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Mental Health Audio Counseling Q/A

Dear brothers and sisters,

Thanks for particpating in the session. Please find the 8 questions to which our counselor provided audio answers.

If you do not find yours here, check out our upcoming session or submit it again.

Question 1. Mother Regretting

Assalamo Alaikum,

I hope you’re well. My mother is a brilliant single mother and career woman who has always made so much time for me between balancing work and being my mother, father, friend and tutor by organizing my school work and giving me last year papers. I’ve always been so grateful for everything she’s sacrificed for me. However, whenever she says hurtful things so easily to me like I’m tired of being a mother to you, it’s because of you I don’t have a life or a husband or any social life at all I feel useless and worthless and if she said this once or twice, I would have understood as my mom has many stresses and responsibilities on her mind. But this is becoming more frequent and easier for her to say. I’m trying to gain strength from Allah and focus on my studies but I’m losing steam and I’m giving up. I feel like if I never existed, I wouldn’t burden my mom with everything she’s feeling and telling me and would have probably had a better life. I don’t know what to do anymore and I want to ace my exams but I keep crying and not paying attention as nothing is motivating me as much anymore. Before this I was living with my grandparents 5 years ago in Singapore whom are Hindus and I don’t have family in England other than my mom.  My mom is now swearing at me saying that if I don’t upset her, she won’t feel this way and she’ll get cancer because of me and sometimes she really does have chest aches. I don’t know what to do and I feel horrible. If my mother gets an illness will Allah punish me for her illness even if I’ve tried my best to be a good daughter?

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Question 2. Imaan

For a while my iman was sky rocket, I was praying all the prayers on time, doing all the sunnahs, night prayers. Then one day everything slowly started going away and Shaytan kept playing with my head that I am a disbeliever and saying bad thing about Allah’s existence and kufr thoughts while praying and made me get angry. Now I still do all the same, but don’t feel any happiness nor sadness when I do anything even other than religious. I don’t feel my feelings anymore and that making me very worried. Even though I pray and do everything I am not feeling my iman and don’t want to die in this situation. I sometimes say that myself is a hypocrite because of how many times I change. I am very tired and want to fix my life but can’t feel ang motivation or energy to do anything. I need the energy and I need Allah in my life.


Question 3. Regret

Ok so I met a guy online and fell in love with him…after talking for months we decided to tell families .. so eventually by Allah’s mercy his family approved this rishta but they did not know about this love .. it was all arrange in the eyes of families .. everything was percent ..he was a pious man .. I started doing Hijab as he asked me to do so .. I used to listen all of his commands .. but eventually I went to other family gathering and there was a guy who was also Muslim but not very pious like following deen strictly .. so he confessed for me .. I found this better as he was not forcing me to do hijab or anything .. he was okay about me being free .. so as shaitan diverted my mind and I decided to say no to the first guy .. it all ended I did not marry the second the second gig as well as he lived in another county.. sorry to make this long but my question is after 7 years it’s been 7 years .. now I have started feeling this regret of not marrying tmhe person I loved and feel bad of saying no and breaking his heart .. as he cried when I said no and begged me to stay but I blocked him .. years later I feel the regret .. he is a father of a son now .. but I still feel I would have married him as I’m a single u married woman I feel this is due to breaking his heart and I’m not forgiven yet .. this feeling doesn’t go and I feel depressed everyday .. I feel my chest is heavy due to this .. please suggest me what should I do .. I want to let this regret feeling go.. I just wish  I would have married so my life would have been better.. as I’m not getting any good rishta I feel this is due to this problem only if breaking his heart pls help me


Question 4. Nikkah

Assalamualaiqum, I want to get married but my parents don’t want to allow me for marriage, I love someone, who is of other religion and now I think I need to move on for my iman it will be dangerous for my iman if I will not marry someone because he approaches me by all the ways, I don’t even did anything wrong which is haram in Islam being in a relationship with other religions person,, before I thought I will develop iman in his heart and make him Muslim but he is becoming more and more kafir, now I don’t want him as he is dangerous for my iman, brother my parents wants to make me a doctor but I couldn’t cracked neet as I started my studies late and now I’m 25 when my friend’s are 22 or 23, I don’t know what I do, please guide me, whenever I talk about my marriage my family become aggressive at me, they don’t even want my marriage they wants me to become single for lifelong, also their behavior is not good with me.. Brother I don’t go out and I perform Namaz and also do fasting Alhumdullilah, I love my religion very much.. Please guide me and pray for me.


Question 5. OCD

I am struggling with OCD, I am facing fear for nikah because issue of talaq is very sensitive and In our community after marriage it is very very difficult to have divorce even if you have valid reason


Question 6. Am I in a bad spot in faith?

Hello I am an 18 year old Albanian kid that had lived in America my whole life and I haven’t really ever been religious but now that I have graduated high school I bought a Quran and wanted to get closer with my faith but I am having a bad feeling that I am not good enough for Allah because it talks about how in Sura 2.7 it talks about how Allah has put a seal on a non-believers heart I believe it is what it means and a lot of my Muslim friends talk about how they feel happy and such and feel protected by Allah but I am not feeling those feelings when I read I am really scared and worried that I am not good for Allah and feel like he has detached himself from me what do I do?


Question 7. Truth or More Lies

In your response video for 27/4/24 the lady who found out she’s the second wife, you said to seek the truth from her lying hubby. How can she/I believe whatever explanation/things he say/said ain’t more lies given that he has remarried and have kid/s too while keeping us in the dark? Only difference is I am the first wife and we were married for more than 10 years before this happened in Covid period when we were separated in different countries. Since finding out, I hv plunged into various modes of confusion and destructive modes, even to the extends of ending it all, including stabbing myself in attempt to end my own life. The hurt and betrayal and the thought of his entire family keeping me in the dark while holding this wedding ceremony in his home country. Whatever he says now is all rots to me, I find it very hard to believe anything. The thought of leaving him hurts so bad that the only way out is I am not living this thus not feeling. And also, to make his folks who pushed and arranged for this second marriage in the dark 2.5 years ago more holy and famous.


Question 8. Muslim Narcissist

Salam aleikum. My husband and I think I am a narcissist (have narcissistic personality disorder). I have not yet been diagnosed. Based on our research, narcissism is completely against Islam which makes me either a hypocrite or disbeliever. I converted to Islam 10 years ago and now I am questioning if I even am a Muslim. If I have empathy or feelings and if I can sincerely repent. Please help.


Tuesday, Jul. 16, 2024 | 09:00 - 10:00 GMT

Session is over.
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