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Unable to get the images out, unable to believe 09/16

Wa alaikum salaam wa rahmatulahi wa barakatuh brother,


Masha Allah you will soon be married but, unfortunately, you are having some issues before you have even sealed the marriage and this is understandably making you feel anxious. There are a number of things here that need addressing.


Firstly, you went looking for things about her behind her back is an immediate breach of trust. The fact that you searched for this information suggests you don’t trust her in the first place. Understand how that makes her feel and why this makes her feel withdrawn and not talk. Whether it’s true or not she will feel betrayed that you went behind her back essentially spying on her like that. Furthermore, you deceived her to get some kind of confession, so why would she talk to you? Understand here that as much as you feel betrayed, she is probably also feeling exactly the same way too.

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Remember also that she is not even obliged to give you any information about her past sex life, regardless of whether it was haram or not, since you are not married. This is not your business. As you are not married, this couldn’t even be called adultery whether what she did was haram or not, but it is no way cheating on you.


You should also keep in mind here that any sexual relations between you and her before marriage is also haram. As you can see first hand, such relations can easily lead to a lack of trust and shows why this is not ok before marriage.


However, despite these difficulties, we can focus on the positives of the situation also. You had done the right thing in asking for forgiveness. This is a very honorable thing to do. May Allah forgive you and your future spouse. Furthermore, you have good family support from both sides and this can be incredibly helpful for a successful marriage and is something to be very grateful for as not all marriages are blessed with this.


The most important thing at this point isn’t hat you overcome these trust issues because beginning a marriage without trust will not place your marriage in a good place, to begin with so please do keep in mind what I said at the start when trying to overcoming this; understand things from her perspective, respect the fact her sexual history has nothing to do with you and anything up until now really is a cheat on you as you are not even married.


Also, don’t spy on or deceive her as a this will also contribute to mistrust between the 2 of you. Instead, focus in the positives, stay strong, continue to ask for forgiveness, support each other and appreciate the blessing of family support that you have as a couple.


May Allah bless your marriage and make you both the coolness of each others eyes bringing you both happiness in this life and the next.



Thursday, Jan. 01, 1970 | 00:00 - 00:00 GMT

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