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Can Supplications Change Destiny?

16 July, 2024
Q There is a Muslim website that says dua can't change destiny (qadr) and other sites says dua can change destiny. What does this website says? I watched a youtube video that says Allah WILL with guarantee grant your wish because he is shy and pitiful to humans. But if the dua is harmful like I wish I had dogs for pets, the dogs are dirty and not allowed. And well, the scholar on the video said on Judgement Day (qiyamah), Allah will give you exactly the thing he rejected in the world. And the Muslims will wish their duas were rejected that way they will get it in heaven and qiyamah. For example, the dog wishing. I will get beautiful puppies as pets in heaven-if I get there- that it will put the dogs to shame if I get one in this world. Am I right? Correct me if I am wrong because some Muslims debate whether dua can change destiny or not and I am so confused.


Short Answer: 

As for dua and its impact on destiny, it is very true that yes, it CAN change one’s destiny or qadr; this is based on the Hadith which quoted the Prophet (PBUH) as saying: “Nothing can change the Divine decree except dua”, as well as other sources in the Sunnah. There are important detailed facts below pertaining to the other points in the question.


Salam Dear Robert,

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Thank you for your question and for contacting Ask About Islam.

Thoughts and questions regarding preordainment arise often in the minds of believers, which is perfectly normal, because belief in preordainment is one of the essentials of the Islamic creed.

Before I answer your questions about if dua can change our destiny/qadr (or not), I would first like to advise you to be very careful about where and from whom you take Islamic information and guidance.

Not all websites and online videos purportedly propagating Islamic information are authentic or advisable to read and follow.

Dua can change Destiny

As for dua, it is very true that yes, it CAN change one’s destiny or qadr.

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him)  said:

“Nothing can change the Divine decree except dua”.  [Musnad Ahmad, 5/677; Ibn Majah, 90; Jami` Al-Tirmidhi, 139. Classed as hasan by Albani]

And the Prophet also said:

“No precaution can protect against the decree of Allah. Dua is beneficial with regard to what has been decreed and what has not been decreed. The dua meets the calamity that has been decreed and wrestles with it, until the Day of Resurrection.” [Tabarani]

The above two ahadith, or Prophetic narrations, clearly provide proof for the fact that a sincere believer’s supplications or calls to Allah can alter their decree or destiny viz. what the angels had written in his or her decree at the command of Allah.

Furthermore, even if a believer’s dua’s go unanswered in this world i.e. he or she doesn’t get what he or she prayed for, these dua’s never actually go ‘wasted’, so to speak.

Rather, they are either written in their book of deeds as good deeds for the believer, for which they will be rewarded in the Hereafter, or they avert a calamity from happening to him or her i.e. distressful, sorrowful, and difficult situations and life events that were about to happen to them.

So, dua’s offer a win-win situation for believers, because they bring benefits even if they are not answered in this worldly life.

Rewards in Jannah

Now as for your question about whether a believer will receive in Jannah, something that they asked for in the life of this world that was not allowed by Islam, such as a dog as a pet, or alcoholic drinks, or sexual relations with multiple women without marriage. Well, the answer is, yes, as the verse of the Quran below states:

{ ..and there will be found all that the souls might desire, and [all that] the eyes might delight in.} [43:71]

Those things in this worldly life that Allah made impermissible (haram) for Muslims because of their harmful aspects, will be permissible for believers in Jannah, because their harmful aspects will be removed by Allah.

So, for example, in Jannah, believers will be able to wear silk and gold, and freely drink wine, but this alcohol (unlike the alcohol in this world) will not cast any stupor or drunkenness upon them. They will also be able to listen to musical instruments, without this making them heedless of Allah. They will also be able to eat whatever food they want to, whenever they desire, with absolutely no restrictions, without their bodies excreting any filth as a result of this eating.

So I am very hopeful that, if a believer will desire to have a dog as a pet in Jannah, Allah will let them have one for pleasure, without the impure saliva and other physical filth that is associated with a dog’s anatomy in this worldly life, because of which Allah has forbidden them to be kept as pets for pleasure.

And Allah knows best.

I hope that this answers all your questions.

Allah knows best.


(From Ask About Islam archives)

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