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30 Days – 30 Refugee Stories

Salma Hasan Ali is highlighting refugee stories throughout the month of Ramadan in her blog 30 days/30 deeds.

Announcing her passionate project, Ali wrote the following post on her facebook page:

“My dear friends, may I ask you to take a minute to watch this video; it’s an introduction to my ’30days30deeds’ Ramadan blog. This year, we’ll focus on 30 refugee stories, to encourage us to get to know, and care for, our neighbors near and far.

I have never been more excited than I am this year to bring these stories to light; each person I write about has inspired me with their compassion, resilience, generosity and faith. Please ‘like’ the Facebook page at 30 Days 30 Deeds to follow along. It would mean a lot to me if you would share this video and the stories that follow with your friends of all faiths or none; these are the stories the world needs to hear. This is an issue about our humanity, about our collective responsibility. With each post I’ll include a way that we can support the people that we are reading about by donating to the organizations that care for their needs.”

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