Asalamu Alaikum brothers and sisters, 

As people enter Islam and grow into their faith, the questions don’t stop after a year or even 20. Islam is a lifetime of learning and growing. For this reason, we are pleased to offer a live session for converts/revert to Islam who may not be so new to the deen.

This session will be dedicated to answering questions from converts/reverts who have been Muslims for some time and especially those question about the coming month of Ramadan.

The session host will be writer and convert to Islam, Theresa Corbin. So please, jot down your questions and join us Thursday, May 18th, from 3 PM-5 PM GMT  (6 PM – 8 PM Makkah) (11 AM – 1 PM New York)

If you won’t be available during this time, but you have questions that need answers, don’t worry! You can email your questions in advance to [email protected], and our counselor will include them in the Live Session. 

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