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Is Sexual Dissatisfaction Valid Reason for Divorce?

14 August, 2022
Q I married for more than 5 years. My husband has impotence and psychiatric illness. He is not ready to satisfy me by any other means too. Is divorce permissible in this case?


In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. 

All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

Answering your question, Sheikh Mustafa Umar, President of California Islamic University, states:

The best thing is to see a sex therapist and try to resolve the intimacy issues between the two of you. If it does not work, this is a valid reason to ask for a divorce or khul` (release from the marriage).

Almighty Allah knows best.

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About Sheikh Mustafa Umar
Sheikh Mustafa Umar is the President of California Islamic University.