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Speaking Truth to Power: Eloquence of Prophet’s Granddaughter

The Story of the 10th of Muharram

Zaynab bint ʿAli’s jihâd, however, did not end on the Day of ʿÂshûra’. On that day, she lost her youngest son and her brother both; as though that were not enough grief to bear, she and her remaining family members were captured by Ibn Ziyâd and brought to him as prisoners of war.

Dignified even in seeming defeat, Zaynab’s demeanor irritated Ibn Ziyâd, who snapped, “Who is this woman?”

Her slave girl responded, “This is Zaynab, daughter of Fatimah, daughter of the Messenger of Allah (PBUH).

Sneering, Ibn Ziyâd said, “Praise be to Allah who humiliated and killed you all.”

Eyes flashing, Zaynab responded,

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Rather, praise be to Allah Who honored us with His prophet and thoroughly purified us from filth! It is only the morally corrupt who are humiliated by Allah and the depraved who are disproven, and those are not us, O Ibn Ziyâd!

Angered, Ibn Ziyâd asked her, “How do you find what Allah has done with your family?”

Steadfast as ever, she replied:

They were appointed death and thus went forth to their resting places. Allah will gather [a gathering] between them and you, and you will dispute with each other before Him on Resurrection Day.

Discomfited and taken aback, Ibn Ziyâd turned his attention to Zaynab’s nephew, Zayn Al-ʿÂbidîn ibn Al-Ḥussain, who had been severely injured during the battle. “Who are you?” Ibn Ziyâd demanded to know.

As dignified as his aunt, the young boy answered,

I am ʿAli ibn Al-Ḥussain.

“Didn’t Allah kill ʿAli ibn Al-Ḥussain?” Ibn Ziyâd retorted.

“I had an older brother named Ali [ibn ʿAli ibn Al-Ḥussain] whom your men killed,” Zayn Al-ʿÂbidîn said calmly.

Ibn Ziyâd snapped, “Rather, Allah killed him!”

The boy recited Qur’anic verses in response:

“Allah takes the souls at the time of their death.” [Sûrat Al-Zumar, 39:42]

“No soul can ever die except by Allah’s leave and at a term appointed.” [Sûrat Âl ʿImrân, 3:145]

Furious, Ibn Ziyâd summoned his executioner and commanded that the boy be killed immediately. Zaynab immediately stepped forward and drew her nephew into her embrace, declaring for all to hear,

O Ibn Ziyâd, if this is the case, then kill me with him!

Knowing that to have a defenseless woman killed would be a mark against his own reputation, Ibn Ziyâd commented sourly, “What kind of kinship is this? I think that it is as if she wants me to kill her! Leave him be.”

After this altercation with Ibn Ziyâd, the household of Zaynab bint ʿAli was sent to Syria to face Yazîd ibn Muʿâwiyah himself. As they were brought forth to his court, a member of Yazîd’s entourage caught sight of Zaynab’s niece, Fâṭimah bint Al-Ḥussain—a beautiful young woman—and demanded that she be given to him as a gift.

Infuriated by this disregard for the dignity of her family—the family of the Prophet, Zaynab bint ʿAli once again strode forward and spoke fearlessly:

This is neither your right nor his!” she declared to Yazîd.

Angered in turn, Yazîd snarled, “You have lied. This is certainly my right, and if I wanted to [give her to him], I would.”

“No, by Allah!” Zaynab swore, “Allah did not permit you this unless she leaves our faith and practices another religion.”

“How dare you direct such speech toward me!” Yazîd exploded. “The only ones who left the religion are your father and brother!”

“It is through the religion of my father, brother, and grandfather that you, your father, and your grandfather were guided,” Zaynab parried. She paused, and then delivered the speech that became famed throughout history for its eloquence, its ferocity, and its passion.

In part 2,  you’ll read the speech of Zaynab before the Khalifa and how he responded to it. Stay tuned ..

Re-published from with a kind permission from the author.

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