Eid Al Adha is about sacrifice and spreading the joy for the less fortunate.
On Eid days, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) not only fulfilled his personal obligation, but offered a second sacrifice in the name of those who could not afford to give.
Every Eid al-Adha, we bring to you a list of the most well known Muslim organizations, through which you can give your Udhiya. So, here we go!
Islamic Relief
Last year alone, your donations enabled to provide quality meat to over 4 million vulnerable people across 28 countries such as Bangladesh, Afghanistan and Syria, as well as in the UK.
For many, this is the only time they will be able to eat meat in the entire year.
Your donation will not only bring happiness to those less fortunate but will allow them to enjoy Eid without worrying about how and what they will feed their families.
Penny Appeal
This year, make Eid ul Adha extra special for those living in food poverty and hunger.
From Asia, Middle-East and Africa, Penny Appeal is working across the world to ensure those living in poverty are supplied with your Qurbani and it is delivered at their convenience.

Muslim Hands
Muslim Hands sources animals from local farmers who provide fresh, halal, non-stunned meat, which in turn supports the local economy.

Your Qurbani will be made after the Eid Salah and the meat will be distributed to those most in need,
Zakat Foundation
Zakat Foundation chooses healthy animals, slaughtered in a hygienic environment by local butchers, at the best rates.
Animals are purchased within the countries of distribution to benefit local economies. All meat is always fresh, delivered to homes right on the first day of Eid.

Ensure the luxury of meat is enjoyed year-round by supporting our livestock program.
Your extra donation will provide long-term help by giving 2 animals to needy families and ensure financial independence.
Islamic Help
When you book Qurbani, the Islamic Help team across the world buy the necessary animals in advance and arrange for their sacrifice, in accordance with Shariah, at the prescribed time before distributing the meat to those most in need.
It’s essential that you book your Qurbani in advance to ensure we can fulfil your obligation.