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Can We Do Tawaf with Shoes?

13 June, 2024
Q I made hajj this year, and I made tawaf al-ifadah near the Kabah with my shoes on, and I also made sa`i with my shoes on. Is this permissible? If no, then do I have to repeat my tawaf and sa`i. (My shoes was very clean.)


In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. 

All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

In this fatwa:

The pilgrim may need to do tawaf and sa`i wearing shoes because of injuries to his feet and so on. So there is nothing wrong with him doing tawaf in his shoes, after making sure that they are clean.

Answering your question, the Fatwa Center at Islam Q and A, states:

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It is permissible to do tawaf wearing shoes if they are clean. The Sunnah is to pray wearing shoes sometimes. If prayer wearing shoes is valid, then it is even more likely that doing tawaf and sa`i in shoes is also valid.

It is better not to do tawaf wearing shoes, so that people who are careless and who do not take care to avoid impurities will not follow your example, which would lead to the mosque being contaminated and made dirty.  

The pilgrim may need to do tawaf and sa`i wearing shoes because of injuries to his feet and so on. So there is nothing wrong with him doing tawaf in his shoes, after making sure that they are clean. The Prophet (blessing and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “When one of you comes to the mosque, if he sees some dirt on his shoes, let him wipe them and pray in them.” (Abu Dawood and classed as sahih by al-Albaani)

Almighty Allah knows best.
