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Theresa May Welcomes British Muslims at `Eid Reception

LONDON – Sharing British Muslims their religious feast, British Prime Minster Theresa May welcomed over 100 leading Muslim figures for the `Eid Al-Fitr reception organized on Wednesday, July 5, at 10 Downing Street.

“Today, we see British Muslims and people of Muslim heritage contributing at the highest levels of public life, and I am delighted that Sajid Javid, the Communities Secretary is here with us along with Lord Tariq Ahmad of Wimbledon, who serves as a minister in the Foreign and Commonwealth Office,” Theresa May said.

“A British Muslim Sadiq Khan is the Mayor of our capital city, Muslims serve in government, in Parliament, in the devolved administrations, in local government, the civil service, our armed forces and public services, in business, medicine, the law and the arts.

“This contribution adds enormously to our cultural and social diversity and it is something of which we can all be proud. And pride is important, because in the UK, we rightly take pride in being an open and diverse multi-ethnic and multi-faith democracy.”

Theresa May was addressing a reception organized at 10 Downing Street to welcome over 100 leading British Muslims for the `Eid Al-Fitr.

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British Pakistani Minister for Commonwealth Lord Tariq Ahmed welcomed the guests with the PM and thanked her for supporting Muslims and having a good understanding of the issues they face.

`Eid Al-Fitr is one the two main Islamic religious festivals along with `Eid Al-Adha.

During `Eid days, families and friends exchange visits to express well wishes and children, wearing new clothes bought especially for `Eid, enjoy going out in parks and open fields.

Theresa May spoke against recent attacks on Muslims across Britain and said there is no place for such elements who pose risk to lives of innocent citizens.

She thanked Muslims for saving the Finsbury Park mosque attacker and victims of the tragedy at Grenfell Tower.

“The Britain which I think we all want to see, and which I am determined to help build, is one which truly does work for everyone – from every background, any faith, and all races. A country where success in life depends only on a person’s talents and willingness to work hard,” May said.

“A fairer, more prosperous and more united Britain where the opportunity of a better life is within everyone’s reach. We can all help to build a Britain that works for everyone, and I urge everyone here tonight to take that message back to your local communities.”

She said that people of Muslim faith have been recognized in the Honors list every year for the role they play and that’s reflective of how much they are valued.