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Did Prophet Muhammad fast on Yom Kippur?

13 July, 2024
Q I have read some of the Quran and know that many of the stories of the prophets are in it. Did Prophet Muhammad fast on Yom Kippur?


Short Answer:

  • Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings upon him) taught us to fast on Ashura, the tenth of the lunar month called Muharram, in gratitude to Allah for the day He rescued Prophet Moses (peace and blessings upon him) from Pharaoh (Yom Kippur for Jews). We fast this day every year to this day.
  • So, there is no conflict between the Prophets. The Prophets are brothers, sent by the same God with the same message.

  • God sent the same religion, the same way of life of worshiping the One and Only Creator and following His Messengers with the guidance they bring from Him. They were all in a state of submission, i.e. a state of Islam.

  • Different Prophets were sent for different people across the history of mankind, but the message has always been the same: There is only One God, follow His Messenger to know how to worship Him and be sincere to Him.


Salam (Peace) Brad,

Thank you so much for sending us your question.

The blessing of the Quran

It is a blessed thing indeed that you are reading the Qur’an, The direct verbatim Word of the One and Only Creator of all mankind.

We hope this reading brings enlightenment, peace, serenity, sincerity, and clarity into your heart and your entire life.

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Please continue reading the entire Qur’an and take your time with it so you can get the full message.

With regards to your question: The Creator, Allah Almighty revealed the final revelation, the preserved Noble Qur’an as He Almighty mentions for a specific purpose:

{This is the Book about which there is no doubt, a guidance for those conscious of Allah.} (Qur’an 2:2)

The Quran as guidance

As you see from this verse, the purpose of this Book is guidance. Allah guides so beautifully and eloquently. The, Creator Allah Almighty, does not need to speak like His Creations in their same style, or give rigid historical accounts; it is not a man-made book.

Rather, everything that The Creator mentions is there for His created beings to reflect on and take heed of. It is needed for their connection with Him, for them knowing the most essential information for their spiritual fulfillment and their complete state of peace and success in this life and the next.  

When Allah Almighty mentions a story in the Qur’an, it is for all mankind to reflect on and learn from. It is to help them connect with their Lord and to help with their understanding of their purpose in life.

Allah Almighty, through the Qur’an has informed us of the most essential aspects in the Prophets’ stories for us to learn from.

It is the same God who sent all Messengers, and so this Book is a summation and completion of all previous messages.

Allah informed us in the Qur’an about why He created our father Adam (peace be upon him), He informed us about all our Prophets (from Abraham, Noah, Moses, Jesus to Mohammad), peace be upon all of them.

All of them were Muslims, i.e. in submission to their One and Only Creator in a state of pure monotheism and sincerity to their Creator and commitment to their purpose of creation.  

Prophet Moses mentioned 136 times in the Quran!

The most repeated story and the most mentioned Prophet in the Qur’an is Prophet Moses (peace be upon him) who was mentioned around 136 times in the Qur’an. You can read here why Prophet Moses is mentioned that frequently in the Qur’an.

The story of Prophet Moses and the children of Israel carry so many valuable lessons that we need to be reminded of as it benefits us with the way we understand and deal with the world around us.

See for example from the Qur’an:

{O Children of Israel, remember My favor that I have bestowed upon you and that I preferred you over the worlds.

And fear a Day when no soul will suffice for another soul at all, nor will intercession be accepted from it, nor will compensation be taken from it, nor will they be aided.

And [recall] when We saved your forefathers from the people of Pharaoh, who afflicted you with the worst torment, slaughtering your [newborn] sons and keeping your females alive. And in that was a great trial from your Lord.

And [recall] when We parted the sea for you and saved you and drowned the people of Pharaoh while you were looking on.

And [recall] when We made an appointment with Moses for forty nights. Then you took [for worship] the calf after him, while you were wrongdoers.

Then We forgave you after that so perhaps you would be grateful.

And [recall] when We gave Moses the Scripture and criterion that perhaps you would be guided.} (Qur’an 2: 47- 53) Continue reading to verse 59 here. Also read Qur’an 10: 90-94 here.

Did Prophet Muhammad fast on Yom Kippur?

Additionally, Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings upon him) taught us to fast on the tenth of the lunar month called Muharram, in gratitude to Allah Almighty for the day He rescued Prophet Moses (peace be upon him) and drowned Pharaoh (Yom Kippur for Jews). We fast this day every year to this day.

It was narrated that Ibn ‘Abbas said:

The Prophet came to Al- Madinah, and he found the Jews observing a fast. He said: ‘What is this?’ They said: ‘This is the day when Allah saved Musa and drowned Pharaoh, so Musa fasted this day in gratitude.’ The Messenger of Allah said: ‘We have more right to Musa than you do.’ So, he fasted (that day) and enjoined (others) to fast it also.’ (Sunan Ibn Majah)

Many Prophets one message

So, there is no conflict between the Prophets. The Prophets are brothers, sent by the same God with the same message.

The Qur’an is not sent to a group of people or to support a group over another. It is sent from the Creator to all mankind. He did not send many religions.

He sent the same religion, the same way of life of worshiping the One and Only Creator and following His Messengers with the guidance they bring from Him. They were all in a state of submission, i.e. a state of Islam.

Different Prophets were sent for different people across the history of mankind, but the message has always been the same: There is only One God, follow His Messenger to know how to worship Him and be sincere to Him.

We come from the same Source, and to the same Source we will return.

{Indeed we belong to Allah, and indeed to Him we will return.} (Qur’an 2: 156)

Hope this gives you a better context.

You can watch here an interesting video that helps you understand the Qur’an.

Please continue feeding your curiosity, and find more info in the following links:

New Convert Eager to Learn About Islamic New Year and Ashura

The Story of Prophet Muhammad and the Jewish Scholar

Prophetic Respect for Christians and Jews