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Are these things kufr or waswasas?


I want to confirm these things as im suffering from ocd it will give me some peace

1) is it kufr when one believes someone prediction regarding a matter because one is very wise and have great grip on psychology(my teacher predicting students marks he’s been teaching for 34 years)

2) is it kufr to say that Allah has no wife one says it and knows Allah has no gender but thinks that the statement is not wrong because infact Allah has no wife and is reality

3) is sarcastically or jokingly saying when someone says that one is soo nice so u say should i worship her and make the gesture which hindues make while worshiping (like they have this plate through which they do artii moving it in circle around person's face) and u move it too but sarcastically 

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4) if one deletes an islamic video or click not interested is it kufr? 


As Imam Ghazali has said, we are accountable only for the thoughts we dwell and develop on, not for our self-chatters that flash our minds. However, one must dispel such thoughts and keep the Devil away by seeking refuge protection with Allah. Allah orders His messenger, saying: “Should a suggestion or whispering from Satan assail your mind, seek refuge in Allah; He is the Hearing, the Knowing. “ (Al-A`raf 7: 200)

You also ought to make a habit of reading the last three surahs of the Quran.  Constancy in dhikr will also keep Satan away.

Once you have done your best to keep your mind focused on the remembrance of Allah, you can rest assured of Allah’s protection.

Almighty Allah knows best.

Thursday, Jan. 01, 1970 | 00:00 - 00:00 GMT

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