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Question regarding a Project


Assalam O alaikum all brothers and sisters. I am a freelancer and I provides motion graphics designing services on Fiverr, I got my first client about 3 months ago I worked with him and made him a 10 Seconds Instagram promotional video for his brands. He liked my work and Ordered 5 or 6 more 10 seconds videos, I did his job and now after some time he asked me to work for his company for a monthly basis at a salary of $500. He wants me to make his company 20 (10 seconds) promotional videos like his company logo appearing in a forest or in mountains and stuff etc.

But then I realised that I should know about his company’s main job so I did some research and Found that His company is a cannabis dispensary and selling weed with a label that it is for medical and recreational purposes. 

So here comes my question that Is it permissible for me do this Job? By the way the videos I made for him didn’t contained any adult content and stuff it was just based on his company logo appearing in forests, snow, grass etc. 

And my second question is that the money I made from him before I knew about his brand is that money halal for me cause I didn’t knew about that before and I still have that money so Can i keep it? Or should I give to charity purpose?

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Please help me regarding these questions, May Allah bless you all.


Wa `alaykum As-Salamu waRahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.

You need to ascertain the truth about the work of the company. You can only do their job if they are explicitly targeting selling such drugs for medicinal purposes only. Otherwise, you will be condoning haram; even as it is haram to sell haram stuff, it is equally haram to promote or condone or facilitate it in any way. So, unless you ascertain the facts, you should discontinue the work immediately. 

You should know once you earnestly try to get a halal source of income by trusting in Allah, Allah will bless your efforts.

It would help if you read the following Du’a:

Allaahumma aghninee bi halaalika an haraamika wa bi ta’atika an ma’siyathika wa bifadhlika amman siwaaka

(O Allah, make me self-sufficient with halal so that I do not turn to haram; make me self-sufficient with Your obedience so that I do commit the sinful; and make me self-sufficient with Your favor so that I do not need to look for the favor of the  mortals).

Almighty Allah knows best.

Thursday, Jan. 01, 1970 | 00:00 - 00:00 GMT

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