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Ejaculation without any cause.

As-Salaamu ‘Alaikum dear brother in Islam,

Because I am not a religious scholar, I can only answer your question based on my training in psychology, psychotherapy, and my practice of life-coaching. If my answer does not satisfy your need, please write to our scholars on this website for clarification regarding jinn and how they can influence our thinking and behavior.

Some Muslims blame everything abnormal on jinn possession (and frequent ejaculation during sleep is not abnormal which I discuss later). For instance, they claim that schizophrenics (psychotic or “crazy” people who do not operate in the same reality as the rest of us) are possessed by the jinn. I wonder though because medication can stop schizophrenia, so I would tend to think that it is not jinn possession but a chemical thing going on in their head that is different from ours.

Furthermore, from my little knowledge about jinn, people can feel the jinn is possessing them. The jinn control their behavior. You have expressed nothing of any such sensations other than something happening to you when asleep, which you cannot feel. The jinn enjoys their power. They want you to know that you are being possessed, that they have power over you, because that is what feeds their proudness of being better than you. It is no fun to “defeat” you if you don’t know you are being defeated.

From the scientific/medical point of view, when a male has a nocturnal emission (ejaculation during sleep), also called a “wet dream”, it marks the beginning of sperm coming into his semen (penal fluid) and out his penis. That means that he is now able to impregnate a wife. He has entered the new stage in his life which Islam marks the beginning of his (young) manhood. At this point, the angels start writing down his actions/his book for the Day of Judgment. Please, see this website for correct scientific information about nocturnal emission/ejaculation during sleep.

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As you can see on that website, there is nothing abnormal about frequent wet dreams; some men have them and some don’t. Frequency may be the result of a lot of testosterone. That is a thing that most men would consider “manly”, – a plus, not a deficit or disadvantage—, and some women may see it that way, too!

That website also points out that you do not have to have intercourse in a dream to have a wet dream although it can happen that way. You often do not remember the dream. Bottom line, your body is exploding, so to speak, with your male character, the ability to ejaculate in order to impregnate a wife.

I think you should be celebrating your entry into manhood and your new male sexuality. You just “arrived”. You have entered a new and exciting, both emotionally and physically, realm of the reality which we live in. You are no longer a child. As a young man, now you should be focusing on how to be a good man and what a real man is. To focus on fear of the jinn is a distraction from the beauty and power that your role as a man gives you.

Allah (swt) defines a man as someone who cares for women and children. A man serves Allah (swt) by serving the needs of others. This is where your focus needs to be. Learn about that. It is not easy to understand because it is paradoxical – it looks like one thing, but is another. In other words, your power is the power to serve! Figuring that out, you will be figuring out what a man is.

May Allah (swt) guide you and make it easy for you.

Thursday, Jan. 01, 1970 | 00:00 - 00:00 GMT

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