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New Jersey Halal Abattoir Ready for `Eid Al-Adha

As Muslims worldwide prepare for `Eid Al-Adha or feast of sacrifice, slaughter houses prepare for the first major celebration after two years of COVID pandemic restrictions.

Edibey Kucukkarca, who works in ENA Meat Packing, one of the largest Hahal slaughterhouses in US is in Paterson, NJ, shared the preparations for the feast.

“The big holiday is coming up. Some people call it `Eid Al-Adha, some call it Qurban or Qurbani,” Kucukkarca told North Jersey.

“This year it’s going to be a little different from the last two years, obviously, because of COIVD hasn’t been as hands on as we’re preparing this year.”

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`Eid Al-Adha, or “Feast of Sacrifice”, marks the end of the Hajj season and is one of the two most important Islamic celebrations, together with `Eid Al-Fitr.

`Eid begins with special prayers to mark the day. A financially-able Muslim sacrifices a single sheep or goat or shares with six others in sacrificing a camel or cow as an act of worship during the four-day `Eid Al-Adha celebrations.

After two years of interruption due to COVID-19 pandemic, many people are planning to perform Udhiyah this year.

“Those three days are very important to a lot of families. It’s reflective upon Prophet Ibrahim who used to sacrifice animals for the love of Allah,” Kucukkarca added.

The facility in New Jersey processes from 380,000 to 400,000 lambs a year. They also do some 350,000 and 400,000 cattle a year in the market with so much larger demand.