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Building Peace at Home 2

Honor Peopleꞌs Space

In this episode of Building Peace at Home, Sr. Hana Alasry speaks about the importance of honoring each otherꞌs space at home.

Privacy and Well-Being

Having a place at home where we can enjoy our privacy contributes to our mental health and well-being.

Also, allowing our family members to retreat for a while and respecting their need to be alone sometimes would create more peace. 

Respect the Function of Each Space

Distributing the rooms and spaces according to functions would lead to less enmeshment and, therefore, less disturbance of each other’s activities.

Watch the video for the details!

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Here is the first episode about peace disruptors at home.

Read more:

About Hana Alasry
Hana Alasry is a physician associate practicing medicine in the US. She has over 10 years of Islamic community organizing experience. She is the founder of SALIM Life LLC and has a self-improvement brand which focuses on God-Conscious Self-Improvement. She has a particular interest in premarital preparation and healing chronic trauma and offers personal coaching, group coaching, workshops & more. You can find more about Hana's work at, on Tiktok (@HanathePA) and on Youtube (Hana Alasry).