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By converting to Islam from Christianity – as many converts have asserted – you will not be denouncing Jesus; rather you will be closer to the actual teachings of Jesus. You will only be rejecting the dogmas of the triune God and incarnation and blood sacrifice. All of these were later accretions in Christianity for which there is no justification in the original teachings of Jesus (peace be upon him).


The Qur’an like the Bible (both the Old and New Testaments) teaches that God of Abraham, Moses, and Jesus  (as well as all prophets) is One and only God. The Qur’an reiterates this most categorically:


“Say: “God is Unique! God, the Source [of everything]. He has not fathered anyone nor was He fathered, and there is nothing comparable to Him!” (Qur’an: 112: 1-4)

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Jesus like all other prophets before him taught the same essential message “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” (King James Bible), which is also stated in the Qur’an, “You shall have no other gods beside Him.” “Worship God and renounce all false gods.”


Islam, however, teaches that Jesus was born of a virgin and he was supported by miracles like healing the sick and reviving the dead, etc.


“And behold: you make out of clay, as it were, the figure of a bird, by My leave, and you breathe into it, and it becomes a bird by My leave, and you heal those born blind, and the lepers by My leave. And behold! You bring forth the dead by My leave.” (Qur’an: 5: 110)


Thus he is presented as one of the mighty messengers of God, who surrendered his will totally to the will of God.


And therefore while performing the miracles, he reminded them that he is doing them by the leave of God and therefore they ought to glorify Him and not his person:


The Qur’an, therefore, reminds the Christians to come back to the original teachings of Jesus (peace be upon him) and shun all excessive veneration and deification of Jesus:


“Do not exceed the limits in your religion, and attribute to God nothing except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, was only a Messenger of God, and His command that He conveyed unto Mary and a spirit from Him. So believe in God and His Messengers, and do not say: ‘God is a Trinity.’ Give up this assertion; it would be better for you.” (Qur’an: 4: 171).


In conclusion, as a Muslim, you will not revere and honor Jesus as a mighty messenger of God who confirmed the message of all previous prophets including Abraham and Moses, which Muhammad, the final messenger, also affirmed and proclaimed.


And the Prophet Muhammad said, “Whoever testifies there is no god but God and Muhammad is His servant and messenger and that Jesus is a word of  God and a spirit breathed into Mary, God will admit him into Paradise for whatever good deeds they have done.”

Almighty Allah knows best.

Thursday, Jan. 01, 1970 | 00:00 - 00:00 GMT

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