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Are Cosmetic Surgeries Allowed in Islam?

11 August, 2024
Q What is the ruling on cosmetic surgeries and the necessity of performing them?


In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. 

All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

In this fatwa:

Cosmetic surgeries that are necessary to restore the function of an organ or to return its form to the original proper state are permissible. This includes surgeries that correct congenital defects, such as extra fingers and cleft lip, or acquired defects, such as burns, excessive enlargement of certain body parts like breasts, hair loss, and abnormal hair growth.

Answering your question, The Assembly of Muslim Jurists of America, states:

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The fundamental principle in this matter is that all of Allah’s creation is beautiful, and that the children of Adam, despite their varying shapes and colors, have been created in the best of stature. Contentment with one’s creation is part of being content with the Creator.

Cosmetic surgeries that are necessary to restore the function of an organ or to return its form to the original proper state are permissible. This includes surgeries that correct congenital defects, such as extra fingers and cleft lip, or acquired defects, such as burns, excessive enlargement of certain body parts like breasts, hair loss, and abnormal hair growth.

It is permissible to remove a blemish through surgery if it causes psychological or physical harm, being real and not imagined, with consideration given to the assessment of healthy individuals.

Cosmetic enhancement surgeries that aim to increase beauty, alter the normal creation, imitate the immoral, or involve men resembling women and women resembling men are not permissible.

Permanent tattooing is not permissible according to the text, except for correcting a defect as in some surgical procedures that require it to cover a blemish or hide a deformity and the like. Temporary tattooing is disliked because it oscillates between the prohibited permanent tattooing and the permissible use of henna. The dislike intensifies and may reach the level of prohibition in cases where it is part of their (non-Muslims’) symbols, and for those who do it in imitation of them.

Removing wrinkles that arise from aging, not from illness, is disliked because it involves something like deception and altering the creation of Allah.

For cosmetic surgeries to be permissible, it is required that the procedure does not result in harm equivalent to or greater than the original harm—whether physical or psychological.

Almighty Allah knows best.

Source: AMJA Online.

About AMJA
Permanent Fatwa Committee of the Assembly of Muslim Jurists of America (AMJA)