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These Charities Will Help You Offer Udhiyah

`Eid Al-Adha, or “Feast of Sacrifice”, marks the end of the Hajj season and is one of the two most important Islamic celebrations, together with `Eid Al-Fitr.

A financially-able Muslim sacrifices a single sheep or goat or shares with six others in sacrificing a camel or cow as an act of worship during the four-day `Eid Al-Adha celebrations.

📚 Read Also: How Much Halal is Your `Eid Qurban?

Despite skyrocketing prices worldwide, many people are planning to perform Udhiyah this year.

On the other hand, many have gone online to donate to charities who can perform the slaughtering on their behalf.

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Below is a list of trusted Muslim charities who accept donations for udhiyah:

Muslim Aid USA

Islamic Relief USA

Helping Hand for Relief and Development

Penny Appeal

ICNA Relief

Islamic Aid


Citing requests for donations from above-mentioned charities does not imply an endorsement of their fundraising campaigns or their charity activities. Thus, doesn’t bear any responsibility for any legal issues related to money donated to these organizations or their activities.