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How Do I Keep My Faith In Check Post-Hajj?

21 June, 2024
Q Assalamo Alaikom esteemed scholar, I just came back from Hajj. It was an amazing journey. As hard as it was to perform this fifth pillar, what kept me going was the amazing feeling of being so close to Allah. However, now I am worried about how my life will be post-Hajj, how can I keep that spiritual feeling and not return to sins?


Short Answer: 

  • The real test begins, as the hujjaj make their way back into the real world. A world which is filled with much evil, chaos and above all disunity.
  • Here are a few keystones. Firstly, they need to make a solid intention. A promise that they will do their best to stick to what is right and uphold their duties as a believer.
  • Secondly, to stay firm on their word they need Dua. Only Allah can help them when they try to plant their feet in His way.
  • Lastly, they need to bear in mind to use their time wisely, as one of the questions asked from them, in the hereafter, will be about how they spent their time.


A Diamond Among Other Jewels

Have you noticed how a diamond stands out among other jewels? Have you ever thought about the process it goes through to attain such flawless beauty?

A diamond has to go through extreme pressures and temperatures! It also has to be tested roughly and thoroughly, and after it passes through all the hurdles, the end result is a sparkling object that a person marvels – just by looking at it.

Although most of us are unaware of the process that diamonds undergo, all of us will acknowledge the elegance of it. Just like most of us are vaguely aware of the transformation of gems, we are also unfamiliar with the sacred practices of Hajj that an individual experiences – unless one has experienced it oneself.

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Eman on the High

Can there be any other means to reaffirm one’s faith than to visit the holy Kaaba? One is bespectacled by the magnificence of the structure, which the foundation was laid by one Prophet, and completed by another Prophet, i.e. Ibrahim and Muhammad peace and blessings be upon them both.

When one visits the holy places and goes through the strenuous ordeals of worshipping, even though it is just for two weeks, that individual comes out of the process with a different perspective. The way he perceives life is not the same as he used to.

The completion of the fifth pillar of his deen leaves him in utter humility and on an Eman (faith) high. In other words, he has become the diamond that everyone looks at with awe!

Going Back

After spending two weeks with about 3 million people with whom they shared the blessed journey, it’s time to leave the place and return to their own homes. Many hujjaj (pilgrims) return back with heavy hearts and loads of memories. It is indeed the hardest for one to bid farewell to the Kaaba.

However, the hujjaj are leaving the city filled with contentment. The peace and serenity that fills the hearts of the hujjaj is a sign of, Hajj mabrur (an accepted Hajj). They are returning back as clean as a newborn child. With all their sins forgiven!

Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) said: I heard the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) say:

“Whoever performs Hajj and does not commit any obscenity or commit any evil will go back (free of) sin as on the day his mother bore him” (Al-Bukhari & Muslim)

The Real Test

Now the real test begins, as the hujjaj make their way back into the real world. A world which is filled with much evil, chaos and above all disunity. The hujjaj are worried for themselves. How can they keep themselves safe from all this? In other words, how can they make sure not to waste their Hajj.

Most importantly they need to be organized. Organize their plans so that they can give each element in their lives their given right. Without making any preferences, set out time for family, oneself, and Allah. There are many approaches one can take. Here are a few keystones.

A Few Keystones

Firstly, they need to make a solid intention. A promise that they will do their best to stick to what is right and uphold their duties as a believer.  Secondly, to stay firm on their word they need- Dua. Only Allah can help them when they try to plant their feet in His way.

Lastly, they need to bear in mind to use their time wisely, as one of the questions asked from them, in the hereafter, will be about how they spent their time. Also when one keeps a check on time then he rarely wastes it, and it will help him to stay away from being a counterproductive person.  The Prophet (peace be upon him) said:

The feet of a servant will not touch the ground until he asked about his life and how he spent it; his knowledge and how he acted upon it; his wealth and how he acquired it and spent it and his body and how it was used.” (Al-Tirmidhi)

The True Believer

As a person’s life goes on so do the trials that he faces from day to day because Allah has placed every individual on Earth as a test. The true believer is the one who stands firm in the face of difficulty and does not forget his goal. As shaykh Al Islam Ibn Taymiyyah was quoted,

What can my enemies do to me? My paradise and my garden are in my heart; wherever I go, it is with me and never leaves me. If they detain me, I am alone (with my Lord). If they kill me, it is martyrdom. If they expel me from my homeland, it is a journey (and an opportunity to see other lands).”

And Allah knows best.

I hope this helps.

Salam and please keep in touch.

Please continue feeding your curiosity, and find more info in the following links:

10 Tips for Finding Inner Peace in a Turbulent World

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