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Ask the Family Counselor (Q/A Session)

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

We are excited to share that our upcoming counseling Q/A session is just around the corner! Join us on September 20th at 9 a.m. GMT for an insightful discussion about all things related to family counselign and self-care.

Are you struggling with family or marital issues, with children or relationships? This session is for you. Our expert counselor, Orsolya Ilham, will address your questions and provide valuable insights to help you on your healing journey.

Is there a specific question on your mind? This is your chance to seek guidance in a safe and anonymous space.

To ensure your question is addressed during the session, kindly submit it before the event begins.

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The service is completely anonymous..

Saturday, Sep. 21, 2024 | 09:00 - 10:00 GMT

Session didn't start yet!

Submit Your Question

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