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Is Breast Restoration Allowed in Islam?

28 September, 2023
Q I have breastfed all my children and had to express milk often to increase my milk supply. As a result, my breasts have been damaged. They are completely deflated and just wrinkled skin remains. My husband is struggling with this and asked me to consider breast augmentation to fix it. I can ensure the whole surgical team is female. We are both practicing Muslims and my husband is kind but still a man and is struggling with this. I have been happily married until now and now I am feeling very low and feeling insufficient as a wife. I’m struggling with my husband around other women for work etc, I get upset when a woman isn’t in proper hijab and has tight clothes on her chest even those that wear hijab. He lowers his gaze but I’m sure it’s a reminder of what I no longer have. I’m also feeling sad and worried that I’m failing this test. I want to be someone that would give up the entire Dunya for Allah swt but I’m struggling with this and occupied with whether I can correct my chest?


In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. 

All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

In this fatwa:

Seeking methods to safely restore your breasts to its former healthy state is allowed in Islam. However, the procedure should only restore it to its previous state and should not be altering or changing what was naturally there before, i.e., this should not be used as an opportunity to enlarge one’s breasts but return them to what they were before the deformity.  

Responding to your question, Sheikh Ahmad Kutty, a senior lecturer and an Islamic scholar at the Islamic Institute of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, states:

Firstly, I pray that Allah help restore your sense of confidence, and may you continue to enjoy a happy marriage and spousal relationship.

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Now coming to the question you raised, you are allowed to get the necessary treatment to rectify the condition, provided it is deemed safe and does not result in more significant harm. 

In Islam, we are allowed to treat conditions that occur to our bodies that adversely affect their normal function, or to remove abnormalities that have resulted.

Islam is a religion that is life-affirming and not life-negating. In other words, all of its injunctions aim at alleviating suffering, misery, and pain. Therefore, one of the stated objectives or purposes of the Shari`ah is to remove harm and hardship and bring ease and comfort. Allah says, “Allah wishes to grant you ease (and comfort), and He does not wish to impose hardship on you.” (Al-Baqarah 2:185); “He has not appointed any hardship for you in religion.” (Al-Hajj 22: 78). The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “There shall be no harm or reciprocating of harm.”

Moreover, Islam enjoins upon us to strive to find cures and treatments and to use them whenever they are available to the best of our ability. Treatments are recommended to cure diseases or rid ourselves of abnormalities or deformities that make our life miserable. To remove an outgrowth or deformity from our bodies that causes us undue pain, distress, or invites scorn from people also falls under this rule of permissible treatments.

Therefore, seeking methods to safely restore your breasts to its former healthy state is allowed. However, the procedure should only restore it to its previous state and should not be altering or changing what was naturally there before, i.e., this should not be used as an opportunity to enlarge one’s breasts but return them to what they were before the deformity.  

Making additional changes falls into the category of mutilating the creation of Allah: a pet project of Satan, the sworn enemy of humankind, and hence is wholly condemned.

Lastly, I would like to comment on the fact that husbands should not fall into the trap of having unreasonable expectations of their wives’ bodies. A woman’s body will naturally change with childbirth and nursing. These changes should not be scorned but should be seen as battle scars that your wife has earned for the sake of your family. 

Let us not fall for the false notions society puts up in terms of what our bodies should look like vs. the way Allah has created them.

The onus is on men to realize and internalize this. It would be well to remember what Allah teaches us, “… it may be that you dislike a thing in which God has placed much good.” (An-Nisa’ 4:19)

For more, see these fatwa:

What Are the Cases That Make Cosmetic Surgery Permissible?

Cosmetic Surgery: Islamic Perspective

Are Cosmetic Surgeries Permissible?

Almighty Allah knows best.


About Sheikh Ahmad Kutty
Sheikh Ahmad Kutty is a Senior Lecturer and an Islamic Scholar at the Islamic Institute of Toronto, Ontario, Canada