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8 Ways to Manage Stress with a Spiritual Boost

5 – Journaling

Journaling has been proven by research to bring several health benefits in addition to stress relief.

8 Ways to Manage Stress with a Spiritual Boost

This is a highly recommended stress reliever. Keep a gratitude journal to help you remember all the good things in your life.

Regularly writing down your thoughts can help you clear your mind.

Whether it’s writing down things you are grateful for or just organising thoughts that have been bothering you, you can relax your mind.

It helps clarify your sources of stress and redirects you to a healthier state of mind.

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When you start feeling stressed, spend a few minutes looking through your notes to remind yourself what really matters.

6 – Serving Others

Focusing on helping others can take your mind off your personal stressors and help you see the bigger picture.

It can make you feel good about yourself while also helping others, resulting in a win-win situation.

Find a community service opportunity you’re interested in and participate in it at least twice a month, or once a week if possible.

7 – Colouring

Colouring allows us to switch off our brains from other thoughts and focus on the moment.

8 Ways to Manage Stress with a Spiritual Boost - About Islam

The practice generates wellness, quietness and also stimulates brain areas related to motor skills, the senses, and creativity.

It is so important to take the time out of our busy lives to engage in activities that make use of different parts of our brains and give ourselves some change in our daily routines.

8 – Being Out in Nature

Even if it’s just taking a walk in the park or standing in your backyard for a few minutes, reconnecting with nature is therapeutic.

Find a scenic place around your neighbourhood or town and go hiking as a family, or have a picnic lunch in your backyard to recharge.

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We spend so much time inside or using technology, whether it be our laptops, phones, social media, or watching Netflix shows, that we don’t get as much vitamin D as we would naturally get from the sun.

So, taking a small part of your day to step outside can be very healing.

Yes, we are time-pressed. But you must take a little time every day for your health and well-being, as they are blessings from Allah.


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