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Tips for a More Productive & Enjoyable Summer

We may often associate summer with tiredness and low productivity.

Part of this may be due to hot weather, sleeping late, or just psychologically feeling that its summer and you need a break.

However, for most of us, our responsibilities do not change, we still need to work, study, and perform our daily chores.

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Even though, with some simple changes to our eating habits and lifestyle we can, God willing, find the energy to experience a more enjoyable and productive summer.

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Keep Balanced Blood Sugar

All cells in our body, especially our brain cells, burn glucose for energy, similar to the way car engines burns petrol.

It is, therefore, crucial to maintain a constant energy supply to avoid sudden dips in your blood glucose levels that could lead to sleepiness, exhaustion, irritability and increased hunger, which in many cases leads to poor food choices.

Does this mean we should eat more sugar to keep our blood sugar balanced? Absolutely not!

It is important to realize that any food we eat is broken down into glucose before it is used by our body. Refined sugars, such as table sugar and products made from white flour (e.g. white bread, pasta, and biscuits), take very little time to be broken down into glucose and are rapidly absorbed from our gut, causing blood sugar levels to rise above normal.

As the body tries to regulate this, it quickly secretes a surge of insulin into the bloodstream, which decreases blood sugar levels a little lower than its normal range, leading to the manifestations mentioned above like excess hunger and tiredness, after which it slowly regulates itself (Weatherby, 2004).

Thus, ideally, we want a meal that will give us a slower and a steadier release of glucose into the blood.

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About Sherin Saad
​Sherin Saad is a pharmacist that has recently qualified as a Nutritional Therapist from The College of Naturopathic Medicine in Edinburgh, UK. She is currently pursuing an M.Sc. in Personalized Nutrition. Sherin is interested in looking at how simple nutritional and lifestyle changes tailored for each person can have a big impact on the overall health and well-being of a person. Sherin is an Egyptian who was born in Sweden and raised between both countries. After her postgraduate studies in the UK, she has moved to Switzerland with her husband where she is learning more about how Muslim minorities cope in different European countries.