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Vibrational Medicine and Human Energy Field

It was over 1,250 years ago that Muslim scholar, jurisprudent, scientist and teacher, Ja’far al-Sadiq said, “There are some lights which, if thrown from a sick person to a healthy person, can possibly make that healthy person sick” (The Minister p.5). However, it has only been recently that modern science has had the ability to understand how this can happen.

Considered a “new” field in modern medicine, vibrational healing aims to heal illnesses by working with these subtle human energy fields that affect us beyond the physical level (Sharanananda, p.2).

In fact, the vibrational energies of the body are so strong that scientists have theorized that disease within the physical body actually occurs at the cellular and bimolecular levels.

In this scenario, healing extends from the bimolecular level to the cellular and finally, to the anatomical. This is because the bimolecular properties of the physical body are based on vibration. The vibration of the life-force, which we receive through our five senses, possess electromagnetic properties.

Mitogenic energy (mitosis) is generated in the form of electromagnetic energy, which creates the energy of light (ethereal fluid) that surrounds each cell (Gurudas, p.56).

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Part of this new research is due to new technology in the medical field, which makes “reading” these energy fields possible for the first time. One such technological advance is the SQUID magnetometer. The SQUID detects tiny biomagnetic fields, which are linked to physiological activities within the body.

In 1970, David Cohen of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (US) used a SQUID to confirm the measurements of the heart. By 1972, he improved upon the instrument and measured the magnetic field around the head, which is produced by brain activity.

Since then, it has been acknowledged that all tissues and organs produce specific magnetic pulsations – biomagnetic fields. Using a SQUID, Dr. Zimmerman, of the University of Colorado School of Medicine in Denver (U.S.), discovered that frequency of vibrations waver up and down at 0.3hz – 30hz.

Each part of the body has a unique wavelength. However, the biomagnetic pulsations from the hands are in the same frequency range as brain waves. This may explain how the hands are able to stimulate healing in any part of the body through hands-on-healing (Oschman, p.3).

In the time of the Prophet Mohammad, hands-on-healing was very popular. A person would place their hands over ailing parts of the body and recite passages from the Qur’an.

But, how can the SQUID machine measure such subtle energies in the body? One theory is that is can do so because all connective tissues contain silica, a charged particle salt which is so highly conductive that it became the central element of the silicon chip (Chapman, p.61).

Vibrational Medicine and Human Energy Field - About IslamHowever, although silica is a very real mineral element, the factors that affect the vibrational energies of our bodies are subtler. In vibrational healing, the physical diseases are a result of our body’s quest for homeostasis, which forces it to push physical and emotional toxicities out of the body.

Various cellular responses – like secretion, metabolism, growth and contractions – which can assist with vibrational healing, can be activated by vibrational remedies such as homeopathic therapy, flower essences, Bach Remedies and herbs (Gurudas, p. 7, 8, 57).

Praying also raises the vibration from negative to positive (Gurudas, p. 37).

Allah (swt) revealed to Prophet Mohammad (saw), “And when my servants ask you concerning Me then surely I am very near; I answer the prayer of the supplicant when he calls on Me, so they should answer My call and believe in Me, that they may walk in the right way (Surat ul Baqarah 2:186).


This article was first published in 2001 and is currently republished for its distinctiveness.


About Hwaa Irfan
Late Hwaa Irfan, may her soul rest in peace, served as consultant, counselor and freelance writer. Her main focus was on traditional healing mechanisms as practiced in various communities, as opposed to Western healing mechanisms.