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Why Are There So Many Lies About Islam Online?

04 January, 2017
Q Some non-Muslims try to get information about Islam through the internet. Therefore, I wanted to know what was written about Islam in the internet. I went into a website and found that a lot of wrong information was written about Islam. This upset me very much. People who don't know about Islam should not be allowed to write about it!!! For example; we are not "Mohammadens"? No!, we are Muslims. They said that men pray collectively in the mosque on Fridays and women rarely pray even at home!!! They said that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) did not understand the concept of Christianity and that was the reason he did not embrace it!!! They said many other lies. I'm sure that there are many other similar sites and I strongly believe that our scholars should respond to such false information. What can be done about this? Thank you.


Asalamu Alaikum Loulwah,

Thank you for contacting About Islam with your question.

It is indeed a pressing one. I recently reviewed a book on this subject entitled Virtually Islamic which, although it was based on a survey of Islam on the internet done a couple of years ago, is still largely valid today.

Someone wanting to find out about Islam on the internet today is just as likely to first encounter a site hostile to Islam or from an obscure and esoteric branch of Islam, as they are to find a site about the solid, authentic teachings of Islam – such as

This no doubt causes many problems. But with a little bit of effort, I am sure that most people will discover a range of materials and realize which material is more reliable. 

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Then how can people on the internet know which website is most accurate?

Well, there are a number of things. Firstly, major search engines such as or tend to rank sites according to popularity, on the number of links to the site and sometimes on the activity on the site in terms of new content being added. 

In this way, if people visit sites such as regularly, and if they add links to it from their websites, it has a much greater chance of being found and used.

You can help this process along by not publicizing in any way sites with misinformation about Islam and by publicizing the more authentic sites. Sending out emails warning people about sites with misinformation about Islam doesn’t help, it hinders. 

This of course is not perhaps the ideal and we really need to have a more proactive presentation of Islam both on the internet and through other media. The effort devoted to this is increasing but it still not enough. 

The best way to stop misinformation is to make those who misinform seem like idiots in the eyes of everyone else, because “everyone knows what they say is not true!” So much needs to be done!

We are doing our bit at Ask About Islam but it is largely just reacting to others. Islam needs to be presented clearly, coherently, and in a way that at least 90% of Muslims can agree with! 

About Islam, Why Islam, The Quran Speaksand a number of other sites do there best to present authentic Islam in these terms. 

However, some other organizations online are inevitably focused on answering every question and challenge given to them. This means that the message is often not as clear and as simple as it needs to be.

This is largely because the web is a reactive type of medium waiting for people to visit the sites. Delivering the message of Islam requires positive action, to put the message where people will find it without looking for it. 

One of the big tactics of those who spread misinformation about Islam is to distract the investigations of those looking to find out about Islam. They focus on areas which are quite minor issues and away from the profound message of Islam to the world. 

I am hopeful that in the coming months and maybe next few years, this work will intensify. It is vital in the current political situation where many people are being encouraged to see Islam and Muslims as the enemy.

This is very dangerous for the Muslim world and others besides:

{And fear tumult or oppression, which affects not in particular (only) those of you who do wrong: and know that God is strict in punishment.} (Quran 8:25)

The Muslim world has for far too long failed in its duty to unite and deliver the message of Islam to the rest of the world. If it doesn’t get at it soon, it may suffer the anger of those who have a right to hear it!!!

{By those who range themselves in ranks,
And so are strong in repelling (evil),
And thus proclaim the Message (of God)!}
(Quran 37:1-3)

I hope this helps answer your question.

Salam and please keep in touch.

Please continue feeding your curiosity, and find more info in the following links:

10 Lies You Were Told About Islam

Muslims Meet in Baltimore to Dispel Myths

2 Major Media Myths about the Prophet

10 Myths About Muhammad (Infographic)

Muslim Women Use Dialogue to Dispel Myths