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Ask About Hajj (Live Fatwa Session)

Dear Brothers/Sisters,

Thank you very much for joining us in this Live Fatwa session. We would like also to thank our guest, Sheikh Ahmad Kutty, for answering all the questions directed to him. You will find the answers of your questions below.

Wednesday, Aug. 03, 2016 | 18:00 - 20:00 GMT

Session is over.
Views expressed by hosts/guests on this program (live dialogue, Facebook sessions, etc.) are their own and their appearance on the program does not imply an endorsement of them or any entity they represent.  

I read in a website that in Islam it is mean’s duty to do indoor work and outdoor work, is it true even if they get old?

I don’t know the source of this view. Islamic view of marriage – as we can readily infer from a close study of the Qur’an and the Prophetic traditions is that husband and wife are equal partners sharing duties and responsibilities. That is why we learn from the sources that the Prophet’s daughter Fatimah used to take care of work at home, while Ali, her husband, would go out to work.

Her hard work at home rendered her so weak that she came to the Prophet asking if he could help her find a maid to spare her some of these responsibilities. The prophet did not have the means to do so and so he told her to be patient and be diligent in dhikr which would make her task easy.

Having said this, we also know that the Prophet (peace be upon him) used to help his family in some of their chores.

So while a man the breadwinner is mainly responsible for work outside, he may do well to assist his family with their daily chores as best as he can. One cannot, however, say that he is responsible for work outside as well as inside, and the wife is relieved of all domestic duties.

It is at once unfair and unjust. It is opposed to the wisdom and rationale of the Shari`ah or divine laws.

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Allah Almighty knows best.

I was discussing a Christian friend trying to convince him to become a Muslim because Islam is the true Religion. He asked me a lot of questions but when he asked me about the death of Prophet `Isa (peace be upon him), I was unable to explain to him the circumstances of his death. I have just told him that he has not been crucified and not resurrected but another person (I think Juda but I'm not sure). Could you give me some precisions about the circumstances of his death? Who has been crucified? And where was Prophet `Isa (peace be upon him) the day of the crucifixion? Thank you for your answer.

There are no credible accounts of the events of the life of Jesus (peace be upon him), especially his last days, including the so-called crucifixion and resurrection. The sources are not reliable. Professor Ehrman who was an evangelical Christian came to this conclusion after years of intense research in the history of the Bible; he went even as far as renouncing Christianity as he found the sources unreliable.

In light of these, it is only reasonable for us to heed the Qur’anic statement

And their boast, “Behold, we have slain the Christ Jesus, son of Mary, [who claimed to be] an apostle of God!” However, they did not slay him, and neither did they crucify him, but it only seemed to them [as if it had been] so; and, verily, those who hold conflict­ing views thereon are indeed confused, having no [real] knowledge thereof, and following mere con­jecture. For, of a certainty, they did not slay him.”(Qur’an: 4:157)

Ehrman’s life-long research confirms the following testimony of the Qur’an:

Woe, then, unto those who write down, with their own hands, [something which they claim to be] divine writ, and then say, ‘This is from God,’ in order to acquire a trifling gain thereby; woe, then, unto them for what their hands have written, and woe unto them for all that they may have gained!” (Al-Baqarah 2:79)

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See the note of Muhammad Asad:

The reference here is to the scholars responsible for corrupting the’ text of the Bible and thus misleading their ignorant followers. The “trifling gain” is their feeling of pre-eminence as the alleged “chosen people”.” (Quran 2:79)

Allah Almighty knows best.

Is it allowed to kill lizards? And what is the ruling on killing the living things? Here it is a misconception that killing lizards is a good dead and you will get reward for it. Kindly guide me about this matter. Thank you.

The Qur’an teaches us that all of the creatures or beings in the land and the sea are communities like humans; they glorify God and extol His praise.

Therefore, we are not allowed to kill them unless they pose a threat to our life. The Prophet wanted to teach this lesson when he said, “There was a prophet of the past who was stung by an ant, and in a fit of anger he ordered the anthill to be burned down. Allah revealed to him, ‘Because one ant stung you, you dare to burn down an entire community that glorifies God?

Therefore, the lizard is not an exception; we are only allowed to kill it if it poses a danger to our life.

Allah Almighty knows best.

Dear Scholar. As-salam-O-Alaikum. I live in Rawalpindi, Pakistan. From the last several months I have studied and listened to the debates of several national and international Islamic scholars. I am trying to improve my religious knowledge day by day. I have a question which is detailed below: It is usually said by Islamic scholars specially Sufi scholars that Qalb (heart) of a human being can get sick or hard or even dead. It is said on the basis of several Quranic Ayaat that talk about the Qalb. I have also studied that the good health of the Qalb can help the wasawis of Shaytan away, and can save us from anxiety, fear and other mental sicknesses. Also there is a Hadith, “Truly in the body there is a morsel of flesh which, if it is sound, all the body is sound and which, if it is diseased, all of it is diseased. Truly it is the heart." The above Hadith also tells us to have a sound body physically and may be mentally good the health of the Qalb is important or essential. Now my question is: as per Islam, all the nonbelievers, Kuffars, Mushriks etc. have sick or diseased or dead hearts. Then, how there are so many good athletes and so many great scientists in the nonbeliever world? How are their bodies and mind functioning in a proper manner and they have good intelligence level and memory etc. and they are inventing new inventions day by day?

The Hadith is speaking of the spiritual heart. Humans consist of three faculties or components: body, mind, and soul. An ideal person is one who fosters all of the three. A person may be of the sound body while his mind and soul may be weak; while another may be strong in mind while the soul is weak.

The prophet tells us that the essence of man is his spiritual soul which outlives death.  It is not to deny the importance of body and mind. The last two faculties are not the ones that would bring him salvation in the next world; rather, it is thanks to the soul which is the locus of the divine spirit that God has dignified humans.

In conclusion, a person who neglects his soul becomes sick spiritually regardless of the state of his mind or body.

Allah Almighty knows best.

A friend of mine had a car accident because of the game called “Pokémon Go.” So, is it allowed to open this application while driving or any similar situation?

Driving is a serious responsibility as one’s negligence or recklessness endangers lives: one’s own as well those of others.

Therefore, anyone who occupies himself with distractions such as texting or phoning or using devices while driving is committing a grave sin, and they are accountable for their irresponsible actions.

Allah Almighty knows best.

It was published in the news that Pokémon fictional characters appeared in the Ka`bah, which has angered many Muslims as they considered it desecrating the holiest place on earth. My question is: what is the ruing of playing this game in certain places such as the Holly Mosque (Al-Haram)?

I don’t quite understand this question. How can such fictional characters appear in Ka`bah? Perhaps one is talking about a cartoon depicting such a thing.

It is wrong to do so as it amounts to doing irreverence. As Muslims we ought to reverence the symbols of Allah and Ka`bah is one of the greatest symbols.

Allah Almighty knows best.

My wife does not pray or fast. Is she a disbeliever?

It all depends on why does she not pray or fast. Thus, if she does not pray or fast out of laziness without denying their obligation, then she is still considered a Muslim – as stated in the Aqidah Tahawaiyyah; a person guilty of major sins does not go out of the fold of Islam unless he or she justifies them or declaring them as lawful.

Having said this, let us not forget that Prayer is the most important pillar of Islam: It is the means of salvation and the key to paradise. So, by neglecting it, one is endangering his or her salvation.

Allah Almighty knows best.

I have some health problems and my doctor advised me to do hijamah. Can I do it during the daytime of Ramadan?

This issue is contentious among scholars: one group considers it as one of the things that break the fast, while others do not think so. The differences of opinion are due to the different reports attributed to the Prophet (peace be upon him) on this issue. He has been reported saying, “Both the one who practices blood- cupping and the one receiving it break their fasts.” On the other hand, Ibn Abbas says that the Prophet (peace be upon him) did undergo blood-cupping while fasting.

The majority who allow the practice do so by relying on the reported practice of the Prophet and his companions, as we know many used to undergo it while fasting.

This group considers the previous report as being abrogated.

While endorsing the majority view on this, some scholars have rightly said it would be better if one has a choice to postpone it until after iftar – especially if it leaves a person weak and unable to continue the fast. The same rule applies to donating blood while fasting.

Allah Almighty knows best.

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Do major sins break the fast?

The purpose of fasting is to develop taqwa (piety) or mindfulness of Allah. Taqwa entails staying away from sins of mind, body and tongue by visualizing one’s standing for the final judgment before Allah, the Master, and Judge.

Therefore, fasting is not merely abstention from foods and drinks; rather it involves abstention from sins of all mind, major and minor, outward and inward.

Hence, one cannot benefit from fasting unless he or she restrains themselves from indulging in sins.

The Prophet’s words are worth remembering in this context, “Whoever does shun foul speech and indulging in obscene and lewd acts, Allah does not need him to go without food or drinks.” He also said, “Many fast and yet they gain nothing out of their fasts except hunger and thirst!

Allah Almighty knows best.

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I am wondering if it is OK to deliver the Friday sermon (kutbah) in English.

Khutbah is all about communication and delivering a message; as such, it should be in the language of the people. If the language most members of the congregation understand is English, then that is the language to be used. If however, on the other hand, they know Arabic, then it should be in Arabic.

Jumu`ah is the biggest weekly assembly, and it is, therefore, important to use the sermon to enlighten and educate people. It is no wonder then that the Prophet, as well as the righteous caliphs, used the khutbah for the purpose of education, motivation, and inspiration.

In light of the above considerations, the majority of imams belonging to all of the four schools find no objection in using the language of the people in delivering the Friday sermon.

Imam Abu Hanifah was the most vocal exponent of this view.

According to Hanafi school –  as authenticated by the eminent jurists of school –  Arabic is not one of the requirements for the validity of Khutbah –  regardless of whether people understand Arabic or not.

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According to the Shafi and Hanbali School, it is fine to deliver the message of khutbah in the language other than Arabic, if people do not understand Arabic. They, however, insist that the main arkaan (or integrals of khutbah) should be in Arabic, including verses from the Arabic and the words of Hamd (praising of God) and Salah (benedictions), and the verses of the Qur’an.

Imam Malik alone is the one who insisted that Khutbah should be in Arabic.

However, even the scholars belonging to his school in modern times have eagerly endorsed the view of the majority on this issue – thus they agree that khutbah should be in the language that the people understand.

Based on such considerations, the scholars of Azhar as well the World Fiqh Council authenticate this position as well.

Allah Almighty knows best.

Sometimes I have to pray Jum`ah in my local mosque. We live in a remote area where there is a little number of Muslims. How many people are required for Friday prayer?

Jumu`ah is the largest weekly assembly of Muslims; it is intended to foster a sense of community and unity among Muslims; therefore, it should be the biggest gathering of Muslims possible in the town or village.

Therefore, scholars are divided on the precise number of Muslims necessary to hold the Jumu`ah. Some say the minimum number should be forty; others say, it should be twelve, and still others place the minimum at three. All of them, however, agree that the larger the number better.

Since there is nothing in the sources to insist on a specific number, there is no need for us to consider any of these views as absolutely binding.

One may hold Jumu`ah therefore even if one can gather three persons, two besides the Imam – as some eminent scholars have stated.

Allah Almighty knows best.

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I am a Muslim living in France. I am wondering about the church attack that took place some time ago. What does Islam say about attacking houses of worship in non-Muslim majority countries? How should Muslims react to this incident?

Those who perpetrate such horrible crimes are violating the fundamental teachings of Islam which teach the sanctity of life and forbid the desecration of places of worship.

We may do well to remember that while dispatching soldiers to battle, the Prophet used to order clear directives that they should not disturb the worshippers or kill civilians or destroy houses or burn down trees, etc.

Furthermore, while explaining the purpose of Jihad or just war, Allah tells us that one of its primary purposes is to preserve and protect all places of worship:

“[They are] those who have been evicted from their homes without right – only because they say, “Our Lord is Allah .” And were it not that Allah checks the people, some by means of others, there would have been demolished monasteries, churches, synagogues, and mosques in which the name of Allah is much mentioned. And Allah will surely support those who support Him. Indeed, Allah is Powerful and Exalted in Might.” (Al-Hajj: 22:40)

Therefore, it behooves all Muslims to condemn such acts of terrorism unconditionally and distance themselves from such groups who use the names of Islam to justify their heinous crimes.

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Allah Almighty knows best.

Why are disbelievers always mentioned a lot in the Qur’an?

Kufr (disbelief) is the word used in the Qur’an for rejection of faith in God; kuffar (disbelievers) are those who deny the existence of God and thus fail to recognize their existence as knowledge of God is innate to humans; it is as natural as a person’s instinct to eat while experiencing hunger and thirst.

The Qur’an is a manual of life for humanity.  It calls  them to come to their natural state of recognizing God and thus realizing their full potential as humans and thus find peace and tranquility.

It is not different from a loving father calling back his beloved children to him after they have walked away from him in rebellion.

Therefore, all such references are signs of God’s infinite love for humans.

Allah Almighty knows best.

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I have reached a stage where I can no longer find inner peace. I am crushed by hardships, and at the same time I think that my hardships would be comical to a different person. Depression has been eating at my core for about a decade now. I feel unwanted by society as a whole. I have been living isolated since my depression set in and now I can no longer function in society. I can no longer talk to people. By that I mean that when I talk my words don't make sense. Only when I have the time to compose words, I am able to think properly. Besides that, I can no longer keep a conversation going. My family has expectations from me that I believe I can't fulfill. I am so worried about ending up homeless and destitute because I can't function in society anymore. I love Allah but I wish I had never been created. I remember when I was younger, I used to feel alive. Now I am stuck in survival mode every breath I take eating me up more and more. I don't know if there is a point for all this pain. Am I supposed to do something or is Allah testing my patience?

In answering your question, I can only cite here one of my earlier answers to a similar question:

“I pray to Allah to grant you relief, and inspire you to have patience to face His will. While empathizing with your concerns about your condition, I must say that taking medication and treating ourselves through experts is an important Islamic teaching. The Prophet, peace be upon him, reportedly said, “Treat yourself through medications, for Allah has sent down a cure even as He has sent down the disease.” In this regard, the Prophet, peace be upon him, used to consult experts who visited Madinah from all over the Arabian peninsula, as his own beloved wife Aisha tells us.

Regarding mental illnesses, they too are illnesses and as such, should be treated. Otherwise, we will be asked by Allah why we did not use the treatments that were available to us. Whether or not a particular medication is addictive, is not for you or I or anyone else to determine and should be left in the hands of those trained in that particular field, in your case, only a trained psychiatrist is in a position to judge whether or not you should fear addiction.

That being said, “all medications have side effects but are generally prescribed when it is determined that the potential for benefit outweighs the risks – this could be the situation in your case.” However, only your doctor (not anyone else) is in a position to gauge this because of his/her extensive training in the area and specific knowledge of your illness.

Coming to the issue why Allah is testing you, it is not for me to speak on behalf of Allah. As those who believe in His sovereignty, we are expected to surrender to His will. His will defies human logic and therefore, it is not up to us humans to question His will. We are simply to surrender to it, and ask Him to make us content with His will. Nevertheless, we are to try our best to avert what can be averted, while bearing patiently that which cannot be averted. This alone is the perfect recipe for peace and tranquility for our souls.

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Toward this end, the following few du’as can help you to beseech Allah’s mercy for cure and healing, and ultimately peace of mind:

Allaahumma rabba al-nnas adhih al-ba’sa ishfi want al-sshaafi laa shifaaa illa shifa’uka shifa’an laa yughaadiru saqaman.

O Allah, Your are the Lord of mankind. Remove my affliction and bring down cure for there is no cure except Yours. Cure me in such a way that no trace of illness is left.

As’a lu alAllah al-zheem rabba al-arshi al-azheem an yashfiyanee.

I beseech Allah, the Lord of the Mighty Throne, to cure my affliction and grant me relief.

Also, read Surat Al-Fatihah and blow into your hands, then wipe over your face and chest as often as you can, asking Allah to grant you relief.

May the Almighty grant you peace of mind, body and soul, ameen.

Allah Almighty knows best.

This is not a direct employment from bank. However, I will be required to work at client bank site. Is it halal or haram to work on developing software for banks? Please, clarify.

You are allowed to work in a bank as long as you are not involved in interest-bearing transactions.  Such is the ruling of eminent scholars.

However, if you have another job wholly free of any taints of haram such as interest, etc. you should prefer it.

For further details, you may consult Dr. Monzer Kahf who is an expert in Islamic finance. You may contact him here.

Allah Almighty knows best.

What is the significance of cutting hair after performing Hajj?

Hajj and its rituals, as well as other important acts of worship, are instituted by Allah for purposes some of them are plainly clear to us, while others are not so clear. Allah is Wise and All-Knowing, and all of His laws have tangible benefits.

Hajj is once in a life-time journey whose primary purpose is to help Muslims witness the great signs of God and to remind them of their final journey to Allah.

A Haaj (pilgrim) enters ihram while freeing himself from all of the worldly entanglements and evidence of status or wealth demonstrating his poverty and dependence on Allah. He is dusty and disheveled; and hence, once he completes the rituals he sheds the hair as a symbolic demonstration of coming out of the state of consecration. Imam Shah Waliyullah explains the wisdom of shedding the hair in Hajj as follows:

It is the sure way of coming out of ihram in a manner that does not bespeak irreverence. If one were to left to follow his or her way in doing so, each person would have followed his way. Furthermore, it suggests a perfect manner of ending the state of being disheveled; therefore it is akin to uttering salam on both sides at the conclusion of Prayer.

Allah Almighty knows best.

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Is there any significance of white garments of pilgrims?

The Prophet (peace be upon him) ordered us to learn the rites of Hajj from him. We know that he and his companions wore white garments while performing Hajj and `Umrah.

Furthermore, the Prophet (peace be upon him) also encouraged us to wear white clothes and shroud our dead ones in them.

Allah Almighty knows best.

Can I pay the Hajj costs in installments?

There is no objection in paying for Hajj through installments. It is, however, best that you do so when you can pay for the entire Hajj in one installment. Hajj, as we should know, is obligatory only on those who can afford it financially and physically.

However, since Islam is a religion of ease and mercy, one may pay for it in installments as long as one is solvent and can pay off the debts, in the case of any unforeseen circumstances of death or incapacitating illness.

Allah Almighty knows best.

Should I perform ablution for all the rituals of Hajj?

We are recommended to be in a state of wudu’ while performing the rituals of Hajj such as Tawaf, Sa`y, pelting the stone pillar, etc. However, wudu’ is not all a requirement for any of the rituals other than Tawaf, according to the vast majority of scholars.

Therefore, rituals such as Sa`y and pelting are perfectly valid without wudhu.

There is also a minority such as Ibn Taymiyyah and Ibn Hazm who are of the opinion that while wudu’ is recommended for Tawaf, it is still valid without it.

Having said this, I would rush to point out:  Since the Prophet said that all of the rituals of Hajj are instituted to celebrate dhikr Allah (Remembrance of Allah), we are encouraged to be in a state of purity. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, I prefer to make dhikr while in a state of wudu’.

Allah Almighty knows best.

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Can a woman go to Hajj without her husband's permission?

No Muslim husband can stop his wife – provided she can afford to do so – from going to Hajj if she has not performed it earlier. Hajj is an obligatory duty on everyone who is physically and financially able.

Allah Almighty says, “Pilgrimage unto the (sacred) House (in Makkah) is a duty owed to God by all people who can undertake it. And as for those who deny the truth – verily, God does not stand in need of anything in all the worlds.” (Qur’an: 3:97)

Since Hajj – once in lifetime – is a duty she owes to God, her husband cannot stop her provided she takes all precautions for her safety.  She can do so if she travels with a mahram or group of women or even as some scholars have ruled in a safe company of a trusted group of men and women.

In conclusion, a woman may do well to seek her husband’s permission, but if she is stubborn and unreasonable to agree, she may go for Hajj, and she is justified in doing so as the rights of God have precedence over the right of mortals.

Allah Almighty knows best.

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