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Wa `alaykum As-Salamu wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh


In the Name of Allah, the All-Merciful, the Mercy-Giving


All praise is due to Allah. Peace and blessings be upon His Messenger Muhammad.

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 The fact you feel guilty and you need to expiate for your sin or sins is a good sign. This shows that Allah wants you to come back to Him.


Allah says: “Say: ‘O My servants who have transgressed against your own selves! Despair not of God’s mercy: behold, God forgives all sins – for, verily, He Forgiving, Merciful. And so, turn to your Lord (in repentance) and surrender yourselves unto Him before the suffering [of death and resurrection] comes upon you, for then you will not be saved.” (Az-Zumar 39:53-54)

As for the method of repentance, please refer to the answer linked below:


The Door of Repentance Is Wide Open


Almighty Allah knows best.


Thursday, Jan. 01, 1970 | 00:00 - 00:00 GMT

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