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Consuming Aphrodisiacs: Permissible?

25 November, 2018
Q What is the ruling on using aphrodisiacs to increase pleasure?


In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. 

All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

In this fatwa:

There is nothing wrong with consuming aphrodisiacs, so long as they are harmful to the body and they do not include anything that is haram.

Answering your question, the Fatwa Center at Islam Q and A, states:

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Aphrodisiacs are of two types:

1- Natural things, such as certain types of foods, plants and the like. There is nothing wrong with consuming this type of aphrodisiacs, so long as it is not proven that they are harmful to the body. If it is proved that they are harmful to the body, they should be avoided.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “There should be neither harming nor reciprocating harm.” (Ibn Majah)

We read in Al-Adab Al-Shar`iyyah, 2:463:

“It is haram to use as medicine or kohl anything that is impure, or pure but haram, or harmful, and so on.”

In classical sources, there is frequent mention of the benefits of some kinds of food which are said to increase desire or give one strength for intercourse.

For example, Al-Hafizh Ibn Hajar (may Allah have mercy on him) said, when discussing the words of the Prophet (peace be upon him), “You should use this aloes-wood (al-‘ood al-hindi) for in it there are seven cures” (Muslim) Aloes-wood is the well-known Indian costmary, and among its benefits are that it aids digestion, stirs desire and clears up pimples. (Fath al-Baari)

The same is also said of fenugreek, pistachios, carob, melon-seeds and so on. (Al-Adab Al-Shar`iyyah by Ibn Muflih, 7:3 and 2:370, 375)

It is important not to be extravagant in using such things or be preoccupied that to such an extent that one becomes obsessed with looking for foods and drinks that will increase his desire.

2- Drugs and medicines that are used for this purpose. The basic principle concerning these drugs is that they are also permissible, so long as they do not include anything that is haram such as intoxicants, and are not harmful, in which case they are haram for these two reasons.

But they should not be used unless there is a need for that, such as being incapacitated, sick or elderly, and in consultation with a trustworthy medical specialist.

That is because some of them are harmful and may be lethal. Others are not lethal but there is no benefit to be gained by using them if one is healthy and has no need of them, even if they increase desire as mentioned in the question.

It is said that medicine is like soap; it cleans the garment but it also wears it out. So, one should avoid using medicines as much as possible.

We will give you an example of a medicine which has become widespread nowadays, namely the drug called Viagra. Use of this drug by some people without any medical exam or consultation has led to a great deal of harm.

Concerning this, Dr. Abd-Allah Al-Nuaymi, a heart specialist in the Zayed Military Hospital said during a seminar on aphrodisiacs:

“This drug has side effects, some of which are severe. There is a study that was carried out in Canada on 8500 people which found that 16% of them suffered headaches and some of them suffered redness and heat especially in the face; some of them suffered from digestive problems and some, especially those who had low blood pressure, found that their blood pressure dropped to dangerous levels.

Healthy people who do not have any health problems should still consult a doctor, if only briefly, whilst those who had problems, especially any blockage of the arteries of the heart, must consult a doctor first, because “many of them take drugs called nitrates, which interact strongly with Viagra. Viagra prevents this drug from being absorbed by the sick person’s body. We found that the nitrates were multiplied ten times in some cases, which leads to a severe drop in blood pressure, and may cause death. We have heard of deaths which have occurred and most of these deaths happened in such cases, where the person had a heart attack and he had a blockage in the arteries and was taking nitrates, so when he took Viagra with the nitrates, the nitrates multiplied many times and this led to the side effects.”

Almighty Allah knows best.
