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The Roller Coaster of Fornication: How to Get Out?

20 June, 2024
Q Salam. I am a student in accountancy field. I am extremely disturbed due to my past and present. Two years ago, I met a girl in my office. We became friends, but later fell in an un-Islamic relationship, having sexual intercourse as well. I really liked her and had the intention of marrying her. After a few months, the issue was disclosed as she married a guy (verbally without signing anything) who was also in the same office and used to be my friend. When I got to know about this, I was broken, but I controlled my feelings. The guy was not good with her; he physically abused her, threatened, and mistreated her. Finally, I was there with her when he gave divorce to her on the phone. After that, office was tough for me. We still liked each other, and I still intended to marry her, but my mother refused due to family issues. We were heartbroken but stayed together. We knew we were doing wrong and we have tried so many times to separate but without any success. Sometimes, we totally cut off, other times we mutually agree to just be friends with minimum contact. But I just can’t control it and I convince the girl, too, and we end up falling into sinning again. Many times, she spends on me, buying gifts or other stuff. She is from a good family background, has a kind heart and was even more into religion. But after her disturbed time with her previous marriage and getting involved in a relationship with me, she cannot be like she used to be before. I am from a mediocre family. My father works in Saudi Arabia, my mother and young sisters live in a different city with me. Due to my committing zina, my whole life is disturbed. My studies have been affected and I live in isolation. I regret, I repent but then fall back in that state. I have the guilt of ruining the girl's life, I have the guilt of being 27 years and still haven’t built a career, and feel horrible that my sick father has to do hard work. I want to do something, but I am unable to. Please tell me what should I do? How should I stop? I am scared that even if the girl refuses and stays away from me, I might end up doing sin in some other way to satisfy my physical urge.



As-Salaam Alaykum brother,

I am sorry to hear you are in a difficult time. It seems you are creating a cycle of suffering for yourself. It is understandable that you look for comfort and have an attachment with this sister. However, the nature of the relationship you described seems to be unhealthy.

Sometimes, things taste good (for a period of time), but in the long run, it starts to wear and tear our souls. Similarly, a lot of fast food tastes good and we enjoy it, but later we feel sick and lethargic, because the food does not possess any really energy or nutrition. Sometimes, relationships are similar. Based on what you shared, I offer the following advice, and I hope that with God’s permission, you find openings and blessings in it.

  • Get back to God! Increase in your taqwah (piety and fear of Allah). You are going astray with your actions because most likely you are not connected to God through prayer and dhikr. They are God’s cure to the heart, making what is haram disgusting to the soul.

 And whoever fears Allah – He will make for him a way out, And will provide for him from where he does not expect. And whoever relies upon Allah – then He is sufficient for him. Indeed, Allah will accomplish His purpose. Allah has already set for everything a [decreed] extent.” (Quran 65: 2-3)

  • Your life should not revolve around a woman or your sexual desire. This reflects a lower functioning self. Through dhikr of God and using your time for beneficial things, your mind will become clear. Once you replace your thoughts with higher things, this will result in better moods and correct action.
  • Start fasting as well as decreasing contact with this sister. If your sexual energy overwhelms you, go get some exercise and release your energy. If you are still sexually aroused, then in my opinion, it is better to masturbate than keep committing zina. This is the lesser of two wrongs principal.
  • Tawaqul; know that God controls all things and that you should depend and trust in Him. Focus your time and energy on getting a job. Income will open the doors for you to be able to support a future marriage, and you will no longer need to get gifts and financial support from this sister.
  • Istighfar; return to God and seek forgiveness for your wrongs, no matter how abundant and often it happens. Keep going back. It’s Satan that wants to make us feel despair and give up. You will always make mistakes, and God will always be there for you to reform yourself.
  • Get moving! Start praying; make daily dhikr as you walk to find jobs. Keep busy with good company and helping others. Make your focus in daily life purposeful and beyond the sister and your desire. You must be consistent with your actions, and with time you will transform in sha ‘Allah.



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About Karim Serageldin
Karim Serageldin, founder of Noor, completed his BA in psychology & religion, followed by an MA in east-west psychology with a specialization in spiritual counseling. He is a certified life coach with years of teaching and community outreach experience. His practical work and research includes developing a modern framework of Islamic psychology, relationship, family and youth coaching. He provides seminars and workshops in the United States. You can contact Br. Karim at: or