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Muslims Mourn Ali Banat, the Man ‘Gifted with Cancer’

It’s a sad day for all those who knew Ali Banat, the young man gifted with cancer.

Ali Banat was an inspiring Australian Muslim philanthropist whose diagnosis of cancer motivated him to dedicate his life to charity work.

“At this point in my life, Alhamdulillah I have been gifted by Allah with cancer throughout my body and I have changed my whole life to helping people,” he said.

An Inspiration to Muslim Youth

A man of a kind heart was known for his charity work over the past three years. One of his biggest achievements is MATW  project, (Muslims Around The World) launched in October 2015 to assist those less fortunate in the poverty-stricken areas of Togo, Africa.

He was an inspiration to Muslim youth, dedicating his big fortune to charity work. His organization built mosques and schools for the less fortunate in Africa.

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May Allah accept it from him!

Upon learning about his death, Muslims started to mourn him on Twitter.


Related Links:

“Gifted With Cancer,” Ali Banat Works to Help Less Fortunate

Ali Banat