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Tips to Avoid Being Distant From God

09 December, 2016
Q Thank you for this Website that has helped me in so many ways. There are two questions I would like to ask. In Islam, I know it is haram (forbidden) to be gay, but in person I don’t have a problem with gay people. Just out of interest, is it haram to be friends with a gay male? My second question is, I feel like living in the West is not making me closer to Islam. I noticed when I went abroad to an Islamic country, there were mosques every 5 minutes. This made me very happy, and to hear the call to prayer filled my heart with joy. I feel like in an Arabic country wherever I go I am reminded of Allah and I love Him. However in the West, I am not so much. I go to the mosque and do my daily prayers, but I don’t know why I don’t have the same feeling like I was in the Arabic country. Does this mean my iman (faith) is low, and does it mean I should live in a Muslim country, as it makes me closer to God and be a better Muslim? Thank you for your time.


Asalamu Alaikum Zarah, 

Thank you for your question and for putting faith in us to answer it for you. 

You are correct in stating that practicing homosexual activities is haram (forbidden) in Islam. With respect to befriending homosexuals, I am reminded of a hadith of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH-peace be upon him). The essence of it generally is, “A person is of the faith (deen) of his or her companion”. That is to say that a person is likely to be of the same mind, heart, and attitude as his or her friends. 

This doesn’t mean you have to be rude or harsh to anyone who has different views than you. It just means that you need to be selective in choosing close friends. And pick those who remind you of Allah Almighty. This will lead to your success in this life and the next.

However, when you say that you don’t mind if a person is a homosexual or befriending him, I can’t help wondering what it is about a gay person that might attract you. Perhaps you feel that since a gay male is not sexually attracted to you as a woman that you can associate with members of the opposite sex and feel “safe” knowing that no sexual relationship will develop. A male’s sexual orientation does not dismiss the fact that he is a non-mahram to you, and, therefore, a close relationship is still inappropriate.  

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Personally, I would feel afraid to take someone as a friend who doesn’t fear Allah, and disobeys Him by practicing major sins on a regular basis. As Muslims, we should love what Allah loves and hate what Allah hates. There is no other way to win Allah’s pleasure and mercy. 

It is natural and not surprising, therefore, to hear that you feel further from Allah in the West than you do in the Muslim majority countries. Actually, this is a good sign. Subconsciously, you may feel that there are very few people watching over you living in the West, so it is very easy to do what you please, and possibly do what displeases Allah Almighty, and no one will know.

But please don’t forget that wherever you are, whether people see you or not, Allah Almighty sees and knows what is in the deepest corners of your heart and soul. You may be able to hide things from your friends and neighbors, and even from yourself. But you can’t hide anything from Allah, the One Who created the hearts and souls. 

It is possible, however, to lead a righteous life as a Muslim in the West, but you need to be protective of your identity, beliefs, and traditions. Living in the West, you are perfectly free to live as you choose. This means you are free to live your life as a devout Muslim as well.

There are many excellent Muslims that you could associate with who will never lead or encourage you to do something that angers Allah Almighty. They will revive your faith, by Allah’s will, and keep it strong by reminding you of your identity and your duties to Allah. 

If you are still unable to maintain a strong faith after this, then it is not a bad idea to move to a Muslim majority country. Western society is not for everyone. We have to choose what makes Allah Almighty happy with us first and foremost. This is the true meaning of Islam and of being a Muslim. 

I hope this has shed some light on your questions. I ask Allah to protect us from the evils around us and from the evils of our own souls. Thank you and please keep in touch. 

Walaikum Asalam.

Please continue feeding your curiosity, and find more info in the following links:

Abandon My Homosexual Friend When I Become Muslim?!

Living Islam in the West: Is it Easy?

Youth, Culture and Islam in the West

Characteristics of the Islamic Moral Code