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How to Handle Your Hyperactive Child?

Having a hyperactive child causes much stress and suffering for parents. Sometimes, parents don’t have enough information or experience to deal with their hyperactive children to the point that they develop a bad relationship with them.

Before being worried, parents need to understand that the hyperactivity of children is a normal thing in all ages.

For example, children aged between 2 and 5 rarely sit in one place and they keep moving around everywhere. Older children and teens are also energetic  and active. We should not expect our children to be quiet and well-behaved at all times. On the contrary, many children cross the line and tend to be disruptive and destructive and may even hurt themselves.

Mothers should know that some children many behave in a hyperactive manner just to draw attention .

It’s common nowadays to hear mothers complaining about their children’s behaviors labeling them as hyperactive. But how do we know if the child is really hyperactive?

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Signs of hyperactivity in children:

  • Hyperactive children have a difficulty in listening or following directions.
  • They can’t sit back in their seats. They move around a lot.
  • They have normal or high IQ but may do badly at school.
  • They talk too much, or interrupt other people’s conversations.
  • They fail to follow instructions, or do a step-by-step routine.
  • They are impulsive, overenthusiastic and bouncing with energy.
  • They can easily become worried, frustrated, angry, and sad.
  • They are clumsy and accident prone.
  • They may disturb other children or be aggressive and argumentative.
  • They can be impulsive, which means doing things without thinking about the results



Hyperactive children find it difficult to handle anger, sadness, and worry.

How to deal with hyperactive children?

The best way to deal with a hyperactive child is to make him/her relax and take things one at a time. So, help your child to pay attention, focus better, and be less hyper.

Talk to your children in a simple manner

Give them your complete attention and lend an ear to his concerns, interests, and apprehensions. Also get them to make to-do lists and break down the instructions given to them.

Help them deal with their feelings

Hyperactive children find it difficult to handle anger, sadness, and worry. Help them to deal with their feelings and tell them what is good and what is bad.

Make them relax

Minimize distractions and screen time. Take them out for a walk in green surroundings.

Arts and crafts

Arts and crafts projects are great for teaching children to act on their ideas and turn creative concepts into something concrete. It shows them that they are capable of using all their energy a driving force for something creative and productive.

Camping and outdoor activities

There is nothing like connecting to nature and breathing the fresh air. Discovering nature while doing some physical activity will help your hyperactive child to use their energy for something positive. Taking your child camping or scouting is a great opportunity to teach them about nature and help them develop some practical skills.

Helping around the home

When your child comes home from school practically bouncing off the walls with energy, this is the perfect time to let them help you with some simple chores. Don’t sit them down in front of the TV or allow them to play video games.

Instead, ask them if they’d like to help you get dinner ready or do some simple chores like dusting or vacuuming. Children often enjoy this kind of quality time with a parent, and it also gives them a sense of responsibility and helps them take pride in their work.

Behavior therapy

Reward them for good manners as listening to you and sticking to a routine. Encourage them to establish order, and let them know what is expected from him/her.

Channelize their energy

Find means to vent their energy and calm their minds. Children need to run around and play a lot. Invest in classes and sports which help them use up their energy, physical activity, and soothe mind.

Supportive environment

Get your family and friends to help you in your disciplining program. Speak to the teachers at school to be more patient and positive towards your child.

Quality time

Try to spend as much time as possible with your child even if you have to forgo some social and extra-curricular activities.  Ask your child about his day and discuss any problems that he may have had

At the end, you have to know that a hyperactive child is not bad. He/she may just need little more attention, patience, and activity to invest their energy in a right way.




About Dina Samaha
Dina Samaha is a member of the editorial board of About Islam. She holds a B.A. in Journalism from the Faculty of Mass Communication, Cairo University and is currently a post graduate student at the American University in Cairo.