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I’m a male teen bisexual and a practicing Muslim. I fell in love with a male Korean celebrity for couples of months now, and nobody but my best friend knows about it. Two months ago, I wondered if I was allowed to, so I watched a video of an Islamic scholar and he said that Allah (SWT) will not punish the feeling of the heart toward someone of the same sex. However, a month ago, I “put a distance” from the Korean celebrity because I doubted if what I was doing was still part of the “as long as they don’t act upon or speak of it” and until I’m sure of these following questions. [1] Am I allowed to follow him on social media (i.e. Twitter and Instagram) and like/comment on his photos through a fan (non-personal) account? He doesn’t upload inappropriate ones. [2] Am I allowed to watch his funny and appropriate videos which have no sexually-related content? [3] Am I allowed to engage myself with other fans through replying to their comments and joining group chats while avoiding potentially inappropriate topics and the like? [4] Am I allowed to tell my best friend something about him like when he uploads a photo on social media? I really need advice and I hope you could help me. Jazakallah!

My situation is very difficult for me now and I’ve been seeking authentic answers, so I hope you could help me as soon as possible. Jazak Allahu Khairan!


According to the Quran, human beings have inclinations towards good and evil. The human soul is equipped with both. Allah says, “And the Soul and the Power who shaped it, inspiring it with the thought of what is good and what is bad; so successful is the one who fosters the good and damned is he debases it.”

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Whatever we focus on would become our reality; so, I would advise you against nurturing and fostering this infatuation or obsession. You should seek the protection of Allah by keeping your mind focused on the remembrance of Allah.

So, dispel such thoughts and feelings by occupying your mind with ideas that are pure and chaste. As Imam Ash-Shafi said, “If you do not keep your mind occupied with good thoughts, Satan will make sure to make you occupied with the bad.”

So, I would urge you to practice your prayers regularly and do so with full attention and practice constancy in dhikr or remembrance of Allah.

Read the Quran and listen to it; also, get hold of a prayer book like Fortress of a Muslim. Read the duaas regularly and seek Allah’s help to protect you against thoughts that corrupt your soul.

Once you exert yourself and turn to Allah for help, you can rest assured of the protection of Allah.

Almighty Allah knows best.

Thursday, Jan. 01, 1970 | 00:00 - 00:00 GMT

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