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What after Ramadan? (Live Fatwa)

Dear Brothers/Sisters,

Thank you very much for joining us in this Live Fatwa session. We would like also to thank our guest, Sheikh Ahmad Kutty, for answering all the questions directed to him. You will find the answers of your questions below.

Wednesday, Jul. 13, 2016 | 20:00 - 22:00 GMT

Session is over.
Views expressed by hosts/guests on this program (live dialogue, Facebook sessions, etc.) are their own and their appearance on the program does not imply an endorsement of them or any entity they represent.  

We all know the practices and views on beaches. Can Muslim families go to beaches in spite of what is happening there?

Muslims are allowed to go to beaches only if they are able to guard their eyes, ears, minds. It is impossible for anyone to guard these faculties in places where nudity is rampant. Allah’s laws are intended to safeguard us from the evil inclinations inherent in our nature.

Therefore, we ought to keep ourselves from being exposed to circumstances where we may be impelled to follow our carnal desires. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “The most foolish person is the one who follows his desires and yet vainly hopes for the mercy of Allah, whereas the wisest one is the one who restrains himself and works for his salvation in the next world.”

I pray to Allah to help us remain steadfast on the straight path.

Allah Almighty knows best.

Assalamualaikum. Can a Sunni girl marry a Shia boy?

You are allowed to get married to a Muslim following the Ja’fari Madhhab. However, marriage is long-term commitment and partnership. Since there are differences between certain beliefs and practices of Ahl Al-Sunnah and the Shi`ah, you should only be willing to tie the knot after you have figured out how to deal with the differences in an amicable way. It is not realistic to say that we would sort it out later.

So, I urge you to have all the points at stake and come up with a balanced and amicable way of dealing with the differences. You should stipulate that both of you should be able to follow your respective madhhabs without sacrificing the marriage relationship.

Once you have agreed upon the salient points, you should sign a contract to that effect. There is a saying, sometimes attributed to Prophet (peace be upon him) “There is no intelligence greater than planning.”

May Allah bless you in your decision and give you success, amen.

Allah Almighty knows best.

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Asalam alaykum. Please, explain to me how to perform ghusl for Jannabah. Thank you.

The proper method of ghusl (ritual bath) involves the following steps:

  1. Make the niyyah (intention) to perform ghusl for purification.
  2. Wash your private parts thoroughly with water.
  3. Perform wudu’ (ablution) except for washing your feet, which you can do later while bathing the body.
  4. Wash the entire body, starting with your head and the right side, followed by the left side.
  5. It is preferred that the whole body be washed three times. The minimum is once.

Having completed the above, you are considered eligible to perform the salah (prayer).

Allah Almighty knows best.

Assalamu alaicoum. I have 2 questions: 1. As far as I know, pregnant women get extra reward for their pregnancy. And what if this pregnancy happened out of wedlock and the child is illegal? Is there going to be any reward for it? 2. Is it allowed for a man to imagine another woman during intimacy with his wife? Jazakumullah khairan.

1. Sexual intercourse and getting pregnant out of wedlock is a grave sin for which you will have to account before Allah. As a believer, that ought to be your real worry. As for the pangs of childbirth, it can be a blessing only if you have repented of your sin and changed your life around. Otherwise, the suffering will only be an advance punishment for you in this world, and that which awaits you in the next world might be even graver. So, I would urge you to hasten to repent and seek forgiveness. For details on repentance, let me cite here from one of my earlier answers:

“While speaking of repentance, I must rush to add, that it cannot be considered as valid unless one takes the following steps:


Firstly, one must feel deep remorse for the sins one has committed.


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Secondly, one must refrain from it totally while also abstaining from all those leads or circumstances that led him to such a sin in the first place.


Thirdly, he must be firmly resolved never to sin again, and immediately becoming occupied in whatever good deeds that he can in order to wipe out his past sins.


Fourthly, all of the above involve sins involving the rights of Allah; if, however, your sins involve the rights of human beings, then you must also do whatever it takes to return or compensate or redress the grievances of the person you have wronged. Paying him his dues or compensating him in whatever ways possible becomes an essential condition of valid repentance.


Repentance, as stated above once accomplished, will undoubtedly wipe out one’s sins, and guarantee him a clean record. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “One who has repented of a sin (sincerely) is like one who has never sinned at all.””

As for the child born out of wedlock, he or she is not tainted by the sin of fornication or adultery. In Islam, each person is responsible for his or her actions.


1. An individual who is thinking of another woman during sexual intimacy with his wife is committing a grave sin; it is akin to committing adultery, for contemplating zina is also considered a form of zina. As Imam Ash-Shafi`i says the intention is the act of mind which is more important than actions of limbs. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “Actions are judged according to intentions.”

Therefore, a person who is relating to his wife while imagining of another is as guilty as someone committing actual zina.

Allah Almighty knows best.

Salamu alaykum dear sir, I'm a practicing Muslim woman living in the UK. I'm married and have 2 kids. My husband is a good man and he treats me well but he is not practicing, he doesn't pray…etc. My problem is: 10 years ago and before I marry my husband, I've been in love with another man, he was pious and wonderful. We loved each other deeply without even shaking hands or do anything which is haram but my family rejected him and after that I married my current husband and I stopped communication with my beloved. I wasn't able to love my husband because I never forgot my beloved one although I tried a lot to keep away from thinking about him because I know this was wrong but it's really beyond my control. Currently, after about 10 years of separation, I met my beloved and he said that he still loves me deeply and dreams about marrying me. We know it's impossible as now each one of us has a family but we can't help but love each other after all these years. Now I pray and ask Allah for help and forgiveness but I wish there would be a way to reunite with my love even in Jannah. I make du`a’ every day that Allah reunites me with him in Jannah. Is it possible for us to marry in Jnnah even if we haven't married in dunya? I mean can I choose another husband in Jannah? And what can I do now to escape my bad feelings of loss, guilt, and deprivation?

You are guilty of a major sin by thinking of another man while being married. If you had been in genuine love with him, you should have married him. So, you were wrong to marry this man while your heart was with another.

Now there is no use brooding over the past.

If you care about your faith, you ought to forget about the whole affair and try your best to keep your marriage.

To continue to dwell on this is a grave sin.


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As for the question whether you will be able to be united with him in the hereafter is a question I am not able to answer.


Your immediate concern should be to prepare yourself to be worthy of heaven. Heaven is where we will enjoy ultimate bliss, the like of which no mind could ever conceive.

Allah Almighty knows best.

Asslam-o-Alaikum Dear Scholar, I hope you are fine. Nowadays, I am having a very bad luck. Nothing is going in my favor and I feel really disappointed sometimes. It feels like my heart has become hard. I don't feel like praying and I feel nothing. No guilt. No regret. No happiness. Nothing. Sometimes, I start to pray but the very next moment, I stop even my supplications. Once, I was so close to Allah that I talked to him each and every second. My friends asked me to pray for them because they believed that my prayers are answered. Now, I have even forgotten how to pray. Perhaps, I have come very far away from the right path. I really want to come to right path, but my heart doesn't return to Allah. Please, tell me what should I do? And May I start it only with Farz (Obligations)? Five prayers are very much for me. May I start it with only Fajr and `Isha’?

Perhaps your heart is rusted because of the sins or your excessive preoccupations with the worldly matters. The solution is not to give up prayer; rather you ought to engage in introspection and remove those barriers or obstacles that prevent you from tasting the sweetness of faith.

Let me cite here from one of my earlier answers posted elsewhere:


I must commend you for asking this question. It shows your love of Allah. The answer is at once simple and difficult. It is simple to state, but it is, however, difficult to practice, as we are up against many trials when we do so. The Prophet, peace be upon him, said, ‘hell is paved by things that are pleasing to the carnal soul, while heaven is paved by those things that hard on the carnal soul.” (Al-Bukhari)


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Let me, however, list some of the ways of enhancing our faith:


1) As mentioned in a Hadith Qudsi, in order to increase our iman, we need to be diligent in performing our religious duties, while doing our best to do as much supererogatory acts of worship or virtue that we can;


2) Read the Qur’an and seek solace, healing and inspiration in the divine speech. Read it while reflecting on its lessons, and seeking to practice them;


3) Keep the role model of the Prophet, peace be upon him, in front of you and try to emulate his beautiful examples;


4) Seek to purify your soul of its vices and impurities by engaging in introspection: Ask yourself whether you are guilty of the things which you abhor in others. And see if you have those qualities which you admire in others;


5) Keep track of the way you spend your time and energy: Ask yourself if the efforts you are expending energy are worthwhile when you visualize the spectacle of your own death: When all of your life’s work will be played in your mind’s screen as if in a movie;


6) Make dhikr (remembrance of Allah) your second habit and keep the company of those who would help you to remember Allah. Avoid friends who would make you heedless of Allah and run away from them as if from a plague;


7) Read and reflect on the hadith and the sirah of the Prophet and the life-stories of the salaf al-ssalih (pious predecessors). Reflect on them for inspiration. If possible choose the early morning hours to do so. Imam Ibn al-Mubarak was asked, “Why don’t you entertain visitors in the early morning hours?” He replied, “this is because I choose this time to be in the company of the salaf al-ssalih!” They asked, “They are dead long time ago; so how could you be in their company?” He said, “By reading and reflecting on their life-stories!”


I pray to Allah to make us among those who are forever seeking to enhance our iman (faith) to be among those who are chosen by Allah for Himself-amen.

Allah Almighty knows best.

I've always thought that our supplications to Allah (swt) might help us in obtaining something we want and which good for us but recently I've come across some brothers and sisters that firmly stated the opposite. I am now confused. If du`a’ doesn’t change anything, and everything is already written, then why should we make du`a?

It is wrong to say that Du’a has no benefit. Anyone who has even a smattering of the Qur’an will not fail to recognize the significance and efficacy of Du’a.

There is no dearth of precedents for prayers heard as we read in the Qur’an. We are told time and again that Allah answered the prayers of His messengers and the believers who called upon Him.

Hence He orders His servants to call upon Him and assures them He will answer them: “Your Lord says, “call upon Me, and I will answer your prayers.”

And the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “Du’a always helps, whether you are dealing with the decree that has come to pass or did not yet come pass.”

He also said nothing beats the decree like Du’a.

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There is no contradiction between faith in the divine decree and the belief in the efficacy of Du’a. God decrees both.

Allah Almighty knows best.

As-salamualaykum. My question is that can you sleep on your chest, though acknowledging the fact Islam says right side. Which is permissible? Laying on the chest or back

Al-Bukhari and Muslim report on the authority of al-Bara’ b. ‘Azib that the Prophet (peace be upon him) advised a person that prior to retiring to bed one should perform ablutions and sleep on the right side and offer supplications to Allah.”

We also read in another hadith the Prophet (peace be upon him) admonishing someone who slept on his tummy.

So, we are advised to sleep on the right side and avoid all other positions. Since the Prophet (peace be upon him) is inspired by Allah, we can rest assured that it would be more conducive to our health.

Allah Almighty knows best.