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4. Addiction 3.3

As salamu alaykum brother,


Shokran for writing to our live session. I am sorry to hear of the situation that you have gotten yourself into my dear brother. As I understand, you have a female friend who you committed zina with on several occasions. As you know this is haram and a grave sin. As we can see, there is much wisdom in the rules regarding not having contact with the opposite sex. This is a perfect example of what can happen. You started out as friends, but as you stated time went on, you connected in a sexual way. When you connect sexually with somebody, is often difficult to break away, as you are seeing now.


Intimacy & Attachment

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You stated that you tried to keep away from her.  You stopped talking to her, stop calling and you even avoided coming face-to-face with her. Your attempts at avoiding her have not been successful. You keep returning to her and committing zina.  As you can see brother, this is a very powerful connection and that is why (in part) that it is strictly confined to the marriage relationship. You stated that you have other female friends, and this doesn’t usually happen between you and your other friends, only this one girl. I am not sure what you meant by “usually”, but I think you can now see it only takes “once” to become a serious problem that is hard to overcome.


As you have developed a sexual, emotional, and intimate relationship with her, of course it is going to be difficult to break away. However, you cannot continue in this sinful way. You have also acknowledged in your question. I kindly advise brother, to seek repentance from Allah, ask for His forgiveness, and promise yourself you’ll never do it again. Not only is this promise a part of repentance, it is also a verbal contract between you and your desires. Insha’Allah, you will honor this contract and you will honor your repentance and pleading forgiveness by not seeing this girl. It will be hard, but you will have to cut her off totally. I kindly suggest that insha’Allah, you also make duaa asking Allah to give you the strength to not see her or speak to her anymore.




Focus your mind and your thoughts on other things. Keep busy with either work, school, family, Islamic Studies, going to the Masjid, as well as socializing with uplifting righteous Muslim Brothers. You do not want to be among those who are on the path to Hell Fire. We all make mistakes, that is why we have Allah to go to for forgiveness, alhumdulilah. That is why in His Mercy, we can repent. Once we repent for our sins that means we are never to repeat them.


You are a good brother, you love Allah, you fear continuing sins and you desire to end this behavior. Brother, I am confident that you will make the right choice insha’Allah.  We wish you the best you are in our prayers.

Thursday, Jan. 01, 1970 | 00:00 - 00:00 GMT

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