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What Does Spirituality Feel Like for Muslims?

Peace be upon you Dearest Laura,

Thank you so much for sending your beautiful question. We’re thrilled to receive it and we would be more than happy to respond to this question and all other questions you wish to send us in the future as well (God willing).

Spirituality in Islam is more than just a feeling. It is true knowledge of The Source of the Spirit (God), sincere pursuit of Him, persistent connection with Him, commitment to loving Him, and remaining on His path until The Day we meet Him.

So, it is a life journey of growth, sincerity, and commitment to The Creator (The Source of the spirit), not a fleeting moment of excitement or spiritual boost.

If you think about it: when we love someone, we want to hear their words, and we want to speak with them and connect with them often. Correct?

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This is what Islam (which means submission to The Creator) essentially entails and explains to all mankind in regards to their relationship with their One Creator.

People can easily say they “love” someone, but love needs work, effort, and commitment. It also needs faithfulness and dedication.

So, spirituality entails true love and faithfulness to The Creator of all humankind, knowing that He is The Only Deity worthy of worship. Obviously, if you love someone and they love you back, you expect that they will deeply know you and be dedicated to you: not claim they love you, and then have another relationship with a second and third party, right?

So this is the first aspect of Islam, tawheed (pure monotheism) i.e.: knowing that God is One, He is nothing like His creation; He alone we worship, and He alone we ask for help and dedicate our lives to.

Secondly, after this knowledge/acknowledgement, we need to listen to the Words of our Beloved. All lovers love to listen to their beloved’s words, right? So, spirituality entails listening to/reciting The Creator’s Direct Verbatim Words (The Qur’an), praying with them and making dua (supplication) directly to Him and daily to connect with Him.

So this provides means for a serious, steady, and committed relationship.

The beauty here is that Allah (Arabic for The One and Only God) tells all humankind that He is with them wherever they are and they can speak to Him whenever and wherever they are directly without intermediaries, knowing that He is The One who knows what goes on in their hearts, minds, and souls even before they speak—but He wants them to speak to Him, ask of Him, learn about Him and grow in love, knowledge, and closeness to Him … because this is why He created them.

“And when My servants ask you concerning Me – indeed I am near. I respond to the invocation of the supplicant when he calls upon Me. So let them respond to Me and believe in Me that they may be [rightly] guided.” (Qur’an. 2:186)

“And We have already created man and know what his soul whispers to him, and We are closer to him than [his] jugular vein.” (Qur’an 50: 16)

You can listen to The Opening Chapter of the Qur’an here.

Please read the following for more detailed perspectives that will help with your paper:

Connecting with The Light of the Heavens and the earth

Why are their requirements in faith?

Why can’t we see God?

The Pillars of Islam and Spirituality

What is the value of Tawhid (Pure Monotheism?)

All the best and please keep in touch.

Thursday, Jan. 01, 1970 | 00:00 - 00:00 GMT

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