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Poisiong wild animals


Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

I’m from Pakistan.

Living in mountainous area and we farming called step farming.

We are worried about the damage of our crops done by wild hogs. This year our crops are about half than the last year.

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We’ve no idea how to deal with this thing.

My 1st consideration was to do fencing but due to slope landscape it’s not possible 

The next this is to kill them (by any means) shot or poison.

But I know it’s haram to kill animals.

That’s why I need your help what should we do.

Peace upon you.


You have a right to protect your crops and farm from the wild hogs. However, you should not kill them; instead, you should find creative methods of keeping them away. If you search around, you will find such devices, such as playing sounds or even radios or similar tools to keep them at bay. If you google or check with experts in agriculture in your country, they may advise you on how to deter them.

I pray to Allah to help you in your efforts to protect your farm from wild hogs.

Almighty Allah knows best.

Thursday, Jan. 01, 1970 | 00:00 - 00:00 GMT

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