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As-Salamu ‘Alaikum dear sister,


Ma sha’ Allah, sister, it is so pleasing to read that you are now wearing hijab and are content with your deen and you fear Allah (swt). You are right; it doesn’t matter what other people think because Allah (swt) is your judge, not them. Wearing the hijab pleases Allah (swt) which is more important than pleasing those who mock you. May Allah (swt) continue to give you strength in repelling these negative comments.


You are right to be concerned about making sure you get married to the right person. One of the most important qualities to seek in a spouse is that of piety, and if the person you are hoping to marry does not repent for his previous sins, then this is not a good sign. May Allah (swt) guide him to the straight path. Sure, no one is perfect, and everyone makes mistakes and will commit sin. The important thing is to repent and do everything you can to ensure that you don’t fall into the same sin again.

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In marriage, couple can be a good influence on each other and encourage them to get closer to Allah (swt), but they have to have the basic faith there to begin with. You need someone who will support you in wearing your hijab – both literally and spiritually – and who helps you stay away from sins.


It seems you have built an attachment towards this man. You say he loves you too, but if he truly loved you, then he would want Allah (swt) to love you, too, and that includes encouraging you to wear hijab and stay away from sin.


Now that you have this attachment, it is understandable why you feel happy to move forward with a marriage to this man. Your heart is attached to him, but it is also important that you take a look at the situation from a more rational angle as well and think what would be most pleasing to Allah (swt).


Aside from that, you met in a haram way and have maintained a haram relationship which does not make for a good start to a healthy marriage. It possible that things could change, Allah (swt) guides whom He (swt) wills, but there are also other options available to you. You don’t have to pursue a marriage to this man; there are plenty of other single, pious men who are seeking a spouse and whom may be more suitable. The choice is yours, but it is important that you think it through carefully as it is a very important decision to make.


May Allah (swt) forgive your past sins and continue to guide you onto the straight path. May He (swt) grant you a pious spouse who will make you happy and content and will support you in your deen.



Thursday, Jan. 01, 1970 | 00:00 - 00:00 GMT

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