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Abrogation and Jihad in Surah Are Confusing to Me

Wa Alaykum Assalam Dear Brother,


Thank you for your question and for contacting Ask About Islam.


1) It abrogates all other ayas in the Quran

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There is no such a thing in Islamic Jurisprudence as all other ayas in the entire Quran are abrogated. There are certain verses of the Quran that abrogate others; therefore a verse abrogates another verse but not multiple verses.


Note that the Quran contains more than 6200 verses and about 10 verses abrogate another 10 verses, so a very small percentage of the Quran has been abrogated.


There is another type of abrogation which is mentioned in Surah 9, that is the abrogation of already established peace treaties with the non-believers of Quraish; so a verse abrogated such a treaty since the disbelievers broke the agreement that was established with the Muslims by killing a group of Muslims.


To fully understand abrogation in Islam, please read: Can the Sunnah Abrogate the Quran?


The reason for abrogation of a verse with another is that the Quran was revealed over 23 years and some rulings were gradual. In surah 9, there are three verses that contain some type of abrogation:




Please locate the word “abrogate” within the above text.


2) It explicitly asks for fighting, killing and ambushing the non-believers wherever you find them


The verses that discuss the subject you mention are:


{Then, when the months made unlawful for fighting expire, kill the mushriks wherever you find them, and seize them, and besiege them, and lie in wait for them at every place of ambush. But if they repent, and establish Salat and pay the Zakat dues, then let them go their way for Allah is Forgiving and Compassionate. And if any of the mushriks requests you for protection so that he may come to you (to hear the Word of Allah), give him protection till he hears the Word of Allah; then convey him. to the place of his safety: this should be done because these people do not know the Truth.} (Quran 9:5-6)


Concerning the above verses, Maududi explains in his interpretation of the Quran:


“That is, “if during a fight, an enemy makes a request that he should be given an opportunity to understand Islam, the Muslims should give him a surety of protection and allow him to visit them. They should then present Islam before him in order to make him understand it. If, after this, he does not embrace Islam, they should convey him safely to his place”. Such a person who comes to Dar-ul-Islam under the above mentioned protection is called musta’min in the Islamic Code.”


The verses are clearly talking about a state of war with disbelievers and with those disbelievers who are persistent in fighting Muslims and not the ones who are at peace with the Muslims. It is a major sin in Islam to kill a non-Muslim who is not physically fighting against the Muslims in a state of war.


So those who persist in fighting Muslims, it is only fair for Muslims to fight them back in any way possible. As for those who are at peace with the Muslims then we should treat them with respect.


If we have the opportunity, we must clear any misunderstandings that they have about Islam. If they don’t accept Islam but still respect Muslims for who they are then it is the duty of the Muslims to protect them if their lives are in danger and it is only the Muslims who are able to protect them in this particular situation.


In order to understand the Quran properly and avoid misinterpreting it, one must read verses before or after the verse in question, otherwise it will be taken out of context and the true meaning will be lost.


I hope this helps answer your question.


Salam and please keep in touch.

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