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Fiqh-related Issues (Fatwa Session)

Dear Brothers/Sisters,

Thank you very much for joining us in this Fatwa session. We would also like to thank our guest, Sheikh Ahmad Kutty, for answering the questions directed to him. You will find the answers to your questions below.

Question 1:

When I first got married my brother was sent to live with me and my in laws for study purpose. He was 16 yo then. I myself was 19. He used to help me in a lot of house works. When I had my children, he was always around helping me and all. Now 25 years later, he’s married living in another city. We don’t interact a lot but my relatives disclosed a very disturbing info about my brother. That he molested my brother in laws daughter. She was 4 at that time. He was 18. He did wrong. But the girl was probably terrified. She brought this up recently. My husband asked my brother about this and he went quiet. He was filled with shame. My husband told him not to come to our house anymore. He did so. He says he’s sorry and he made a huge mistake. Now my husband wants me to drop everything with him and avoid him. I don’t talk to him but my husband minds it if I go to visit my mom’s house. He strictly forbade me from going to my mom’s place when he’s there. I understand that he did the worse but is it permissible for my husband to make me drop everything with my brother? Even Salam and prayers? May Allah forgive him. 

Answer 1:

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Your brother committed a most heinous sin. Your husband is justified in feeling upset about the horror. The girl he molested needs to undergo therapy to recover from the traumatic experiences she was exposed to at his hands.

If your brother has repented and changed, you may reconnect with him while taking care he is kept away from interacting with the minors. While your husband can stop him from visiting you, he should not prevent you from talking to him and establishing casual contact with him. He should know that Allah is Forgiving and Merciful even if one has been guilty of the most atrocious offenses. That is the lesson we learn from the story of the people of the ditch: they were guilty of throwing the believers, including men, women, and children, to the fire pit and gloating over the horrors: 

“Truly those who persecute believing men and believing women, then do not repent, theirs shall be the punishment of Hell, and theirs shall be the punishment of the burning.” (Qur’an: 85:10)

The Prophet (peace be upon him) also narrates the story of a person who killed a hundred people and then felt remorse over his horrendous crimes and decided to change his life around by migrating to a city where he could live among the pious people; however, before he could arrive there, he died. Allah forgave him as he felt remorse, repented, and took the steps to change his life.

So, while your brother’s offense is grave, his case is not worse. So, your husband should not go that far in ordering you to cut off all relations with him. However, that does not mean you can be complacent about allowing him to be with minors or exposing him to compromising circumstances.

Allah orders the believers: O you who believe! Turn to God in repentance so you may succeed.” (Qur’an: 24: 31)

Question 2:

I want to join in civil service. Some policies go against Islam ,for the need to run the county in present world we need to do it. Focusing on the positives & scope to do good even though a little amount I want to join. Now I am very bothered with this question please clarify hence I can focus on my work.
Protection of all worship places & ensuring that all are enjoying safely their festivals is a part of the job. A bureaucrat needs sanction funds,visit their worship areas and talk with all people to ensure safety. Some fatwas I saw that its like celebrating & endorsing with them & some even said shirk.I am frustrated.

Answer 2:

I see nothing wrong with joining the civil service as long as you try your best to avoid work that may compromise your Islamic ethics and values. 

Protecting the places of worship and keeping the people safe are noble goals. Allah tells us that protecting the places of worship is one of the stated goals of jihad in Islam.

“Permission is granted to those who are fought, because they have been wronged—and truly God is able to help them who were expelled from their homes without right, only for saying, “Our Lord is God.” Were it not for God’s repelling people, some by means of others, monasteries, churches, synagogues, and mosques, wherein God’s Name is mentioned much, would have been destroyed. And God will surely help those who help Him—truly God is Strong, Mighty.” (Qur’an: 22: 39-40).

Furthermore, saving lives is one of the fundamental objectives of the Divine Laws. Allah teaches us in the Qur’an that just as taking a single life is akin to taking the life of all humankind, saving a single life is akin to saving the life of all.

So, if your duties entail such work, they are commendable; there is no to shy away from them.

Question 3:

If a couple separates due to sihr of separation will they be reunited in jannah? 

Answer 3:

I am sorry, but I cannot answer this question as it belongs to the realm of Ghayb or unseen realities. Because they belong to a realm inaccessible to reasoning or speculations, we may do well to stay clear of them and leave the judgment to Allah. Allah says, “And with Him are the keys of the Unseen. None knows them, but He.” (Qur’an: 6:59). And, “And God will not apprise you of the Unseen.” (Qur’an: 3: 179).

So, I advise you not to dwell on such issues; instead, focus on more important matters, such as working for your eternal salvation and saving yourself from hellfire.

Question 4:

I hope this email finds you well. I’m a 22 year old woman and I had a miscarriage immediately after my marriage due to which I can’t have children anymore which is really painful for me and my husband wants to divorce me now for this reason. Is he justified in doing this to me? What’s my fault in this?? Also, I was researching this and I found across some hadiths where the Prophet Muhammad PBUH stopped a man from marrying an infertile woman. Why did the prophet Muhammad PBUH do this when it wasn’t her fault at all? I am really upset to know that Islam discourages marrying infertile women when it’s not a woman’s fault at all. There’s also another hadith where he said that the best of the women are loving, fertile etc. Can you help me please? I don’t wanna lose my connection with Allah because of these things.

Answer 4:

The Prophet (peace be upon him) is a conduit of divine mercy; he is a universal exemplar and mentor whose mission is to promote and enhance the quality of life.

As Imam Shah Waliullah reminds us, as a mentor of human beings with various talents and abilities, he wants to save everyone by helping them realize the best of their potential.

Since propagating human specifies on the earth is one of the fundamental objectives of marriage in Islam, these traditions are addressed to those who can best promote such values and higher objectives of the Sharia.

It should never be taken to discourage people from marrying and keeping those who are infertile in the bond of marriage. How can we make such sweeping generalizations when the Prophet himself married several wives who never gave him children? Did he divorce them? We know that all of them loved him unconditionally, for he loved them all and never discriminated against any of them. 

That is why he encouraged men to marry women who could bear children; he never forbade or discouraged men from marrying widows or those who were infertile.

So, your husband should not divorce you because you cannot bear children. You may, however, permit him to have a second wife if he is so keen to have children. That would be a better solution. However, it is up to you.

Question 5:

My question is that why does an adult woman require her husband’s permission to go out of the house ? What if he stops her for no reason? Is it counted as an abuse? I never understood why does she require her husband’s permission and secondly, I was told about the obedience to the husband is obligatory in everything which is not haram. My question is that if she has to obey her husband in everything which is not haram then what about her own individuality, independence, ability to make her own decisions, control her life as she wishes, when someone has the right to control her personal autonomy? For example, he might even stop her from studying, dressing as the way she likes, hindering her growth, treating her like a slave! Is woman not an independent person having her own choices? Okay, she can stipulate things in her marriage contract but then the same things goes to her father. What if her father never allowed her to pursue secular education and now she’s a depressed person who was always taught that women are there to serve the men? When they say a woman has to be submissive and obey her husband in everything which is haram then does that mean Islam doesn’t allow a woman to make her own decisions and live her life as she wants to? I’ve seen many women saying that they don’t want to get married because they consider it to be slavery of the husband.

Answer 5:

I answered similar questions earlier on this site; I urge you to access those answers. You can do so by inserting the topical headings into the search engine.

Let me, however, briefly mention the following:

Nothing in the sources orders men to treat their wives as if they were prisoners. Women have rights like those of men; however, since a wife’s primary duty is to contribute to a happy family, their roles as mothers, mentors of the new generations, and caregivers are not just essential but highly valued in Islam. Understanding Islamic teachings is best done by keeping in mind the concept of tawhid and its implications for relations between men and women. According to the deeper meanings of tawhid, men, and women are not rivals but companions; their roles are complementary but different. While stressing this point, the Quran also reminds us that it should in no way diminish or deprive them of playing their role in society. Let us take pride in the example set by the women companions of the Prophet (peace be upon him), who were active societal players in all areas of life. They were in the mosques, in the marketplaces and even in the battle fields; but they did all of these while fulfilling their primary duties at home.

So, do not allow yourself to be brainwashed by the secular, agnostic, atheistic worldviews that tend to look at men and women as if they were rivals. I urge you to study Dr. Ismail Faruqi’s book, Al_Tawhid_Its Implication for Thought and Life. You can access it here:

Al_Tawhid_Its Implication for Thought and Life – Various Scholars – Islamway

Question 6:

I am a man. Clear discharge comes out of my penis whenever I urinate. It’s a small amount, not a lot. It stops around 10 minutes after urinating, it stops when I leave the bathroom & sit down. I went to the urologist, he doesn’t know what it is. This discharge is not an std and it’s not wady. I have to wait 1 hour for the discharge to dry on my underwear so I can see it & wash it with water so that I can do wudu & pray. This process has overburdened me. Can I just overlook this discharge, not wash it from my underwear, and just wash my penis then just make a new wudu after it stops coming out? Because Abu Hanifa and Ibn Tayymiyah said that a small amount of all types of impurity may be overlooked because it is too difficult to be thorough and to clean it properly all the time. Allah says: 
“and [Allah] has not laid upon you in religion any hardship.” [Al-Hajj 22:78]

Imam Malik in At-Taaj wal-Ikleel
Sharh Mukhatasar Khaleel said: “The impurities that are difficult to avoid or remove are excused. The command to remove them is only a recommendation,
not an obligation”.

This clear discharge is unavoidable. It ALWAYS comes out after I urinate. So do the opinions of Abu Hanifa, Ibn Tayymiyah and Imam Malik apply to me? Can I just overlook/ignore this discharge, not wash it from my underwear, and just wash my penis then just make a new wudu after it stops coming out? Will my wudu and prayers be valid if I do this?

Answer 6:

If your urologist has confirmed that it is not wady, then you can disregard it and perform your Wudu after washing your genitals before prayer; if it happens afterward, you are excused.

Remember, the religion of Allah is easy to follow. Allah says, “And strive for God as He should be striven for. He has chosen [for] you—and has placed no hardship for you in the religion.” (Qur’an: 22:78)

The Prophet (peace be upon him) explained it further, saying, “This religion is easy to follow; so, whoever makes it hard upon him will be overwhelmed by it.” (Reported by Al-Bukhari)

Having said this, I would also urge you to seek treatments for your condition, for as the Prophet said, “Seek treatments, O servants of Allah, for Allah has appointed a cure for every disease.”  (Reported by Ibn Majah, Ahmad, and others)

Question 7:

Can we name a baby with these names?
Alyan, zahran, for boys ? Or it doesn’t have origin or not a prophet or any islamic historical names?

Answer 7:

It is OK to name your son Alyan, which means Strong and tall or a person of high status. However, there is no reason why you would prefer it to names with more pleasant or beautiful meanings. Zahran can be a better choice; it means pure, bright, shining, and radiant.

On the Islamic etiquettes of naming children, please access the answer linked below:

What Are the Islamic Guidelines of Choosing Names? (

Question 8:

My brother living outside pakistan since after the birth of his child , he did not contact with his wife , he is searching for another marriage , as by him he divorced the wife on telephone , as by her wife he just listen one n turned off phone . She dont wanna go back to her parents .even she would not explain this situation as by her they are heart patient .she have one child of age 5years .she donut have any support .what is ruling on if she have divorce n still she wanna stay to her inlaws character she is very noble good lady . She is living with my mother for the sake of child . What is exactly right for her. We dunt wanna insist her .she said she will not leave the house .kindly guide about this matter .

Answer  8:

Your brother-in-law is committing a grave offense by abandoning his wife. Divorce is the most terrible of all permissible actions in Islam since it involves breaking a solemn contract as Allah describes the marriage in the Qur’an. He cannot divorce his wife in such a reckless manner. Allah has laid down specific steps for a married couple before considering divorce. 

Regarding such procedures, you may access the answer below: What are the Procedures and rulings of divorce?

What Are the Procedure and Rulings of Divorce? (

If- God forbid- he was to divorce her Islamically, she is still allowed to live with her in-laws if she prefers for the protection of her child as long as they permit her to do so.

Question 9:

I have committed Zina with one Christian women and we separated but later she converted to Islam . Is it permissible for me to marry her? 

Answer 9:

If both of you have repented of your past sins and changed your lifestyle, you can hope to receive Allah’s mercy.  And you can get married to a woman who has reverted to Islam. 

The Prophet (peace be upon him) gives us the good news that when a person reverts to Islam, all of their past sins are forgiven.

So, if she has reverted to Islam of her own free will, then she can hope for the mercy of Allah. And it would also be good on your part to marry her. 

On the Islamic teachings on repentance, you may access the answer linked below: 

The Door of Repentance Is Wide Open | About Islam

Question 10:

I’m creating an AI chatbot for a client that helps the user pick the best marketing products for their company. For example cups, pens, umbrellas. 12 industries are involved and they’re all Halal but one company the client makes products for is investing/banking. Im not directly promoting banking and the client makes pens etc is this haram to finish the project? I’m also not directly involved with interest. If it is how should
I explain to client after accepting the offer.

Answer 10:

Suppose you do not promote products specializing in interest transactions. In that case, creating an AI chatbot to help users pick the best halal marketing products should not be contentious. 

In this case, your work is not different from any other inventions or products that are considered neutral and may be used or abused. A person selling knives, microphones, or beds cannot be held accountable if those who buy them use them for haram purposes. The juristic rule states that we are not responsible for things out of our control or sight.

Question 11:

This is an imp question to me there are some PPL who do violent crimes then they repent &lead their life according 2 islamicways &get paradise someother dies before they wished 2 ask for repentance &go 2 hell so Sheikh how do u view this isn’t there an unbalance

Answer 11:

No one can answer such questions on behalf of Allah. These are issues we refer to as the wisdom and judgment of Allah. Belief in tawhid entails accepting Allah as Just, Wise, and Merciful. We are reminded time and again in the Qur’an that Allah does not wrong His servants; so, in so far as He punishes or forgives someone, He does so based on his wisdom and knowledge of the individual’s actions.  Allah reassures us in the Qur’an.

“Indeed, God does not wrong human beings in the least, but rather, they wrong themselves. (Qur’an: 10: 44).

“God doesn’t do injustice, even as much as an atom’s weight; while if there is a good deed, He multiplies it and gives from Himself a great reward.” (Qur’an: 4: 40).

As believers, we may do ourselves a favor by not overstepping our boundaries and questioning Allah’s ultimate wisdom and justice.

Question 12:

So… I typically when trying to find out the answer of a question look to only a few scholar but there is the music debate… the ones I look up to all say haram. But I searched for other opinions to suggest it’s halal. I read there opinions and it is logical. But my question is is it haram or wrong to search for a scholar until I find an opinion that suits me if there is one at all? Typically I don’t do this but I’m inclined to want to watch a movie with backround music.

Answer 12;

Fishing for fatwas that suit your ego needs, whims, and desires is not a desirable thing. However, there is nothing wrong in looking for another ruling if you do not find one answer unsatisfactory or unreasonable or find it hard to apply in your own specific circumstances.

Question 13:

I had a dream about a boy that i like at school. We never talk or come near each other since it is haram. However, i have made a lot of dua for him. I am a hijabi and maintain a relationship with Allah. I have met that boy’s mother and sisters at the masjid and i’ve talked to them before.
Importantly, the dream was about us sitting on a bench and i showed him a video that was funny on my phone and then he started laughing very loudly and leaning sideways near my thighs while laughing. At this time i was just smiling. And the boy was wearing the white Saudi outfit in the dream (and he is Saudi Arabian).
I searched for the meanings for this dream since i saw this dream after not having dreams for so long and i was curious, and the meaning of the dream was “us getting close together after a long wait”.
Now i am not sure if that’s a good sign or not? could you please let me know anything about that? 

Answer 13:

I don’t think you should attach much meaning to this dream; it is more likely to be a projection of your hopes, expectations, and anxieties.

So, instead of focusing on the dream, you should ask yourself: what is the best way of finding out whether this person is interested in marriage? It would help if you tried to find someone who can help you: an imam, a wise person, a leader with integrity in the community, or your elderly relative in the family without divulging anything about yourself.

Islam teaches us to think positively and act judiciously. The Prophet (peace be upon him) advised us to think positive and strive to achieve beneficial goals in life: ‘Aspire and hope to do what is beneficial for you, (and put forth your efforts) while seeking the help of Allah, and never feign helplessness; if after having expended the best of your efforts you become overwhelmed you should tell yourself: that was the will of Allah, and He does what He wills, and never say: If I had done this, it would have been different; such thoughts can only open the doors for Satan to play with your mind.” (Reported by Muslim)

Before closing, let me advise you to implore the help of Allah and guidance. Make lots of istighfar, for the Prophet (peace be upon him), reminds us that ‘whoever clings to istighfar Allah will ease their way out of difficulties, relief from difficulties and provide for them in ways they could never imagine.” (Reported by Abu Dawud)  

Question 14:

I am asking and seeking to gain knowledge from scholars.. my question is about animal sacrifice during Eid Adha, what i know, one should sacrifice an animal which they ‘raised’ in the name of Allah so they feel the pain of separation but willing to sacrifice in the name of God. In that case, i have no attachment to animal nor have i raised any animal to feel the pain of separation. I buy the animal, so i am really sacrificing money, with that said- is animal sacrifice a “must” in Islam? are there instructions in the Quran to sacrifice an animal ? or is it purely symbolic to honor Ibrahim (pbuh)? Reason i ask- we have so many Muslims who are suffering around the world, what if instead of buying an animal- i donate the funds to help people in Gaza or other suffering Muslims, will my sacrifice be justified? Many people confuse my inquiry with Zakat and advise me to send my zakat funds to help, but what i am asking is purely 2 separate topic. I give my zakat and that’s separate, for Eid Adha instead of buying an animal to sacrifice- what if i send the money to help people in Gaza or suffering Muslims.. will my sacrifice be accepted?

Answer 14:

There exists a range of scholarly opinions on the matter of sacrifice during Eid Al-Adha. The majority view holds that it is a highly recommended sunnah, not obligatory. However, Imam Abu Hanifah takes a different stance, considering it obligatory for those who are financially capable.

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) provided clear guidance on the timing of sacrifice, stating, “When the days of Dhul Hijjah draw near, and one of you wishes to offer sacrifice, let him not take anything of his hair or nails before the sacrifice has been made!” Those who argue for the highly recommended nature of sacrifice base their position on this report, suggesting that if it were obligatory, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) would have expressed it more definitively.

We also have precedents from eminent companions like Abu Bakr to strengthen the above position; we learn from the sources that they did not sacrifice every year, and they explained it, saying that it was not obligatory.

The institution of sacrifice in Islam aims to provide for everyone’s celebration of the festive days. It helps the poor and enables them to participate appropriately in the joys of Eid.

Having said this, however, if a person feels, because of exceptional circumstances such as the genocidal war in Gaza or elsewhere or tsunami disaster, that they can help them with the much-needed funds for food, shelter, urgent medical care, etc., then that is undoubtedly considered a most excellent act, worthy of tremendous rewards. It is perfectly fine to opt for charity instead of animal sacrifice, for Islam, in its legal prescriptions, allows for prioritization by specific difficulties and circumstances. Although the act of charity thus performed cannot be reckoned as a rite of sacrifice, it is undoubtedly meriting tremendous rewards.

For details on the significance of sacrifice in Islam, you may access the following answer:

What Is the Significance of Udhiyah? | About Islam

Question 15:

Is it permissible to ask someone over email if they are interested in marriage? If so, what are the guidelines for doing so without crossing Islamic boundaries? 

Answer 15:

There is nothing wrong in Islam in making a marriage proposal through email. A better approach would be to get someone to do it on your behalf, especially if you are a woman, for in certain cultures, they may be conditioned to consider it as unbecoming of a woman.

Having said this, I must rush to point out that during the time of the Prophet (peace be upon him), women and men used to propose. Even in the case of the Prophet (peace be upon him), his wife, Khadijah, initiated the marriage proposal to him. That is why there is no shortage of precedents from companions and pious generations who did the same thing.

Tuesday, May. 21, 2024 | 21:00 - 23:00 GMT

Session is over.
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