband to agree to professional marriage counseling so that you can sort out your issues amicably and bring peace and harmony to your marriage.

And I would urge you to keep praying to Allah in the manner Allah wants us to pray:

Rabbanaa hab lanaa min azwaajinaa wa dhurriyyathina qurrata aynin wa ijalnaa lil muttaqeena imaaman

(Our Lord, grant us comfort in our spouses and children and make us role models for the God-fearing people). 

You may also benefit from reading the book, “Blissful Marriage: A Practical Islamic Guide by Ekram Beshir.

Question 3:

 I have this question, I do everything I should do as a Muslim wife to my husband but he first moved to another house cause he didn’t wanna be with me in my house. We have kids together. He has contact to his ex. I have caught him cheating on me multiple times. He gets mad at me for not doing what I should do to him, but I feel so bad when I do cause it seems wrong cause he doesn’t even stay and he leaves every time and I only see him for max 20 minutes pr day and only like 5 times a week. He doesn’t do anything a Muslim man should do. What should I do? Am I wrong if I stop doing the things a wife should?

Answer 3:

Marriage in Islam is a solemn social contract; it entails mutual duties and responsibilities involving both partners, so even as he has rights over you, you also have rights over him. Allah says, “Women have rights over their husbands even as men have rights fairly.”

Therefore, even as he would expect you to be faithful and maintain trust with your husband, he also ought to do the same; therefore, if he is cheating on you, he is guilty of the grave sin of marital infidelity. If he does not repent and change, you do not owe him anything; instead, you have the right to seek divorce.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “Of all contracts humans enter into, there is nothing more worthy of fulfillment than the marriage contract.”

In other words, he is violating the terms of his marriage contract by being unfaithful in his relationship with you. He will be accountable before Allah.

Question 4:

I hope you are well. I am a 15 year old girl in the 11th grade. My question is whether Allah is preventing me from making friends. I’ve put in a lot of effort to make friends over the past year, but I can’t seem to find a genuine and close friend. Everyone in my group already has their own close friend(s), and I often feel like the odd one out when I hang out with them. I’ve always wondered if something is wrong with me, but I can’t find any physical or behavioral issues. I’m not hideous, I don’t behave strangely, I can hold conversations like a normal person, and I possess most attributes of a regular individual. Despite all this, I struggle to find a close, genuine friend. This has seriously impacted my self-esteem, and I can’t help but think that something is wrong with me, which causes me to believe that is why no one is willing to be befriend me. One day, I confided in my mother about how upset I felt regarding this matter, and she suggested that Allah SWT might be protecting me from the influence of bad friends. I thought I would seek advice from someone knowledgeable on this subject.

Answer 4:

You should pray to Allah to guide you to develop traits of character that would please Allah; if you do, Allah will engender love in the hearts of people for you. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “When Allah loves a person, he calls Jibreel and tells him that He loves so and so, so you should love them; Jibreel announces it to those in the heaven; so they also love him; finally, thanks to this, the people of the earth also love them.” (Muslim)

The Prophet best demonstrates the method of endearing oneself to people in Islam (peace be upon him). Everyone who interacted with him loved him- even his enemies changed and became his ardent supporters: hundreds of them fought him for many years. They later embraced Islam and fought for the cause of Islam and were willing to sacrifice their lives for his cause. Let me cite only one example: Thumamah b. Athal was an inveterate enemy of the Prophet who was taken as a prisoner and brought to Madina. Within three days of his stay in the Prophet’s mosque, his interaction with the Prophet changed him, and he became a Muslim; he said to him: I used to hate you and your religion more than anything else in this world. However, now there is nothing dearer to me. In other words, you and your faith are now most precious to my heart.” 

One may ask what some of the Prophetic traits are that all of us can emulate to earn the love and acceptance of those we interact with:

  1. Faith in Allah and belief that He controls the world and its affairs, so surrender to Him. 
  2. Faith in God also means to believe in our worth and ability and never to feel inferior; since Allah created you, He values you. So, we should develop confidence in ourselves and our endowments and never belittle our abilities to make a difference in the world.
  3. Be truthful and honest, and treat others as you would like them to treat you;
  4. Be humble and never consider yourself to be superior to others.
  5. Be helpful, caring for others, and gentle and kind towards everyone.
  6. Be pleasant and friendly and smile when greeting people.

These are some tips you should find helpful. You may also ask yourself what traits you find in friendly people and see how you can embody those traits. However, as a Muslimah, you should never display un-Islamic characteristics. 

You may also get help from a therapist who can give you some tips for making friends.

Finally, I urge you to pray to Allah to make you endearing to Him and His creation: here is one dua you may offer regularly:

Allaahumma urzuqnee hubbaka wa hubba man yuhibbuka wa al-hubba lladhee you yuqarribunee ilaa hubbika

(O Allah, bless me to love You, and to love those who love You, and the love that brings me closer to Your love).

Question 5:

If i marry without my parent’s permission, would the marriage be accepted to Allah?

Answer 5:

On this, you may refer to the answer linked below:

Can I Marry Without Parent’s Permission?

Question 6:

I hope you’re doing well. I am applying to art schools this fall and the universities require an art portfolio of various mediums to assess your art skills. I have researched a lot about what kinds of art pieces to display and self-portraits and realism is highly encouraged. I had a very creative idea for a self- portrait which would describe me as an artist really well and which is what the universities ask for. But then my mother told me that portraits are highly discouraged and haram in Islam and i don’t understand why. I personally believe that as long as you’re not worshipping the portrait or Idolising it, it should be fine.
Kindly guide me on the same. Jazakallahi khairan 🙂

Answer 6:

Since you are approaching it as a medium, there is no valid reason to consider it haram or forbidden.

That is the ruling based on the intents and purposes of the Law Giver in forbidding portraits and images.

For details, let me cite here one of my earlier answers:

“Photography as a medium of communication or for the simple, innocent retention of memories without the taint of reverence/shirk does not fall under the category of forbidden Tasweer [picture/image].

One finds several traditions from the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, condemning people who make Tasweer, which denotes painting or carving images or statues. It was closely associated with paganism or shirk [association of partners with Allah]. People were habitually making statues and images for the sake of worship. Islam, therefore, declared Tasweer forbidden because of its close association with shirk. One of the stated principles of usul-u-Fiqh(Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence) is that if anything directly leads to haram [forbidden acts], it is likewise haram. In other words, Tasweer was forbidden because it was leading to shirk.

The function of photography today does not fall under the above category. Even some of the scholars who had been once vehemently opposed to photography under the pretext that it was a form of forbidden answer have later changed their position on it – as they allow even for their pictures to be taken and published in newspapers, for videotaping lectures and for presentations. In contrast, in the past, they would only allow it in exceptional cases, such as passports, driver’s licenses, etc. The change in their view of photography is based on their assessment of the role of photography.

Having said this, one must add caution: To take pictures of leaders and heroes and hang them on the walls may not belong to the same permission category. That may give rise to a feeling of reverence and hero worship, which was precisely the main thrust of the prohibition of Tasweer. Therefore, one cannot declare that all photography is halal. It all depends on the use and function of it. If it is for educational purposes and free of the motive of reverence and hero worship, there is nothing in the sources to prohibit it.”

Question 7:

I used to combine Zohar and asr together when I am on a tour. Almost everyday during the entire trip. Is it ok?

Answer 7:

You are allowed to combine prayers while you are traveling long distances. For details, please refer to the answers linked below:

How to Combine Maghrib and Isha Prayer when Travelling

Question 8:

I have a 7 months old kitten that was unable to catch any of the mice around my barn lately and i have noticed that it has gotten depressed lately and stopped hunting with it’s littermates and just waits for me to hand feed it. I noticed that it climbed into a nest and ate the chicks of a bird and since then it has regained some of it’s confidence but is still hesistant to hunt mice again. Can i perhaps give it one of my chicks so it can “Hunt” and kill it and eat like in nature? Thank you and may Allah reward you for helping people like me

Answer 8:

You are not allowed to feed kittens live chicks. If you do so, you are torturing the chicks. Live chicks are not the proper feed for the kittens. 

On what to feed kittens, you may refer to the link below:

What To Feed Kittens [+ Helpful Timeline And Food Examples]

If you cannot afford to provide them with the feed recommended by veterinarians, you should give it away to those who can afford to keep it.

Question 9:

My friend and I go to a university in Sharjah and we both come from Abu Dhabi which is around 150+ Km away from the university. We come here at the start of the week (Sunday night) and leave on Thursday. Can we apply the rule of grouping prayers and shortening them? Thank you in advance

Answer 9:

It would be best if you didn’t resort to the concession allowed for a traveler since your stay in Sharjah is like that of a person with a second residence. Since you are a student in Sharja, your stay there cannot be compared to that of a traveler, for you are there for a definite period and hence considered a resident there.

That is the way that the Companions of the Prophet used to conduct themselves when they had two residences in two different cities or locations.

Finally, when it comes to matters of worship, it is best that we refrain from resorting to easy concessions. Salah is the most important pillar of Islam; as such, we ought to treat it earnestly and perform it as diligently as possible.

May Allah bless us with discernment and sound judgment in our affairs. Amen.

Question 10:

Hello! I have a question about fillers and botox. I don’t want to use them for aesthetic enhancement, but rather to balance my face and correct my uneven eyebrows.

Answer 10:

According to the preferred view of eminent scholars, such a procedure is not allowed; it amounts to interfering with the creation of Allah, which is a pet project of Satan.

Allah tells us in the Quran that Satan pledged to Allah to seduce humankind to alter and disfigure the creation.

Since the procedure mentioned above is simply cosmetic and has nothing to do with correcting a deformity, it is not allowed in Islam.

Question 11:

I want to know if someone is committed kufr / shirk whatever that will make them out from islam (in the past), but if they do it unknowingly like if they do it intentionally or unintentionally but they don’t mean to leave islam and they don’t know that speech or that act will make him leave islam .

If they ignore or forget what they’ve done and still keep praying as usual. If they are like this until the end of their life , will they in the status of kafir and all ibadah that they have done is invalid on the day of judgement?

Answer 11:

A person goes out of the fold of Islam by renouncing it, denying any of its fundamental tenets, or declaring that which Allah has stated as haram halal or halal as haram.

If someone is not guilty of the above, they need not worry. Having said this, we need to seek repentance if we have doubts about whether we have been guilty of significant offenses.

Here is a prayer recommended for all of us to offer daily:

Rabbi ighfir lee dhanbee kullahu diqqahu wa jillahu wa sirrahu wa alaaniyyathahu wa awwalahu wa aakhirahu wa maa alimthu minhu wa maa lam a’lam

(My Lord, forgive all my sins for me: the major and minor, the public and secret, the first and the last, and those of mine of which I am aware and those I am not aware.)

Also, practicing constancy in istighfaar, and renewing the testimony of faith should be second nature with every one of us.

I pray to Allah to forgive us all and inspire us to constantly turn to Him in sincere repentance. May He bless us with His mercy and forgiveness. Amen.

Question 12:

I have a question, but do not know how to ask someone in person respectfully. How does fasting work if you’re a night shift worker during Ramadan?

Answer 12:

If you are doing the night shift in Ramadhan, you should intend to fast and eat your suhoor or predawn meal before Fajr, and your fast is valid if you did not consume anything during the day. You can eat and drink during the night just like everyone else.

Question 13:

Hi, i’m a proud muslim here but most of my friends aren’t even muslims and when i get close with them, i start getting more sad because they might not enter heaven with me (insha’allah i enter), the fact of thinking about it hurts, i want my friends to be with me in the right path but i can never seem to get them in islam.

please answer in english, my arabic isnt as good at usual people

Answer 13:

Instead of worrying about others, you should do yourself a favor by worrying about your fate.

Allah tells us in the Qur’an that He alone can judge people; we must never make a judgment that everyone other than a Muslim will go to hell. We must convey the message persuasively and leave the final judgment to Allah. Allah reminds us in the Qur’an:

“Call the people the Way of your Lord with wisdom and goodly exhortation, and argue with them in the most kindly manner- for, behold, only your Lord alone knows best as to who strays from His path, and best knows He as to who are the right-guided.” (Qur’an: 16:125)

Furthermore, the Quran also tells us as to who is destined to go to heaven:

“Verily, those who have attained to faith [in this divine scripture], as well as those who follow the Jewish faith, and the Christians, and the Sabians -all who believe in God and the Last Day and do righteous deeds-shall have their reward with their Sustainer; and no fear need they have, and neither shall they grieve.” (Qur’an: 2: 62)


“For, verily, those who have attained to faith [in this divine scripture], as well as those who follow the Jewish faith, and the Sabians, and the Christians – all who believe in God and the Last Day and do righteous deeds – no fear need they have, and neither shall they grieve.”

(Qur’an: 5:69).

So, we must shake off our self-righteousness and convey the message of truth to everyone while praying to Allah for our salvation instead of making judgments about the destiny of others.

Question 14:

I wanted to ask if is it right your fiance or your husband to pressure into your hijab ,my point is if its right for him to be meddling so much in it

Answer 14:

The hijab in the sense of a modest attire for women as prescribed in Islam is something every Muslim woman should be proud of wearing.

Therefore, as a Muslimah, you should be proud of wearing it to please Allah. You would gladly do so if you believe in Allah and love Him more than anything else.

If, however, your faith is shaky, you would resist it; if you do, you may do well to remember you will regret it when you face the final reckoning.

Your husband, as a Muslim, wants to be united with you in Jannah even as he is united with you here. That is why he insists that you abide by the commandments of Allah.

However, it is wrong to say that Islam requires Muslim woman to wear abaya or the particulate attire worn by women in the Middle East.

To clarify this issue, let me cite here one of my earlier answers:

“It is important to remember that the purpose of hijab in Islam is not to cut out women from participating in the activities of society to keep men and women utterly segregated or to make it hard for them to function normally in life. Rather the purpose of hijab is to help a woman maintain her dignity and honour as a free person and help her fulfil her obligations smoothly and comfortably.
So the requirements of hijab are never oppressive or restrictive in any way; here are the requisites of hijab or proper Islamic attire for women:
1) It should cover her whole body except her face and hands;
2) It should be loose-fitting;
3) It should not be transparent nor revealing;
4) It should not be an attire specifically worn by men only.
So long as your attire fulfils the above conditions you don’t have to worry. Remember Allah has not revealed religion to make life difficult; rather it is intended to make it easy and comfortable for us. Allah says, “He has not laid upon you in religion any hardship” (Qur’an: 22: 78). “Allah wishes to lighten the burden for you; for certainly man/woman has been created weak!” (Qur’an: 4: 28).

Question 15:

Is it permissible to give awards to those that serve Islam doing their undergraduate degree in the university?

Answer 15:

I don’t see anything wrong in doing so if the students are not sacrificing their studies while expending their efforts to serve the cause of Islam.

Working for the cause of Allah is the noblest work anyone can do. Therefore, encouraging and promoting those doing so is also noble. Allah orders us to cooperate on virtuous deeds and righteousness. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “Whoever directs or persuades others to do something good, they will also receive similar rewards like that of those who comply with it.” (Muslim)

Question 16:

I’ve started an online job in which one have to invest a fix amount and do job every day and will get an amount every month.

If one doesn’t do a job 1 day then the amount will deduct.
One has to invest time and money to earn money.

Answer  16:

As long as your income is the product of your work and the money you invested, I don’t see anything unlawful about it. If, however, it is based on chance, then it is haram.

Question 17:

It’s halal in Islam to marry your lover in online wedding but in secret because LDR, but my parent didn’t agree in online wedding but soon we marry in personal but we want secret wedding to make halal even in LDR but we both Muslims?

Answer 17:

There is no room in Islam for the concept of a secret marriage.

In Islam, marriage must conform to certain minimum standards and requirements to be valid and acceptable; without these, it is considered neither valid nor acceptable, for it is then hardly distinguishable from fornication or illicit relations.

The minimum conditions for the validity of nikah are the following:

  • The consent of the guardian of the woman
  • presence of witnesses
  • offering and acceptance
  • and mahr (dower).

Once the above conditions have been fulfilled, the marriage will be deemed as valid; but if these conditions are not fulfilled, then it will be considered as being null and void.

As far as the consent of guardian is concerned, it can only be dispensed with if the guardian is simply refusing to give consent for considerations other than Islamic, in which case the judge can authorize the marriage after having followed the due process. If, on the other hand, such is not the case and no attempt was made to ascertain the consent of the guardian, then such a marriage would be considered invalid and, therefore, unacceptable in Islam. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “There is no (valid) marriage without a guardian and two reliable witnesses.”

By stipulating the above-mentioned conditions for the validity of marriage, Islam insists that a marriage should remain distinct from other loose and immoral lifestyles such as fornication and illicit affairs. Hence, the Prophet insisted on making marriages public.

Based on what has been stated above, the concept of a marriage “just for both of you or for Allah” is not tolerated in Islam.

Society has a share in marriage in the sense that people should know that both of you are married so that they do not suspect you of maintaining an illicit relationship. According to the teachings of Islam, we are under obligation to do whatever we can to safeguard our religion, honor, and dignity; and as such we should stay away not only from that which is considered as strictly haram or forbidden but also from all that is doubtful and dubious. The Prophet (peace and blessings be him) said, “Whosoever shuns what is doubtful he has protected his religion and honor; but whosoever commits what is doubtful, he may inadvertently fall into haram!”

Question 18:

Is it possible for an ordinary person as Muslim, to get supernatural powers? Sometimes, my duas get accepted instantly and I can predict the future sometimes when a voice in my head tells me to. All this may sound weird but it’s the truth I swear.

Answer 18:

Sometimes, a person may expect something, and it turns out as he had expected. But that in no way means that they have some supernatural powers. The prophets are our best role models for humankind, chosen by Allah, yet they did not even claim to have supernatural powers.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) is the last Prophet and the beloved. Yet he never claimed to possess any supernatural powers. And he stopped those who dared to make such claims on his behalf.

While attending a wedding reception, the girls singing added the following words upon seeing him: Among us is a prophet who knows what will happen tomorrow.” The Prophet ordered them to cut out those words and continue singing as they were doing before.

Allah orders His Prophet to state:

“Say, “I have no power to benefit or protect myself, except by the Will of Allah. If I had known the unknown, I would have benefited enormously, and no harm would have ever touched me. I am only a warner and deliverer of good news for those who believe.” (Al-A`raf 7:188)

Therefore, I urge you to repent to Allah for harboring such exaggerated beliefs about your knowledge of the future or unseen realities.

Question 19:

 I am a student in United kingdom. I am working in a company where I have to sell pork and alcohol. I am a student and I have to cover my expenses. I have no other options. Am I committing a sin?

Answer 19:

It is not lawful for you to work in this company. Islam forbids alcohol and pork as Allah declares them filthy and unfit for human consumption. The Prophet (peace be upon him) forbade not only consuming alcohol but also selling it or buying it or carrying it.

Allah tells us that He only forbade us to consume filthy things; in other words, the Quran also teaches us that in so far as Allah has forbidden something, it is because it is dirty and, therefore, unfit for human consumption.

According to the rules of Islam, when something is forbidden, we are not allowed to sell or promote it. Therefore, please look for another job that does not involve such work. You should pray to Allah to bless your efforts. Here is a Du’a you should use:

Allaahumma aghninee bi halaalika an haraamika wa bi ta’atika an ma’siyatika wabi fadlika amman siwaaka

(O Allah, make me sufficient with that which You have made halal for me so that I am not forced to resort to that which is haram; and make me content with Your obedience so that I am not compelled to disobey You, and make me satisfied with Your favor so that I do not look towards the favor of the mortals).

Once you try your best while trusting Allah, He will guide you to something better.

Question 20:

My parents got my nikkah done when i was 14 years old also it was forced. At that time they decided that we will get married and start living together when we will be 18 or 19 years old . Even tho the nikkah was forced later in life i accepted it and i speak to my husband over phone . Now im 18 years old and my parents are forcing me to get married now even tho i told them I don’t want to. I have some goals in life other than marriage as well. I want to complete my degree first. My husband is also not supporting me to study like my parents. I know later on my dad will blackmail me as he did before when doing nikkah that he will leave my mom do this and that if I don’t get married . Can you please tell me if im gonna be sinful as im refusing to get married? Also if my parents fight because of me

Answer 20:

You can seek divorce if you have been coerced to marry someone against your will. In Islam, no one, including one’s parents, cannot force their sons or daughters to marry against their will.

For divorce procedures, you may refer to the link below:

What Are the Procedure and Rulings of Divorce?

As for the challenges of dealing with your parent’s reaction to this issue, you may speak to a counselor and contact the site’s editor, who may refer you to someone.

I pray to Allah to help you make the right decision and bless you with relief and peace of mind.

Question 21:

Being living in Non Muslim Country like Canada Is it permissible to do a job for Door Dash or Uber Eat, a food service delivery company that allow individuals to do delivery job. We as a member do a delivery to customers at their door step. The delivery item contains pork and other NON zabiha items like chicken, beef.
The income is Hal or Haram?
Jazakallah for clarification.

Answer 21

If you must deliver items like Pork or alcohol, you should not pursue such a job. However, providing or servicing non-Dhabeeha beef, lamb, or chicken to non-Muslims should not be an issue.

Question 22:

I’m in my mid-teens and in one of my most important years of high school.
I am a nature loving person, and I like walks especially. This is what happened. A year ago, I saw a very good-looking young person walking in front of me while I was on transport, I only glanced at him a few times. Later onwards, fast forward to many, many weeks later, I would suddenly find him again, on my way home.
I didn’t know anything about him, nor did I ever talk to him. He was a mere stranger. I ask for forgiveness from Allah (SWT), but I like to think I only noticed this person because of their good facial features. But the truth is something else.
I saw this person a few times, rarely and didn’t think much about it. There were several students from different schools whom I normally see on my way home and a few faces are repeated so it doesn’t really play a major role.
However, it was only this year that it rose higher. I had forgotten all about him, and even if I did by any chance see him, I’d like to add on that I don’t really know how he looks like since I saw him for a second and couldn’t make out much. I only know some prime features which he possesses and it makes it easier to identify if its him.
I have an acquaintance who happens to know him, because they were in the same school. This was completely surprising and I didn’t expect it. This girl is younger and she told my much about him and his demeanour without any hesitance. She described him as a normal guy who loves joking around and teases one of his close female friends. I was a bit distraught that he was close to females, and felt that it wasn’t really well, but she told me that the boy is religious and is very caring towards his sibling, and that though he jokes around, he isn’t serious in his jokes.
I’ve started seeing him more these days, and I must tell you, he has a different expression when I see him like this, he doesn’t seem like a person who jokes around and looks very innocent. He is a beautiful person, and that’s what initially attracted me towards him.
But I know very well, I’m not doing anything right. I would have stopped, but I can’t find the courage to pray to Allah (SWT) to end these feelings, because I don’t want to lose it. I instead find myself asking Allah (SWT) to bless him with goodness and a good character, and to help me.
I know it sounds superficial, I know it looks very bad and I agree with it. I’m ashamed as well. But I’m not ashamed because of him, but because of myself. I couldn’t control myself better. But then again, he was a complete on-street stranger, and suddenly he feels much more familiar. The only catch here is that we’ve never met, talked or he doesn’t even know I exist.
I am a person who doesn’t fall very deep, because the people I’ve liked, I’ve never considered them for marriage. This person is someone I don’t know, but I’d like to know about them. I’m not a very good person either, I’ve flaws in me as well. I can’t judge him, I don’t know him well.
Respected Scholar, What should I do? What prayer will help me? I want to ask Allah (SWT) a question. Please help me out. People will point their fingers at me and say I’m wild and misbehaved, but I’m not lying when I say that I’m feeling love for him, and when I heard about his character, I could not help but admire him. I find myself shocked as well because I don’t know him and yet I’m ready to commit, when the time comes.

Respected Scholar, What should I do? What prayer will help me? I want to ask Allah (SWT) a question. Please help me out.

Answer 22:

You may be experiencing a kind of infatuation. You should not take it seriously; if this intense feeling is going out of control, you need to speak to a therapist who should guide you in overcoming this challenge.

If, however, you had a chance to know him and you want to consider marrying him, then you can make salathul istikhara; on the meaning and method of isthikharah, let me cite here one of my earlier answers:

“Istikharah, in Arabic, means “seeking the best course of action.”

It encourages us to approach Allah through Prayer for guidance when we cannot decide. However, one should remember that istikharah applies strictly to halal or permissible cases since there cannot be a question of choice concerning matters considered haram (not permitted).

The Prophet, peace be on him, taught us how to do so. He told us that if we are faced with life decisions and cannot decide, we must approach Allah through prayer. This prayer is called the Prayer of Istikharah. It is a sunnah or a highly recommended act. The specific method of doing it, is as follows:

First, one must offer a prayer of two rak’ahs to seek guidance from Allah. Then he should submit the following supplication:

Allaahumma innee astakheeruka bi ilmika wa astaqiruka bi qudratika wa as’aluka min fadlika al-azeem, fa innaka taqdiru wa laa aqdiru, wa ta’lamu walaa a’lamu, wa anta allaamu al-ghuyoob. Allaahumma in kunta ta’lamu anna haadha al-amra khayrun lee fee deenee wa ma’aashee, wa aaqibati amree fa uqdurhu lee wa yassirhu lee thumma baarik lee feehi, wa in kunta ta’lamu anna haadha al-amra sharrun lee fee deenee wa maa’shee wa aaqibati amree fa isrifhu annee wa isrifnee anhu wa uqdur liya al-khayra haythu kaana thumaa radhdhinee bihi

(O Allah, I seek Your help in finding out the best course of action (in this matter) by invoking Your knowledge; I ask You to empower me, and I implore Your favor. You alone have the absolute power, while I have no such ability. You alone know it all, while I do not. You are the one who knows the hidden mysteries. O Allah, if You know this thing (I am embarking on) is good for me in my religion, worldly life, and ultimate destiny, then facilitate it for me, and then bless me in my action. If, on the other hand, You know this thing is detrimental for me in my religion, worldly life, and ultimate destiny, turn it away from me, and turn me away from it, and decree what is good for me, wherever it may be, and make me content with it.)

After doing so, he should follow the decision he is strongly inclined to make. If he feels no such inclination, he should choose one of the options; he can rest assured that Allah will guide his steps. It has been reported that the Prophet, peace be upon him, said, “One who asks Allah for guidance in choosing the best course of action will never be a loser.”

Question 23:

When the 4 schools of thought say that music is haram, why is there still a debate on it? Also, I have heard the that considering haram as halal & halal as haram is kufr that takes a person out of Islam. So if someone believes and follows the minority opinion of music being halal & leaves the majority opinion, will he be doing kufr & will he exit the fold of Islam?

Answer 23:

It is incorrect to say there is a consensus in Islam on the prohibition of music. How can there be such a consensus when even the great scholars of Islam such as Imam Ghazali, Ibn Hazm, and others considered it as permissible as long as it is clean and free of corruption and vice?

So, as long as you are dealing with clean and spiritually uplifting music, there is no reason to oppose it.

For details on this, let me cite here one of my earlier answers:

“Music has been an issue hotly debated by scholars, some dismissing it outright while others approve of forms that are free from vulgar or unethical messages. The former group is associating music generally with vices and sins. However, such a judgment seems to be unwarranted when we consider the following:

Musical instinct is natural to humans. Islam is a religion that considers all the genuine instincts of humans, albeit in its most sublime expressions; it would be wrong to condemn all forms of music. Secondly, we learn from authentic traditions that the Prophet ordered us to chant the Quran in a melodious voice even as he chose Bilal to call the adhaan because of his ‘musical voice’. These can be invoked as evidence to show that Islam approves of musical talent in itself rather than its abuse. In this sense, it is comparable to poetry, which is condemned when employed for evil purposes; the Prophet even invoked the support of the holy spirit on behalf of Hassan b.Thabit.

Furthermore, the Prophet himself condoned and approved of girls’ singing on particular occasions, and he also approved of the Abyssinians singing and dancing in the mosque. 

Now, as for the traditions that seem to condemn music, as pointed out by scholars such as Imam Ghazali, Ibn Hazm, Attar, Muhammad al-Ghazzali, Yusuf al-Qaradawi, and many others, they refer to music associated with vulgarity and lewdness.

Thanks to such a balanced approach, music thrived in Islamic cultures worldwide, now emerging as a viable means of Islamization. We can never exaggerate that music is a powerful art form; it is a vital expression of a lively and dynamic culture.

In conclusion, classical music and any music that is clean and free from vulgarities cannot be considered anything but moral and permissible. However, like any good thing, we cannot overdo it.

Coming to your last point, holding on to different views on such issues cannot remove a person from the fold of Islam. A person goes out of the fold of Islam by renouncing it, rejecting any of the fundamental beliefs or practices considering halal, what is categorically forbidden, or declaring haram, what is declared as halal.

The issue of music does not in any way fall into any of the above categories.

We must heed the order of the Prophet (peace be upon him) when he said, “Woe to those who practice rigidity”-he repeated these words thrice.”

Question 24:

I am divorced and have children. I want to married a second time. My father is dead and I do not have Guardian.

Answer 24:

In such a case, you can get married without any guardian; however, choosing an older adult or an imam to represent you in marriage is good.

Make sure the marriage is publicized and solemnized according to the standard legal procedures of the country you are living in to protect yourself.

Question 25:

I have been trying to get married from 2 years but all proposals I look forward are rejecting me and I have tried all matrimonial websites and prayed a lot about it and tried every possible thing from my side to get married and my dadi told me I might have some asrat of my mom and her family so she is advising me a thing to put a paper which was given by some Hazrat in water and bath every day and I ll get married it’s because of asraat I m not getting married what do I do and also I had facial palsy now my face is not as before I can’t smile like before and there is synkinesis now and i trust allah only he can cure me please guide me for my health and marriage and how to know if I have asraat

Answer 25:

You should make lots of istighfar and pray to Allah to help you find a suitable marriage partner.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “Whoever constantly and consistently makes istighfar Allah will appoint for them relief from all difficulties and provide for them in ways they could never foresee.”

Question 26:

I need to ask if our siblings can have a sign if something is going to happen. About a year ago, my sibling reached out and claimed that she had a bad dream and asked me to give Sadaqah; since then my health has been declining. Please guide if this is true or if it was just a waswaas.

Answer  26:

You don’t need to worry about such dreams. However, giving charity is good. It has many benefits, including protecting us from tragedies and calamities. You should always turn to Allah for protection. 

One of the duas the Prophet (peace be upon him) taught us to pray daily is:

Bismillaahilladhee laa yadhurru ma’ismihi shayun fi al-ardhi walaa fi as-sama’i wahuwa as-samee’ul aleem

(In the name of Allah; with His name, nothing on earth or heaven would harm anyone; He is All-Hearing and All-Knowing.

For further details on bad dreams, let me cite here one of my earlier answers:

“If you experience an awful dream, you should not disclose it to anyone. It would be best if you did the following:

1) You need to ask yourself, is there anything wrong I am doing for which I am being chastised through this dream or given a forewarning? If something is wrong, you must rectify it, repent to Allah, and make amends.

2) Seek refuge in Allah by reading the du’a you mentioned at least thrice. Furthermore, make it a part of your regular wird (daily spiritual meditations) in the mornings and evenings. It is a sunnah of the Prophet (peace be upon him).

3) Offer something in charity if you can, for the Prophet (peace be upon him) told us to repel calamities through charities.

Once you do these things, you need not dwell on it anymore as long as you continue to seek refuge in Allah through dhikr and dua’s, after having done the duties enjoined upon us by Allah. You should get the book The Noble Words: Remembrance and Prayers of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) by Ibn Taymiyah and practice the prescribed du’as of the Prophet (peace be upon him) regularly.

As for your deteriorating health conditions, you should never attribute it to the dream your sibling has experienced. You should seek medical treatment. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “O servants of Allah, seek treatments for your ailments; for Allah has appointed a cure for every ailment; and Allah will cure the decease when you take the right medication.” (Reported by Muslim)”

Tuesday, Oct. 24, 2023 | 20:00 - 22:00 GMT

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