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Is It Safe to Go Back to School Amid COVID-19?

23 August, 2020
Q Aslamau Alaikum counselor, please I need your advice, Is it safe for kids to go back to school during the Coronavirus. Thank you!


In this counseling answer:

-The answer to this question will vary greatly from family to family depending on personal circumstances.

-Is there a genuine risk to them? Is the rate of infection locally in your area high? Has the school made sufficient preparations for their return? Are your children anxious about returning?

-If there is not an increased risk and you are still anxious about sending them, homeschooling could be an option in this case.

-If, after contemplating your own personal situation, you feel comfortable to send them back to school, then you can ease yours and their anxieties by starting to prepare them for their return now. 

Wa alaikum salaam wa rahmatulahi wa barakatuh,  

This is a dilemma that many of us parents are facing right now as the new school year draws closer. Just as when the schools and world, in general, were shut down, we still face a future of uncertainty at this point and face anxieties in all our interactions on a daily basis.

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As schools now begin to reopen we now must decide whether it is safe to send our children back or not. There are many mixed opinions on the matter.

Back to School

Some have had no choice and will continue to have no choice but to send their children back to school due to work commitments whereas others may have more flexibility in the matter. 

It is not as simple as to say it is or is not safe to send out children back to school. The answer to this question will vary greatly from family to family depending on personal circumstances. The following things are all matters that you should contemplate before making your choice.  

Is It Safe to Go Back to School Amid COVID-19? - About Islam

Is it safe?

Firstly, ask yourself what it is that is making you anxious about sending your children to school. There are many things that could be contributing to this.

 Is there a genuine risk to them? Is the rate of infection locally in your area high? Has the school made sufficient preparations for their return? Are your children anxious about returning?

If so, why? Are they scared of getting sick? Or just scared of a change of routine? Are you worried about not being with them to directly protect them? Or are you also anxious about being away from them after they’ve been at home for so long?  

Check out this counseling video

If there is increased risk in your area and you are afraid for their health, are you willing and able to homeschool as an alternative? 

If this is the case, or even there is not an increased risk and you are still anxious about sending them, homeschooling could be an option in this case, at least until things are more settled and you are less worried about sending them back.  

So, after contemplating your own personal situation, you feel comfortable to send them back to school, then you can ease yours and their anxieties by starting to prepare them for their return now. 

Prepare kids physically and psychologically

Prepare them both physically in terms of ensuring that they are following strict hygiene procedures such as regular hand washing, coughing and sneezing into the crook of the elbow… Etc.., as well as psychologically.

Prepare them psychologically by letting them know that things will be different. They won’t be allowed to be as close to their friends as they were last year, but that doesn’t mean they don’t care, it is just to keep you all safe and that in sha Allah, things will pass and they will be able to play as usual again soon.  


It is a very difficult decision to make, but you can make the decision easier by considering the things mentioned here, talking to your children, the school and other mums.

up the pros and cons of each and take the matter to Allah.  

May Allah guide you to make the best decision and may He keep you and your family safe. 


Disclaimer: The conceptualization and recommendations stated in this response are very general and purely based on the limited information provided in the question. In no event shall AboutIslam, its counselors or employees be held liable for any damages that may arise from your decision in the use of our services.

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About Hannah Morris
Hannah Morris is a mum of 4 and she currently works as Counsellor and Instructor of BSc. Psychology at the Islamic Online University (IOU). She obtained her MA degree in Psychology and has over 10 years of experience working in health and social care settings in the UK, USA, and Ireland. Check out her personal Facebook page, ActiveMindCare, that promotes psychological well-being in the Ummah. (