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Wife Earns More Than the Husband: Is It a Problem?

24 July, 2021
Q Assalamualaikum.

If both a husband and a wife are employed and the wife earns more than her husband, is it best for her to divorce her husband because his monthly income is less than hers? He takes care of the entire household needs and never asks any money from his wife. He is a very good husband, not an abusive one.

The only problem is the monthly paycheck which is the biggest problem for the wife. It makes her think of getting divorced from her husband. Is it a good decision to make?


In this counseling video, you will learn:

Money should not be an issue between a couple.

It’s not a problem if the wife earns more then the husband as long as they have mutual understanding.

Reflect on the example of Khadijah who was a businesswoman earning much more than the Prophet.

There are many things to look up to in a man other than his money.

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Contemplate on what money means to you and to your wife.

Watch more:

About Megan Wyatt
Megan Wyatt is the founder of Wives of Jannah where she offers training programs, live workshops, and relationship coaching for wives and couples. She is a certified Strategic Intervention coach with specialized certifications for working with women and marital relationships and has been coaching and mentoring Muslims globally since 2008. She shares her passion for Islamic personal development in her Passionate Imperfectionist community. She is a wife and homeschooling mother with four children residing in Southern California.